Call of Duty: Black Ops discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Combat P3nguin, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Discuss call of duty black ops

    how is it? is it worth buying just for offline?
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    ...just for offline?

    Call of Duty is all about multiplayer, man. Multiplayer is what makes the money. If you're getting Call of Duty games for a singleplayer experience, something is wrong with you.

    But anyways, I don't know anything about Black Ops, and everything I do hear sounds biased and exaggerated. But don't let that sway you.
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    It looks pretty epic. Everything from the **** zombies, campaign multiplayer and Combat Training looks great.
    There are also some great easter eggs, like an arcade game and a text based rpg at the main menu.
    Havent played it yet though, Im hoping to rent it today.
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Amazing game. Haven't played single player or zombies yet, but the multiplayer is awesome.
  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    The reason why i said for offline play is that my internet sucks, i get red dot in halo reach every game. MW2 i couldn't even shoot it was that bad. So do you think that the game would be worth it for offline play?
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Are you kidding? I love campaign mode, thats most of the reason i buy games. Good multiplayer is just an added bonus. And Call of Duty multiplayer isnt about being competitive its about being fun, so i enjoy it only for a few hours when im relaxing.
  7. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    you pay for the name, not the game

    ummmm first off...i must say IMO, the only reason its getting/got so much hype is because of its name. Treyarch is lucky they followed InfinityWard.....
    MW2 is done way better, when you get down to the bare-bones of it. gameplay, guns, graphics, perks...etc
    i bought black ops last night at midnight and had a nice 4-5 session. the first 2 hours or so was an absolute joke! graphics look VERY CARTOON and unfinished. it has a very "blocky" feel. peoples motion across screen looks awkward, and to feel the scale of people in relations of the map look big/small.
    also you HAVE to unlock everything....which is annoying, but also nice at the same can only play TDM when you first pick up the game. once you level up you can choose new game modes. i dont like this b/c i personally HATE TDM (campfest) i like the objective based games b/c people must come out of hiding to get the objectives.
    there are some very nice additions to the game! wager matches are nice, but wheres my 3rd person team tac? COD POINTS! ok i kind of like this. instead of spending hours trying to kill people to unlock the silencer, or thermal you can buy these as soon as you have enough points (C1000) which isnt much!

    ive only played MP so far so i can not comment on the storyline or gameplay of single player
  8. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    DL'ing mine to my hard drive right now. :D
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Does anyone know of any glitches popping up? because that is what kept me away from MW2. I tried to go back but there was always something and infinity ward took so long to fix stuff. And what about balancing? MW2 had issues with that as well.
  10. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    This x9000! I love the campaign in everygame I buy and the multiplayer is just bonus, plus zombies :)
  11. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    K, spent some time on the PS3 version in a friends dorm this last hour (the training thing and Multiplayer, and my verdict? It's like the new Madden. Gotta have it, even though it's the same mechanics at heart. Gameplay's similar, maps are similar,

    The only thing I noticed is the flow of character movement. Your player moves a lot like how MoH and Battlefield moves (meaning, there's a lot of little canned animations) and it's a bit tough, at first, to really meld with until someone spends a lot of time with the game. Most of the weapons have noticeable recoil too.

    Nevertheless, gonna get it by the end of the week, maybe tomorrow if I get my car repaired soon enough.

    TheorEDIT: Of course, i didn't have enough time to really delve into the depths of the game, but this is from first instance of playing it.
    #11 Black Theorem, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  12. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I'll keep my opinions simple and to the point:

    1. Graphics are BETTER than MW2. For the person who said they look "cartoonish", go play Borderlands for a bit and you'll realize how good these graphics really are.

    2. The multiplayer is WAY more balanced than MW2. The guns seemed very balanced but are all recognizable (MP5K and Famas taking early favorites). The perks are 10x better for a few reasons:

    a. they are more organized and because of this more fair.
    b. getting all perks right away is much better and, once again, more fair for everyone.

    3. The level design seems slightly reminiscent of MW2, but in all honesty, the maps are much more thought out, creative, and just play better than ANY map from MW2 (NukeTown FTW).

    4. The character customizations are quite awesome and will definitely help set your character apart. Although they aren't unlocked right away, it gives you something to drool over for awhile.

    5. Zombies are ****in' intense.

    6. Easter eggs will make you say "What the ****?", in a good way.

    Hope this helps.
  13. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I lol'd at how utterly wrong this is.

    I've been hearing only good about this game, and even though Call of Duty has a bad rep from me because of Modern WeaponWhorefare 2, I'll probably be getting it soon.
  14. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    sorry i had to point that out so big, but you said it yourself. you've only heard things! also i did mention this is MY OPINION. these are not set in stone facts...some one else already mention the "canned" movements as play it, then respond.
  15. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Game is pretty damn good so far, IMO. The campaign is pretty fun so far with some nifty set pieces and a more comprehensible story, though I've only played 3 levels. The new Training Grounds mode is actually way more fun than I anticipated. I can totally see me, after a few rounds of getting my ass kicked online, finishing up a day of gaming by going in Training Grounds on recruit and just owning some bots.

    Zombie mode is just as fun as I remembered it and the new map is huge for someone who never bought the DLC for WaW. Overall, I was expecting to like the game a lot and it is exceeding my expectations.

    Also, has anybody found out how to get that upgraded ammo for weapons in zombies? It says to hold X to spend 4500 points, but it just doesn't seem to work.
  16. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Is it worth it? Black Ops seems like a game I'll only get because of **** Zombies and Gun game in the wager matches.
  17. Mr brownstain83

    Mr brownstain83 Ancient
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    Beat the campaign tonight, it definitely threw me for a loop. I played my first game online and it was crazy fun. I like how customizable the create-a-class is now.
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Depends. If you look at it and you don't really have a desire to play it, probably not. I do a good job of not burning out on the CoD games, because as soon as I get to the point (usually 1-2 months in) where I start getting pissed off, I just stop playing altogether. I keep myself busy with plenty of other games and by the time the next one rolls around I'm excited for it.

    So, if you're burned out on CoD, don't get it. Plain and simple.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    #19 Rifte, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  20. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Some comments on the multiplayer aspect:

    1. So far, it seems much more balanced then MW2, guns perks and killstreaks all have good balances and nothing seems too overpowered or underpowered. except maybe shottys, they still suck unless you have the barrel in the guys mouth, but what do you expect, its a shotty. i never saw why you would pick a shotty over an smg or AR in cod4 or WaW. and so far theres no annoying glitches expect that i occasionally get dropped out of games. could be my connection, but it doesnt happen much.

    2. The CoD points (or cheeze pizza (CP)) system of currency is great in my opinion. i like choosing what i buy instead of grinding for different camos or attachments.

    3. i like the maps a lot better than mw2. they all seem very well balanced, and i can only think of one of the 14 (?) that i generally dont have a very good time playing on. theres also more variety

    4. one thing that i dont like is sniping. you cant really quickscope. unless you stay hardscoped for literally about 2 seconds, the bullet will go nowhere near the center of your crosshairs. if you land a quickscope in this game, its just pure dumb luck.

    the graphics are great of course, what else would you expect, right? i cant say anything about campaign yet, but the multiplayer aspect of the game is overall very solid.

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