UNSC Forward unto Dawn

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by grimfandango, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    UNSC Forward unto Dawn 1.1

    Hi, after looking at everybodys Frigates I thought I'd have a go and make my own! I'm rubbish at names so I've just used the Forward unto dawn for now, if nobody likes it I'll have to come up with my own name!

    More of a asthetic thing than gameplay, so its just got a basic invasion setup. if anybody can give me any ideas for gametypes for this that would be great!

    This must win the award for using the most large walkway covers! I would have used more but It lags bad as it is!

    Heres some pictures: (first picture is of the new version)






    Bridge: The little light in (teleporter reciver) is meant to be the ships AI!

    Armoury/ drop pod room with stasis pod things.


    Mess hall/canteen.

    Heres the proper one for a comparison:

    Update! Ugly rear section has been redesigned inside and out, and now has the bit where you landed the warthog at the end of Halo3, complete with crashed warthog! :)
    Updated pictures:





    #1 grimfandango, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  2. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your ship maps amaze me everytime you come out with a new one. really good job on this one too. it would be really cool if you could incorporate a gametype to match with this map. I.E :viral: cant wait to see what you have in store for us next!
  3. ChooChoo

    ChooChoo Forerunner

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    Quick question. Exactly HOW MUCH of the frigate is avaiable to access? Like could I play a game inside the frigate?
  4. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the look of this! but my own opinion would be that it is slightly to bulky at the back! like the ideas behind it though! i think i might have another crack at another firgate and post my latest savannah. dl going to take a look around.

    I also think if Myself, you and rifte, were to join we would make the ultimate unsc frigate! as i feel that our 3 are the best out their call me big headed but i personally do think that, give credit to the creators of unsc columbia and wyern
    #4 oOMr BecksOo, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  5. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    Thanks for the replys :)

    to answer a couple of questions, the back is a bit to bulky, its definatley something i wanted to fix, but it would take to much time and effort at the moment!

    Its pretty big inside, I think its acctually bigger inside than the Autumn! theres definatley a lot more to it!

    I might just put infection on it probabley just using the interior of the ship? definatley something to think about :)

    oh, and if anybody thinks the spawns are a bit weird I started out with hemorhage , intending to keep all the hill markers flags ect, so it would play all games but then i deleted most of them as it seems even stuff like spawn points seem to affect the frame rate! which was bad as it is!
  6. khits

    khits Forerunner

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    This to me, looks like parts from other ships people made put together, like the barricade pods. I think most of thie inside is copied, however, I do like the exterior so thumbs up 4 that..
  7. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    o_O....Most ships look similar on the inside. The drop pod idea was given for the public to use. All ships based on science fiction and common sense will have a bridge, hanger, mess area, (and these are usually not included on these ship maps but) engine room, comm station (sometimes part of the bridge), living quarters, captains quarters, and weapons stations.
  8. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this is a pretty beast map but... the area at the back does seem a little blocky. it just looks sort of out of place
  9. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    Looks amazing, one of the few frigates I have seen that has the vehicle bay lowered!

    are the drop pods functional or just for aesthetics? if they are what is the success percentage?

    one thing though, by looking at the armoury are those weapons fixed or just cleverly leaning against the wall?
  10. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Nice, maybe built a bit too close to the ground in my opinion, but that's not really a bad thing. It looks like the cargo bay (the part which drops down to drop off scorpions on halo 3) is a little too big, but apart from that, the rest is awesome. If you're struggling for names search "frigate" on halopedia, they have every known frigate's name in the halo franchise listed.

    Tell ya what, ill copy and paste you a list of names cause i'm nice like that :)

    UNSC Savannah, UNSC Forward Unto Dawn, UNSC Spirit Of Fire, UNSC Grafton, UNSC Arabia, UNSC Gorgon, UNSC Aegis Fate, UNSC Purpose, UNSC In Amber Clad, UNSC Commonwealth, UNSC Redoubtable, UNSC Fair Weather, UNSC Alliance, UNSC Gettysburg, UNSC Euphrates, UNSC Andraste, UNSC Meriwether Lewis, UNSC Midsummer Night, UNSC Paris, UNSC Providence, UNSC Stelwart Dawn, UNSC Tannenberg, UNSC Vostok, UNSC Allegence.
  11. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    you think its too low? In Halo 3 the frigate is nearly touching the ground, and if anything the vehicle bay is smaller than the one of halo 3! But in relation to the ship the ratio does seem ever so slightly high. Great effort though.

