so Jun gets in a pelican with halsey and you towards the end. what happens to him? people say he dies but how and when? wouldnt he still be alive if he is with Halsey who doesnt die? someonse answer this plz.
I remember someone said that in the books Castle base was obliterated, and thats where they were headed off to, so it makes sense that they both died then. I never really understood why Halsey just didn't go with Cortana onto the Pillar of Autumn though... Also I'm assuming that they didn't get off of Reach, because the the drydock where the Autumn was "the only extraction point left on the continent" And I'm assuming that Castle Base was on the same continent as Sword Base. So if they didn't get off Reach, then they were most likely glassed, because I believe that no humans who stayed on Reach survived.
but halsey gets off reach though. shes in a book with the chief after reach. wouldnt Jun have also gotten of reach? i was just wondering since he is the only one who didnt get a dramatic death sequence like the rest of them.
I'm pretty sure that she rejected him, and he was told to make sure that the Covenant could have NOTHING of that secret area. Suspicously, he walks off camera in the general direction of Halsey's pelican.... and the entrance to the secret part of Sword Base. Notice how it exploded and all caved in? It was my understanding that Jun suicidally blew the ****er. Idk really, i originally thought that he went with Halsey. Ask bungie or something.
But doesn't it show them flying ABOVE the imploding section of sword base? And yeah, it sounded like Jun was supposed to kill Halsey in case anything happened, but doesn't make sense why they don't pop her right there.
Halsey said that she was a big girl, so Carter said "Make sure they don't get anything." Anything here refers to INFORMATION out of sword-base. And i think that Jun never got on Halsey's plane, he just blew the base to hell.
I love how people can't understand an implied plot point. Or the fact that writers of games/movies/books don't always give you all the information. There may be no definite answer to your question, it may be open to interpretation.
Carter implied: "If you have to, kill Halsey so that the Covenant can't get information from her." Another UNSC force was going to do the demolitions anyways, as Halsey explained.
I don't remember there exact words but I thought Jun went with Halsey in her pelican to protect her and they both escaped Reach alive? Judging from the game because I don't remeber seeing them dieing or hearing about there death and also I hear a lot of people saying Jun was the only survivor. I'm gonna have to replay that mission now cause what i thought happens may not have :l
but if he survived wouldn't he be around later in the series? I don't think any of noble team made it off, that's the point of the whole game- they lost reach and their lives but they ******SPOILER******got MC and cortana off the planet to win another day
I thought Halsey made it to Onyx, with Kelly right? And met Gamma Company with Lucy and Tom? I won't spoil the ending to the book but I'm about 90% sure that's at the same time as The Battle of Earth, which is after Reach. Which means that she made it off. I think that Jun died on Reach though, probably with separate mission orders. If not he would've been deployed straight to Earth.
Halsey carries on and is in a later book, and I'm pretty sure Jun goes with her. The base explodes because the place had already been set to blow as soon as Halsey downloaded her info and got out. I don't know, somewhere between the game and the book (which starts with her still on Reach) he just disappears.
No, I don't think any of the books involving her start on Reach. Like I said, I know she's in The Ghosts of Onyx, but Jun isn't there. Being a Spartan he either fell with Reach or helped on Earth
It's funny that everyone is assuming that Halsey must be alive because she's in a book that takes place later. Doesn't anyone remember that GAME ≠ BOOKS? Bungie specifically stated that the game does NOT follow the book's canon in any way, it just happens to be that Reach falls in both.
And can no one understand that The Fall of Reach (the book) was written in 2001-ish and the story can evolve? Yes, they said they weren't catering the games to the book but they didn't say they were non-canon. In the Legendary video commentary Marcus Lehtto said they "took great care to stick to the canon." Considering there wasn't really any canon that would have been stepped on aside from Cortana and the Pillar of Autumn making it off Reach, what else would he be talking about but the books? Given the fact that Halsey declined the escort and Carters immediately line is "Jun, make sure nothing falls into enemy hands" coupled with the fact that the crater implodes, it's a fairly safe assumption that Jun blew up the crater and all with-in somehow. I remain unconvinced though. Too much is left to assumption. The assumption that Jun is walking back inside and not to Halsey's Pelican, the assumption of explosives large enough to implode a reservoir that size. I'm not sure. It's really hard to say. Only Bungie truly knows. EDIT: Apparently, Jun is still alive according to the Legendary Video Comentary. All I have to go on with this is the Halo Wiki page on Jun as I haven't seen the video all the way through.
All I can say is that if he is alive then the only way we'll see him again is in a non-Bungie MS Halo title, so I think its safer to just assume that he's dead. Sort of like The Matrix, that great film which had no sequels All I can think of is that something that would have lead up to his death got cut from the game
I like to think Jun died when the latchkey collapsed. It would simply fit into the story better. On the other hand people do assume Halsey is alive either because you hear her voice at the end or because a book says she does, but bear in mind, sgt. Johnson miraculously made it off a Flood infested exploding Halo somehow. There could be some deeper story as to how she escaped (if she had), or it could just be an unseen incongruity, because they do happen.
Hasely survived Reach, that is a fact. I don't know how you all missed it but Hasely is the narrator in the end game video, which takes place a number of years after the battle of Reach.
halopedia sayes they both went to castle base and hid in there and are still there today, beacuse its underground they wouldent be glassed so Dr.halsey still does reaserch there under jun's protection or something. its in here some were- Jun-A266 - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more