Le Fin: Asylum

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by barbaricspider, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. barbaricspider

    barbaricspider Forerunner

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    This is my first map to be posted on to ForgeHub, but I have been forging sense Halo 3. I have also been following ForgeHub for awhile, and have considered posting my own maps to it, but I never felt like my maps were complete enough.

    This is a series I've started called "The End" or "le fin," and corresponds with the designated "The End" gametype, although I believe you can play this with regular infection or safe havens.

    The map is fairly small, but I wanted to focus on having various pathways to get to each room or position so as to lessen human camping. To further lessen camping, each weapon located on the map has limited ammo. So as though you may find some spot where you can pull headshots all day with the DMR or blast away with the shotgun, both of those weapons have no spare clips, forcing you to try other weapons and relocate before returning to the favored shotgun.

    In the gametype, which my friend helped me to make for a "fun" game, has zombies with fairly high speed, active camo, but no armor abilities or shields, meaning yes, they can be killed in one shot with a pistol and a DMR at the head. Humans have sprint, and an assault rifle... its up to them to stick together, watch eachother's backs, and get to the good weapons on the map.

    As for the map itself, the zombies and humans spawn "inside" the map at start. When a zombie is killed, he spawns in the zombie room or the "observatory room." From here the zombie can choose to go into the circular room, down the shaft into the second floor where the grenade launcher sits, or in to one of two teleporters sending them to a different location. The teleporter closer to the circular room (on the left) sends a zombie to the small room next to the courtyard entrance. The other telporter (on the right), sends a zombie to the other side of the fence, directly outside the courtyard. From here, the zombies just jump on to the fence and they will automatically start to "climb" over the fence. When at the top, you will be pushed into the courtyard. In the courtyard, after a while, a ladder and a mancannon spawn on the wall by the shotgun spawn. The mancannon becomes an easy access to the upper platform leading to the DMR. The ladder, which you walk into and then continue to press the "A" button or the "jump" button to use, brings you to the upper platform in the human spawn room. A mancannon also spawns in this room later in the game for the zombies to have another way of reaching the platform.

    The weapon list if you play with the custom gametype is as followed:
    • Assault Rifle x2
    • Shotgun x1
    • Magnum x1 (does not spawn at start)
    • Grenade Launcher x1
    • DMR x1
    • Frag Grenades x6
    Here are the pictures:

    Human Spawn Room (Gravity Lift spawns under camera to upper ledge)

    Main Hall after spawn room, looking out into the courtyard

    the courtyard from above

    the circular room, looking from the ground

    Edited by merge:


    I forgot to mention that in the custom gametype, humans also have no shields, but it takes two hits to infect a human. If you are a human and you are hit by a zombie once, you can still get your health back by finding a healthpack in the map.

    I have more pictures but due to my fileshare, I was not able to post all of them, I may try to post more soon.
    #1 barbaricspider, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  2. riseagainst421

    riseagainst421 Forerunner

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    Did you say assault rifle? With no shields that could turn the infected into mince meat (Mmm... meat) How many clips does it have? I know in customs of infection if I get my hands on an AR the zombies don't stay for long.
  3. barbaricspider

    barbaricspider Forerunner

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    well yes, haha, I did say assault rifles. I guess I really hadn't thought about that, seeing how I play tested the same gametype on a very similiar, earlier, map that I had made and it seemed to work fine. The fact that the zombies are pretty fast and have active camo balances it well. My friend came up with the changes to the gametype after seeing it in action with the active camo and what not. I have not play tested this map, but I think the close quarters action and power of the DMR and magnum take away from any desire to keep the assault rifle.
  4. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think AR's actually work pretty well as a base weapon as long as you have plenty of balancing things like cover and roll. Anyways the map looks really great so I'll give it a dl and test it out.
  5. barbaricspider

    barbaricspider Forerunner

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    thanks, I'm not sure how well the gametype will play out, cause like I said, I haven't tested this map specifically with the gametype. Most of my friends prefer black ops right now, and I haven't been able to test anything of late. It should be fine, but if you have any suggestions I will be open for changes.

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