
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by iTs_NeXn, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Designed and forged by NeXn

    Click the icons in the image below to download the custom gametypes.



    Well, this map originally started after I started playing some UT3 1v1's for the first time, and then playing Nasty's unreleased map 'Vertigo' and they both really inspired me to design a solid 1v1 map that heavily focuses on movement and map control rather than simply positioning and timing weapons. So, I whipped out the pen and paper and started doodling. The map actually started as a large square segmented into smaller shapes and then numbered off coresponding to the way I wanted the map to flow, and I then drew in the tele-lines as well. I then took what I had on paper and threw it onto a flat surface in Sketchup and began to adjust the heights of areas around the map until I had the correct numbers from my sketch, then from there the magic just started happening and I spent a good 4 hours just discovering Sequence for myself. After I added in the jump bars that run through the middle, I starting thinking about how that could tie into using the sprint armor ability, namely its ability to allow the player to sprint jump across gaps and through windows. So I started to think of routes that you could take that were both dangerous, yet highly rewarding and work them into the design. A huge amount of time was put into the jumping aspect of the map, so in turn, the whole map is focused around a series of major jump sequences that if aren't used correctly, could cost you the game, as your opponent will be using them to his full advantage to snag control of the two stackable overshields, as well as maintain control of either of the two snipers, and the 4 shot grenade launcher.


    Now before I go any further, I'd like to elaborate on the stackable overshields; meaning if you pick one up while still having shield left from another overshield, it will add to your current layer of shield. You can potentially stack a 4x overshield on Sequence if you run your opponent well enough, but that is highly unlikely, but is very possible and has been done. One thing to keep in mind is that these overshields can be burned. Even if you currently have an overshield, if you get shot, you still have to wait the 4 seconds for your shield to reset for you to be able to obtain your next overshield. I also want to take this time to remind everybody to not overlook the spiker, as it will cut through a full overshield in seconds, almost 2x as fast as a plasma repeater. It's a very valueble weapon when you know your opponent has an overshield, so don't ignore it.

    The map houses 3 sets of 1 way teleporters, which once you get down, are crutial to playing and traversing the map effectively. One of the maps main features, or gimmicks if you will, is a jump pad, which is the first of its kind for Halo. A jump pad is an area on the floor that you can freely walk upon, yet when you jump, it acts as a lift. If you've ever played UT, you know what I'm saying.
    Here's an illustration:


    The gametype that the map plays with features unlimited sprint with all other settings set to default, aside from DMR starts and custom powerup traits to allow for an OS that's stackable, since MLG gametypes don't use these yet. The map will not function properly without the gametype, the basic flow of the map will still be there, but the bar jumps and other sprint jumps won't be able to be done and those are very important. So please, when you download it, play the map with the correct settings. Some people might be thinking 'unlimited sprint?! WTF?!' and yeah, UNLIMITED SPRINT. These settings proved to play the best, and is what the map was the designed for. Do not wreck on the settings before playing. The sound cue of somebody sprinting is a sure fire way for that person thats sprinting around the map non stop to get killed, so use your sprint when you need it to traverse the maps routes successfully, and not to simply sprint around the map; your opponent will be able to pin point your position rather easily. Makes for a nice risk = reward scenario throughout the entire game with just the map movement.

    Anyway, enough about the history of the map, here's some screens and the details.


    1x Overshield - Top Orange/High OS - 45 / Does not spawn at start
    1x Overshield - Blue Lift/Low OS - 60 / Does not spawn at start
    2x Sniper Rifle - 0 spare clips - Low Perch, High Perch - 60 / High perch sniper swapped for a Grenade Launcher in team games (2v2)
    1x Grenade Launcher - 3 spare clips - Basement - 90 / Swapped for a Rocket Launcher in team games, rockets do not spawn at start (2v2)
    1x Spiker - 0 spare clips - Bottom Rock Tunnel - 90
    1x Plasma Rifle - Top Blue - 60
    3x Needle Rifle - Blue Catwalks, High OS - 45
    2x DMR - Jump Pad, Bottom Orange - 30
    4x Frags - Blue Catwalks, Top Orange - 30
    2x Plasmas - Low Man Cannon - 30
    1x Health Pack - Bottom Blue/Health Pack Room - 30


    Thanks for checking out Sequence, and I hope you enjoy playing it. Any feedback you have is very appreciated.

