I saw this thread in the halo 3 discussion forum, but thats dead, because Reach is here now. So, what sensitivity do you play on? I personally like playing on 4 for all around gameplay, but I sometimes switch it to 3.... Edit: Oh crap, I meant to add a poll, didn't work. Oh well...
I force myself to play on 6 cuz of those damned assassins always trying to circle around you. >=[ I'm most comfortable at 2.. as I can actually get headshots then.
For some reason I find that I hit no-scopes more often when my sensitivity is high... don't know why... I play on 7. In Halo 3 I played on 10.
3... 5... 7... 10... 7... 5... Those are the evolutions of my aiming choices. From Halo 3, 3 to 5 to 7 to 10. Halo Reach, 7 to 5.
I play around 5-7, depending if I'm in matchmaking and if there are noobs running around with sprint and FOR GOD'S SAKE, if they're going to do that, well then those noobs should just play CoD!!!! (no offence, I ,myself, do that sometimes in CoD)
10 as always I play on highest on any FPS because its suits my gameplay style best: -CQB, Vsing vehicles on foot and my urge to know where everyone is at all times I do admit it does weaken my sniping capability's which is annoying because the sniper is the most powerful weapon in the game but I can use it when needed it's just not my strong suit.
5 for pretty much everything. I occasionally go 3 or 4 in Team Snipers but that's if I do really bad. A higher sensitivity works much better for me than a lower sensitivity.
Teeennnnnnn brah Oh my god, did you just say that sprint is nooby? Its the most balanced AA of the game. I dont even want to talk to you :,(
I play so you can turn 45 degrees when playing SWAT. Also I'm used to like 6 in CoD, so 8 isn't that high for me.