Invasion: Unbroken Sovereignty

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rifte, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    im not usually a big fan of community made invasion maps ( they usually end up really unbalanced in one teams favor) but this one looks different. It seems like it would flow really well, and neither team really has a distinct adavntage. also the aethetics add a lot to this map. i like how they still lokk good even though you put gameplay over looks (which all maps should do anyway) ill dl and try this out. good job!
  2. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    I'm so glad to see that its finally been posted and out the door. The gameplay is extremely fun and eventful. It's linear but has a lot of variety for different things to happen and the experience is never quite the same. Can't wait to get some more play time on this, invite me next time you're in a customs lobby. I think you're actually the only friend I have who has customs lobbies x_x.

    Also thanks for giving me credit even though everything I did had to be replaced anyway xD
  3. magicman434

    magicman434 Forerunner

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    dude. ever since i dl'ed your map from halo 3 that was a frigate outside the soundbox boundaries in halo 3 i was a fan. this is just pure forge poetry. if you ever need someone to help test your map, for the love of the forerunners please invite me to test out any new maps you're working on, please.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yep, if this gets front paged or whatever I'll give you credit.

    Will do.

    Not a US resident QQ
  5. Brentowulf

    Brentowulf Forerunner

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    I'll downloaded this map and ran it the other night with a large group of my friends from the Bungie forums. It is well put together visually I must say, especially the ship. I personally think there are a few flaws I'm going to mention that may help you out.

    1) The area behind the ship is a bit much, aka, the map is just too large. The area all the way down to the beach is quite a long distance, and a bit unneccessary. I can see that you have used alot of budget and pieces on this map, mostly on the ship. I think some of the other areas need more attention, such as the overly massive size of the map. If it's going to be that big, it could use some more decoration.

    2) The 3rd phase is nearly impossible. I've read that from a lot of people posting here as well, so it wasn't just me and my group having that problem evidentally. The main problem seems to be that all 3 grav lifts manage to put you in the same very small area. I think that there should be other entrances to the ship, because after looking at it, it's quite massive. It's big enough inside actually that it could be it's own map... But, literally everytime the spartans in my game went in to try arm the bomb, they were just spammed with concussion rifle and fuel rod gun rounds the moment they got in. I think because of this, that the weapons should also be spaced around the ship a little more and also maybe even outside of it.

    Those 2 complaints aside, it's a great map in my opinion. I even liked the way you set up your loadouts I must say. I also really enjoyed the structure of the covenant ship, and the little bunker on the ground was also pretty cool, and the first 2 phases of your map were great fun :)
  6. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    It was way too difficult to plant the bomb when it spawns on the other side of the map
  7. henk de vries

    henk de vries Forerunner

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    looks awesome, too bad i don't have friends who play halo
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your comments but I'm just curious as to if you guys knew that you could carry the bomb while in the vehicles (e.g. falcon)? There is an opening on the roof of the ship.

    I edited the OP to make it more clear that you can carry the objective whilst driving vehicles.

    In regards to your first comment Brentowolf, I did run out of budget and I don't think there's anything I could remove from the map to fill the void. As you said, the area isn't used very much at all and borderline unnecessary, but if that's the case then why waste resources on it if it won't be used anyways right?
    #28 Rifte, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great forging, better gameplay. The most impressive Reach game I've seen so far. Congrats Rifte.
  10. underground867

    underground867 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Unbroken Soverignty

    I have to say that this is a truly excellent map. The gameplay is smooth and has a real feel for the halo campaign. Not only that but the scenery itself is beautifully designed. I hope that you submit this map and gametype to bungie's forgetacular contest. This is definetly something that people want to play in matchmaking. Keep making maps like these because i'm looking foward to downloading and playing them.
  11. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    Rifte, this map is great. Play testing was a blast, and so's the final version. Also, what editing software did you use for those pictures?
  12. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think one of the biggest problem I've faced while playing this is that people don't know they can get in the falcons. other than that this is a pretty fun map, best invaison I've played so far anyways. Lots of epic moments that are very unique to.

    Very good job with the thread as well, I lvoed the video. What do you use for editing? You should get yourself an HD cap card as well, you'd make some pretty boss stuff :p
    #32 SpamRabbit, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  13. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Woah cool covenant cruiser I like it

    CHEWIT CHEWIT Forerunner

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    omg i played this a few weeks ago. if your reading this... "download it!!! you wont regret it"
  15. terrance

    terrance Forerunner

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    Are you comparing this too cliffhanger and atom?

    This map is WAY better than cliffhanger and atom!
  16. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Yeh, hey rifte. I saw your utube vid about drop pods and got wondering "would it be possible to have your player spawn near drop pods for the first phase?" i understand there may be gameplay issues or budget issues, but if you can without a visible effect on gameplay, could you for v2?
  17. YourSecondChance

    YourSecondChance Forerunner

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    downloaded... gonna try it out tonight at my halo party. wanna check my new band's music in return? we all play halo.
    Your Second Chance
  18. Draco Cosimo

    Draco Cosimo Forerunner

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    Amazing stuff dude. I really like how the "capture the lift" zone actually looks like a lift going to a drop zone.
    Uber Idea Time!
    Perhaps you could set up a really high secondary backfield spawn right above the ship, make it indoors, and put some drop pods to land on the top of the ship. Make them the drop pods held up by overshields though, in case people take some serious damage when they land. Also, if you could try to make replacements from Rockets-to-Lasers, that would be much appreciated, beacause even though a Spartan Laser is a guaranteed kill if your aim isn't off, it's still only four shots. Also, everybody uses rockets, and a lot use only rockets.

    9.8/10 :)

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