Well, it doesn't make a difference to me. If I need to be an elite to win a game of SWAT of Snipers, so be it.
I really don't like elites. I think that the only thing that they are good for is the gay parade in MM. I mean whenver I play MM, my gun just naturally wonders right up to the head of the walking abomination. Do you know what I do then? I shoot and I shoot and I shoot, I shoot until there is no ammo left, and then I throw my gun at him. Then I make tea, I make tea until the game is over, then after the game is over I make some more tea in theater. Then I send a clip of me making tea to the guy who uses the elite. Then I repeat the process next game.
Rusty, I'm assuming you didn't read the original post in the thread either. If you had, you would have realized that it was a joke thread. You have insulted Barry's memory.
Hello, I am the due that posted the story. I did not have an account on this site but decided to make one just to thank you guys for the support for Barry. You guys are alot more kind than the B.net community. I might just hang around here more often. About the picture, that is hilarious. I lol'd. Only one problem is that Barry did not have that hat. He had no helmet, but it is still a fantastic ode to his "life" A little Background: Although I took this story to a dramatic level, it is true, and from stubborness was the reason I didn't like elites in Halo 2. Not because "only noobs use them" or anything of that sort. That stubborness carried over to halo 3. On the forums I noticed alot of the "UNFAIR ELITES R TEH HAXXORZ!" threads, and I thought to myself I really need to show the public that there are people with feasable (sp?) reasons of hating elites. anyways I just wanted to give a shout out to you guys. Barry would have liked you all. R.I.P. my good friend, may your name echoe through eternity. ~Nsane
NOOOOOOOOO!!! BARRY NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! In all actuality this is a legitmate reason for hating elites. I mean after all Barry was like his best friend, I can't share the same hatred however because Elites never did anything so emotionally wrenching to myself.
I dont see why people have so much hatred towards elites? I prefer to be an individual rather than being like everyone else , its like a pixelised version of communism!
people are just messing around man lol its not like everyone hates the guts outta elites, they just like to mess around with them, and this guy was telling his story