    Grimfandago why not make up your own name for your frigate? heck even give it a backstory!
  12. CAMDA1

    CAMDA1 Forerunner

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    Frigates are an... obsession of mine. Every time I go on Halo and look for maps, I always type in "Frigate." I noticed this one the other day and gave it a download. It was pretty good but I noticed this:

    I couldn't get the drop pods to work
    The back looks a bit... fat. I think that's the word.
    I also remember that the frigates have an extension of the top floor that goes out from the hangar.
    Like here:

    The falcon bay is cool but I don't think that existed on the actual Forward Unto Dawn.
    The Wings look good from the side but also look a bit... fat from the back.
    The wings also are at the back part of the ship as I mentioned where the top floor extended over the hangar.(See picture)
    I did think the lowering floor was a nice touch.

    Design- 8.5
    Originality(I've seen alot. But I'm not one to talk as I have a frigate posted on here.)- 4.3
    Accuracy(Does it look like the real thing?)- 9.2
    Appearance- No blocks are really out of place. It's not bumpy. Everything is strait.

    Overall Grade:
  13. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    Im pretty sure grimfandango said at the beginning that hes only using forward unto dawn as a temp name!

    You maybe right about the falcon bay, but let me ask you this.. how would a frigate launch falcons when in atmosphere? the only material I have seen for when using the vehicle bay was for the scorpions/warthogs. one would assume there would be a separate bay for falcons/pelicans!
  14. CAMDA1

    CAMDA1 Forerunner

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    In the picture I posted, if you like on the side there are airlocks with pressure doors. The hangar houses a couple pelicans, but those airlocks have bulkheads where pelicans sit on top of. (Due to my obsession of Frigates, I know a lot about them.)

    And when they invented frigates, I don't even think they had falcons in mind.
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    As an avid science fiction reader this statement doesn't make much sense. Not that's its a big deal or anything just saying. The falcon is more or less like a smaller attack helicopter. The technology of which would have been created and utilized LONG before space travel would be possible and space ships constructed. So for consistency to science fiction interatmospheric aircraft (such as a falcon) would be in the hanger bay with all the other ground assault vehicles. Depending on the size of the ship these vehicles would be stored in a secondary hanger (closest to the ground) and the main hanger would store non-lightspeed attack ships for space battles in local space(in halo terms, the longswords)
  16. CAMDA1

    CAMDA1 Forerunner

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    I was using "They" as referring to Bungie. Like, In Halo 2 was the first time we saw a frigate. I don't think Bungie had falcons in mind. That's the point I was trying to get at. They had hornets but whatever. I read on Halopedia(Halo wiki) that the airlocks had pelican bays. Which I guess would house falcons or Hornets too. Then, certain Frigates had certain purposes.
    The frigates in Halo 2 had no cargo hold like the Forward Unto Dawn, they had a garage because they were mainly used in orbit.
    The frigates in Halo 3 had cargo holds because they housed vehicles during the battle of earth. The ones in Reach were mainly for orbital defense which is why they had a garage.
  17. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    Hate to be a pain but, the only time you ever see a hanger bay deployed by a frigate is on the ark and that is the Forward Unto Dawn which deploys 3 scorpions and a gauss hog. The forward unto dawn could not have possibly been re-fit from the time between Halo 2-3.

    I think it is safe to say that all frigates have always had a hanger bay but we only got to see one used in Halo 3. Just because in halo 2 they were mainly used in orbit and did not need the use of them for that type of combat it would be a bit silly to say they would not have them.

    The hanger could be used for the re-supply of the frigates as well as a way of getting personnel on board!
  18. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    thanks for all the replies and feedback :)

    Its been a busy week, and I kind of forgot about this!

    CAMDA1 thanks for the picture ect. I couldnt seem to find many usefull pictures when I started this. I dont think I could find a picture of the back of a frigate. so i think i just made it up as I went.
    the falcon bay was just there initially to fill space really, and well i needed somewhere to put the falcons!

    drop pods are a little funny, sometimes they wont drop :( although you dont die from them very often, using the overshield works great and 90% of the time you land with no damage at all!

    KHITS I did copy the drop pod design, but the rest is my own. Although I did use a lot of Ideas from my Pillar Of autumn map: mess hall tables, bridge is similar, cryo tubes, which is one of my favorites!!!! if any body wants to use the cryo tubes they work great (in my opinion) and only cost 100!

    has anybody got any opinions on the interior or any changes they think i should make when i (eventually!) redesign the rear section?

  19. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    High five for contributing an awesome piece of work to the aesthetic section!
  20. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    Thank you :D :)

    I should really get off my fat ass and fix the rear of the ship! after looking at the map the other day I suddenly realised how ugly the back of the ship is!!!

    Ugly rear section has been redesigned inside and out, and now has the bit where you landed the warthog at the end of Halo3, complete with crashed warthog! It even has the little computer console where you talked to cortana (telepoter reciver!):) and also a grav lift up to the higher floors.
    Drop pods have been fixed and i think they work everytime! For some reason the lights where the engines were have changed back to blue, they should have been orange!
    Updated pictures:







    #20 grimfandango, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010

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