Remake Revball Classic new and improved

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by nillapuddin626, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    Okay first off, no this isnt a ripoff of Revball in the Splatterdome, Im not going to brag and say that I made it first, or complain that Wheels36 version is more popular, we came up with the same general idea at the same time and just posted it in different places.
    I posted mine on forgehub first and he posted his on gamefaqs first, neither of us ripped off the other it was just parallel thinking.
    I have no hard feelings against Wheels and I believe its mutual.
    Also if you know anything about me you will know I have been working on making an updated version of my gametype forever I just never got around to it.
    If you like the idea of Revball but are looking for a different experience then my "Revball" might be for you, if not your entitled to your opinion.
    The allure of my version if I had to sell it to you would be that it can be played 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4, its a tighter more compact arena which makes for quick scores on mistakes and intense matches, I wont say its in anyway better than Wheels Revball I will just say that it is a different experience

    This is all just an update of my OP to give people a timeline of Revball if your interested in how it evolved then the next spoiler is for you, if not skip to past it

    First Picture: This is not Revball...
    But it is how it started!
    My bud and I were forging one night and he promptly splattered me with a scorpion.
    So ofcourse I spawned one and started trying to kill him, eventually one of our older vehicles spawned in the middle of the map we made.
    So we decided we should try and play table tennis, then it evolved into a forge game where we held scorpions with the monitor and tried to hit the soccer ball into my hastily made goals

    One all nighter of forge later...

    Revball was born.


    Red and Blue Teams spawn in corresponding "bases" atop the arena.
    Teleporters (vehicle only) take the players down onto the playing field.
    A golf ball spawns in the middle in corresponding time with the goals.

    Now how the game works..
    use your Revenant to put the ball in the other teams goal (ofcourse)

    by shooting at it

    or the old fashioned way

    To further explain/show the scoring system
    I tried CTF, Assault, KoTH everything then I finally had an epiphany that stockpile would work because its the only gametype where scoring happens while not being physically interacted with (i.e. you just drop the flags in and leave)
    So I knew this is what I had to do but it took nearly a week of testing and tweaking to get it to work correctly. I found a thread made by Graybes who designed a brillant game Smashball and using his techique of not spawning the goals at start I was able to match up my times for perfect scoring. So thanks Graybes

    Ball explodes landmines inside goal

    Secondary golf ball explodes off its tiny perch on the opposite side of the capture plates

    Lands safely on flag

    **Heres the new stuff**
    Fifty billion tests later I created many different arena designs and scoring systems but I realized I was getting away from what Revball was originally, so I implemented all the improvements Ive made to Revball and just outfitted them in the classic arena I first published

    *What has changed since original Revball?

    *There is a soft kill zone to stop people who getting out of their revenants and trying to just push the ball in themselves.
    *Dead vehicles can no longer trigger the score
    *Players can no longer get "splattered" into the goal by their teammates allowing them to trigger the scoring mechanisms, this is caused by a player only teleporter inside the goal that sends you straight to the..

    -Penalty Box. If you die (which could pretty much only happen by using up the 10 seconds of kill barrier time) or get pushed into the goal by a teammate you get sent to the penalty box outside of the arena, but dont worry you can still crouch up and down and complain

    -The incredibly odd teleporter glitch is fixed (I think) for some reason the teleporters although clearly pointed out when playing custom games would cause weird things to happen to the players [stupid forge world revenant issues] so instead Ive given the player a couple second window to.. drive out the window without the need of a teleporter, however if your slow on the draw or afk at the beginning the teleporter spawns right after for you

    -Instant Scoring! Yes I can 100% promise that it is a perfect scoring system and also will register even if you score with > 1 second remaining the goals are set up to have perfect timing

    Heres a peek at the new* arena
    Its still the same ole game
    New aesthetically pleasing and awesomely more functional goal
    and heres a look at it from behind to see whats goin on (also can see the cheaters teleporter)
    The Penalty Box
    and from inside the Box (cheaters never prosper)

    Well enjoy and if you would like to play you can message me on xbl anytime
    #1 nillapuddin626, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  2. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    Too bad it doesn't have an invisible tree!
    But your version of Revball also is alot of fun, as I recall from testing your older versions with you =-)
  3. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    yeah I guess that was my biggest fault, next time I update Ill magically hide a mountain or something lol
  4. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    What Happend to the SplatterDome?
  5. Wheels36

    Wheels36 Ancient
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    I have to say I like the new arena! It looks like the original version of Hogball I made in foundry way back.

    Instant scoring? Do you mean the ball goes in and a point instantly goes on the board or you can score down to the final second?
  6. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    Nothing, thats someone elses map. Wheels and I both published games called "Revball" they are just different

    Edited by merge:

    Like you can score down to the last second, its pretty much instantaneous, I worked it like a million times over til I could get it as perfect as possible.

    Like I said in the main thread congrats on frontpage
    #6 nillapuddin626, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  7. AtomBlaster4

    AtomBlaster4 Forerunner

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    Is Wheels' gametype compatible with this map? I'd rather not download two separate gametypes if at all possible. And you guys have got me thinking on some awesome return systems, both you and Wheels, good work to the both of you.
  8. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    No they wouldnt be because Wheels doesnt use multi round scoring, sorry
  9. freepie

    freepie Ancient
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    After a few games it was aware that this simple map was going to be very fun with friends. We were developing different tactics, techniques and all kinds of fun stuff. I'm going to be playing this gamemode..alot. :)
  10. nillapuddin626

    nillapuddin626 Forerunner
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    Well im glad you like it, your right although it seems simple there is alot of strategy involved. Enjoy!

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