Just got a call from the owners of the dog I found last night to say thank you. There's my good deed for the day
Yo dawg, we heard you like Avatar. So we put a Navi in your Mirror's Edge, so you can be a frog while you jump around. cwutididthur? likingavatar=beingafrog mirrorsedge=youjumparound frogs=hop=jump IMSOCLEVER
I wasn't planning on it, but I might do it now just to spite you. How does Lisbeth blue with a star tattoo around her eye sound?
Leave it to Grif to make some freakish amalgamation of all the women he wishes would love him. People do that? That's creepy. You should have returned it anonymously with a note that said "Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman!" I'm considering buying a guitar, but which? I need someone to tell me what I want and why. Edit: Preferably by someone with experience.
In another news Apple smashed their company record for number of bugs fixed in a patch with OSX 10.6.5