n00b Training Created by xRedNormandyx 225+ downloads Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description My friend and I have been thinking about new maps to make and we came to the choice of n00b Training. You start in the starting area and you head into the jump training section where you must jump then crouch jump to a shaft that goes to the crouching area. Manuever around doors to get to the shooting range which has a switch to start the targets. Follow the hallway to the Fighting Pit. _________________________________________________ Starting Area Jump Area Crouch Area The shooting range. The switch mechanism for the shooting range. The dumpster blows up fusion coils which at the same time activate other fusion coils for the range. When you grab the custom power-up, you and anyone else with the power up can start killing each other. _________________________________________________ Download n00b Training Download Training
lol at first i thought it would be a map or something like that but you litterally put together an area for noobs to learn the basics original idea lol
this is a really good map. Good... everything. But I doubt these maps actually teach n00bs how to play.
this feels like the training/timed tutorial from cod4 but for halo 3. i'm sure a few "noobs" will find this helpful.
Nice interlocking. It gives the map a much more natural feel. At last somebody is thinking for all those n00bs out there. Great job.
now there shall be no more noobs the shoot 20 times and miss and ones that dono how to get up a wall that is in crouch jumping hieght!
the idea sounds really dumb..... but the way you explain it and made the map makes it sound event sort of fun for experinced players to toy around in and a place to train my non halo 3 having friends when they are over 4/5