+rep for sig ^ I haven't done it myself but when I saw the upgrade your ammo for 4500 points, I assumed that after you pack-a-punch the gun you have to buy the upgraded ammo. That is, if there is still a pack-a-punch. I haven't played campaign yet but the multi-player is very solid. Snipers are pretty much worthless now, but still fun when you get a kill. Combat is mostly short to medium range with the exception of a few long lines of sight on every map. The maps are solid, the only one I have a problem with is one called Nuketown, it's pretty much the new rust, but it's linear, so people are constantly spawning behind each other and it's frustrating to no end. Zombies was lots of fun, seems like they made the maps for zombies a lot bigger from what I could tell. Some early things that might piss you off and deter you from the game: corner camping, nerfed sniping, RC-XD cars (they are rare, but when it happens, it makes me rage). Noob tubes seem to be pretty much gone, it seems to take two tubes on average to kill you now. Also, WAGER MATCHES ARE AWESOME!
Best Call of Duty Ever! No More Nukes, Noob Tubing is alot more difficult and Zombies are Back.... What more could you ask for. Best 70 Bucks I wasted. Reach is awesome too, but Black Ops is fun too. Even if you don't have XBL you can still play against CPU's. Its fun, I've played that more than the accual multiplayer.
I don't understand this. I would think a couple months playtime out of a game would be great. I usually only play a game for a few weeks and then toss it aside for the next game. Pack-a-punch? I don't what that is. I never got any of the WaW DLC, so I'm new to a lot of the powerups and such.
Must be nice dude. For the poor starving and self providing college student though this is a little hard to maintain. Buying a single video game is a sizable investment.
I have played it and wouldn't change anything about my previous comment. Movement is fine. And I can't believe I have to explain this, but when I say an opinion is wrong, I'm trying to communicate the idea that not a lot of people would agree with that opinion. Mostly everything in Black Ops is MORE balanced and well developed than MW2, which is pretty much a fact, not an opinion, considering I have the majority of the game's player base to agree with me. I have yet to meet somebody other than you (and anybody who may have agreed to your previous comment) who thinks MW2 is a better game than Black Ops.
I am with Mongoose here. Black Ops is much more balanced and a better game than Modern Warfare 2. The campaign is longer and the game is just better in general. I still dont see why they need to be compared, they have different developers.
I didnt read a single post... hell not even the OP.. This is a first for me. First off I have beat the game on veteran... 19 times already.... also I have beat **** Zombies and I almost beat multiplayer.. So.. ya.. I know what Im talking about. Jk. Im about 1/4 of the way through it on veteran, and im level 10 or something on MP.. Black ops is Like 12.4 times as better as MW2. -Black ops is: -more balanced -less bullshit -more colorful graphics -less x (less smooth animations) = LessLess LessSmooth LessAnimations = More Less smooth Less animations = + - + - += += So that means its better -more customization, Zombies, better Weapons, equipment -Better Story -more balanced So ya..
I'm only level six and I can already tell this is better than MW2, and tbh, it has better online than Reach so far
To me every single new call of duty game is the same with just new maps and campaign. The guns and attachments are really similar with few new things. Ive always hated call of duty and ive accually given it a few chances. Halo has always added something to spice up gameplay. Thats my opinion
ok people, well maybe its just me!(that doesnt like the game so far) but this is a serious question... does anyone think the sound effects are off? i mean all the weapons have a more "deep" feel which is nice, but they also seem quite to me....i.e when someone (still) launches a noob tube at me, its not as distinctive as the MW2 "thump" noise so its harder to dodge..or someone is shooting a drangnov at me and it sounds like a BB gun....has a "crack" noise to it. i do play with the TRITTON 720's and have the sound setting set to headphones>loud....this could be the issue. i havent tried putting it on to my normal surround sound. oh also to my defense to as why i dont like this as much. I never played WAW because i hated those graphics and the "feel" to that game when duty 4 was still out. therefore knowing treyarch is behind this and that they still use the same engine as that, i might be bias...on another note i DO think SOME of the graphics are nicer...the basic map detail (besides the vehicles) but i still dont think the people details are as good as MW2, and the custom screens with weapons/people. c'mon people you really think that looks good?
I did not enjoy the graphics, weapons, audio, or the overall setup. I am a big call of duty fan, and our clan has been burning through those games for ages now. However when triarch touches a game, it automatically ruins it in my opinion. Your experience may be different, but I DO NOT recommend dropping $65 on this. Pass this one by
MW2 lost me on the series. I played that game for about 3 months before I realized how stupidly annoying it was. I personally am not dropping $65 on this game until I play it and am convinced it's worth it. My fanboy friends call me stupid because I'm going in close-minded for this game. I, however, believe it to be a smarter move. This way I can only be pleasantly surprised, which I don't expect to be. Also, throwing this out there, If anyone replies to my post telling me reasons (Legitimate or stupid) why I should get the game, I won't listen to you.
I may be crazy but does anyone else notice when a person is shooting at you, their shots sound muffled whether the shots are hitting you or not and it is hard to notice you are being shot at until it is to late? I keep having that problem. Other then that and the music at the beginning of each game being EXTREMELY loud, I love the game. Much better then MW2.
The guns feel like they have no weight, there is like no kickback. Campaign is hard to follow, it jumps around alot, with some weird flashback thing. Split-screen is a great step forward, but in split screen graphics turn to crap. Zombies is fun, but maps might be too big. Training mode is cool. Multiplayer really hasnt changed, noob tube is less used. Customization is so so. Honestly I wouldnt get it, if you have played mw2 and waw you have played black ops, they are so similar.
i dont have it yet but i hear its pretty sweet. but it wont stop me from playing halo reach for about 2 more months haha. cant wait for new zombies ps any notice wooden leaf isnt here yet? odd
You think this campaign is hard to follow? I think this game is extremely coherent, especially compared to the mess that was MW2, IMO. Also, this story is actually interesting and, as far as I can tell, you stay with one character the whole time. That was something I always felt was holding CoD back, that you kept switching characters and never got attached to any of them. This way, with the flashbacks, you can keep the same character throughout and still go to many different locations.
I'm really playing the campaign like it's a chore, not as entertainment. Spoiler I honestly just enjoyed the slow motion part where you shoot the dude in the forehead and then shoot his *****. And I liked blowing up the rocket. Everything else so far is really boring and repetitive.
That's how i feel about all COD campaigns feels the same, Some simple objective like We need to get there from here and kill all these faceless people to get there *Repeat* Once I beat it on hardest difficulty (which i always do first) i don't play it again. But the multilayer almost makes up for it. Haven't played campaign yet but don't expect to much of a difference.
hey has anyone gotten the commando yet? that gun is insanely powerful. ...i played nuke town 12 times in a row and rased my K/d to a 2.25 WHATS THE PRESTIGE LEADER BOARD FOR? DOES IT GO AWAY AFTER PRESTIGE?