(London Daily Mail) Instead of hanging around for a few discarded bones or a forgotten carcass to pick and claw at, they've started killing live farm animals ... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=563931&in_page_id=1770
This is the one of the best things I've ever heard. Ravens eating sheep babies?! nice. England is now officially as metal as it gets. I wonder if Shock has witnessed this...
That's really gay. I don't care how smart or how rare they are. Sheep are much better. They are cute, loving animals that provide me with quality furs, blankets, coats, socks and so much more. Forget Ravens, a terrible bird, and a terrible football team.
Normally, ravens would only do this if they were extremely malnourished, or had been raised in a scavenger unfriendly environment. This might tell you something about England's environment (garbage free?).
aww poor lamb :[ if them birds is hardcore then...they must be related to ME, for i am the wonderful TOOCHIEhxc and i am here today to tell you of the WONDERS the world has in store for the weak minded and the beauties i shalt show you are in no way comprehensible to the imagination...../rant