    <3 Izzy
    #1 iTs_NeXn, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  2. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    Hmmm, looks interesting. It's definitely a new concept. Stackable OS and unlimited sprint you won't usually see in other competitive gametypes. Could this be the new Conquest? I'll have to DL and check it out. Map looks great from the pics also.
  3. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    This looks absolutely fantastic.
    I'm posting in here to remind myself to download this when I get home (which will be in like 2 days), I will post gameplay feedback then, but visually it's very pleasing.
  4. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    i was wondering why it was sooo sexy then realized it was forged by an architect.

    love your sketch up. map looks phenomenal, possible feature imo. too bad there isn't a 1v1 tourny with forge maps goin on
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    This map demands that its players know the weapon timers and keep on top of them constantly. And that's a good thing. Halo hasn't had that aspect emphasized so much since Halo CE.

    Also, you really should've made a youtube video of the jump pad the first thing seen in this thread. Instant feature if you did that.
  6. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Yeah, I'm working on getting a gameplay video up really soon to show off the jump pad. I need to run some good 5 min 1v1 matches, because I don't have enough render minutes to do anything more than that. Hopefully people don't overlook reading the description and miss me explaining the jump pad. ;)

    I'll also be making a tutorial pretty soon, since it's a really simple process.
  7. AtomBlaster4

    AtomBlaster4 Forerunner

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    It's fitting that my first post would be in reply to a map. An awesome one at that as well. The asthetics are stunning, and from how it appears you spent a heck-ton of time designing this map. I will be sure to give it a DL when I'm home and around my xbox, and this is just one of those maps that I'd love to see introduced into the next multiplayer playlist update.

  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I've played two games on it so far and I really enjoyed the complexity and the movement of it. Both games were low though and both players seemed to hang around the OS areas a little much, but that was only two games.
  9. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Once you learn the map and have a strategy, you'll run find that controlling top blue and circling the map to try and collect both overshields is a great strategy. The map ended up playing 2v2's better, but 1v1's play great as long as you don't mind a medium paced match that's more about out maneuvering and out thinking than simply running and gunning.

    Thanks for the comments everybody else, I'd love some feedback if you have it.
  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    next feature.
    greaaat aesthetics
  11. WitDarkstar

    WitDarkstar Ancient
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    The map looks fantastic. You really nailed the aesthetics well. It looks like it has a good flow of gameplay too. I'll come back and give a more in depth review once I get a chance to play it.
  12. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So, I've been playing on this map for a few days now and didn't know where or who it came from. But now I know, and I can give my praise. And I do mean praise, because feedback isn't really necessary for such a brilliant map.

    I adored both the style and the complexity of the layout, whether or not others complained about the death pits. Everything seemed to flow fantastically, though the platform by the jump pad tended to be the vertex of the flow in 2v2 games. Then again, what's a map without a good area of conflict? So yeah, I loved it, and I'll be playing on it religiously until I find another 1v1 map that is as good as this or as good as guillotine was. Fantastic job broski.
  13. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    I'm impressed with this map...looks amazing and from what I see the gameplay would be great as long as the weapons arent overpowered...
  14. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    Wow. This map looks great. I like the aesthetics you have and the gameplay seems really good. My only question would be the overshields. That seems like it make it so the first person to get the powerup won. Im sure you fixed this, so congratulations on a good map.

    Also, usually FX ruin maps. They to always do that for me. You might want to keep this in mind.
  15. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    There are no FX. The screenshots are slightly edited, but the map actually looks good without FX. It's built in the Colosseum, so it gives it that dark atmosphere that you'd only get outside with the FX orbs.

    And the overshields aren't as strong as you think unless stacked, and they come up every 45 and 60 seconds, so if one person can control both of those the entire game, he deserves to win. The spiker, grenade launcher and plasma repeater are all excellent weapons for taking down a player with an overshield.

    Thanks for the comments. Any feedback after you play a few games is greatly appreciated.

    I'm glad everybody is enjoying it, as I really enjoyed creating it. :)
    #15 iTs_NeXn, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  16. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks sick. This is one of those maps that can spur you back into forge world after you think you are out of ideas. Kudos!
  17. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Updated the original post with an illustration on how to use the jump pad, because for some reason I feel like most people that downloaded the map didn't read the description so they didn't even know it was there and just thought it was a random camo in the ground. So yeah, hope everybody sees it now!

  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It really sucks that this map is being covered up by utter ****. It has the looks that everybody craves, has a really cool technical piece, and a different take on game play that's still competitive and fun. People, honestly, take it from Nexn, design a map, quit putting pieces together in 'cool' ways like a bunch of simpletons. Put some thought into a layout and produce a great map like Sequence here. Hope to see this featured for the reasons listed above. I'm gonna run some more games and be back with a review within a week.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    That jump pad is AWESOME. Is it really as simple as a camo over a cannon? or is there more going on down there? I should have taken it apart and checked it out, but I got distracted just running around.
  20. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    That's only to designate where the jump pad is. It is actually a well placed vehicle cannon with an upside down one way shield door to suction the player to the block as they walk over the cannon, unless they jump of course. Also, sprinting will get you vertical too, so be careful with it.

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