
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Col Keller, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    2-8 players
    Deep within the caves of installation 004, these ruins lay testament to all that pass through them. Whether in this life or the next...
    Note: Version 8 banner being used until I'm motivated enough to make V9 banner. Deal with it...

    Retroactive Version 10 is finally here! This fast paced, highly energetic map has finally come to its epic conclusion.(subject to change at the slightest imperfection. With over 10 versions, and countless number of reforges I am proud to finally re-re-release Retroactive. A over a full year in total design, test, and redesigning process have led me to this. The people who know the trouble I went through on this map, I'm sure, they can tell you how well worth the wait was for this map, yet again. Now with no framerate issues and easier trick jumps this map I'm sure will find its own little place on your hard drive and in your heart.

    Retroactive is a combination of several designs. 4v4 team slayer and capture the flag is this maps main featured games but it also plays well for stockpile, king of the hill and headhunter. Originally inspired from Longest mashed with prisoner, this map has seen several design changes to make it is own unique and interesting style. This symmetrical two base design isn't your average MLG or competitive map. It is unique the way the player movement is given with several one way paths and a constant balance between close, mid, and in some cases a long range combat. While I have striven to meet the perfection that I demanded, I strive even harder to make a map that would play well for everyone that tries it.

    Like always, feedback is appreciated. And I am sorry for the long wait on this map, but I know that once you play a 4v4 team CTF you will understand why this wait was so well worth it.

    A little History lesson:
    Forgotten treasures contest 1 in H3; I recreated longest and was thinking on how to make the map actually play better for halo 3.

    Retroactive V1
    Halo 3 era; To start off with Retro was started in halo 3 while I was working on a remake of Longest from Halo CE for the "Forgotten treasure contest" over on Forgehub. I realised that to make the map meet its full potential it needed an extra route in and out of the bases
    So to do this I added a "S" shaped addition to the map. I also took inspiration from another Halo CE map called Prisoner. In this map I loved the way the Camo and the bridge that was right above it looked and played. So with keeping Longest's natural design I designed what was then called Renegade. PROJECT SHOWN TO PUBLIC on March 24th, 2010

    Retroactive V2
    Halo 3 era; I started using foundry and making that work for the map. But because of my lack of knowledge in forge and the budget constraints, I could never make the map the way I wanted it. So I gave up and I put the project on the back burner.
    With the new expansion of sandbox and its, what at the time seemed like limitless possibilities, I decided to move forward with the design. I completely forged the map in the main level of Sandbox. Doing so I had to budget glitch the map. By doing this I feel like I couldn't release the map because it was glitch. And at the time most people where looking down on budget glitched maps as Unplayable or taboo. So I decided to redo it again...

    Retroactive V3
    Halo 3 era; i moved it down to the crypt. In doing so I could remove the need for budget glitching because the crypt already had walls, saving me budget. Around this time I really started to slow down in the map design process. I was becoming to dishearten to play in halo 3 and really forge because of my excitement of reach. What really killed this version from being released was the fact that I had just watched the Reach Forge World Vidoc the week before it was going to be sent out into the public. So I moved all my attention to Halo Reach.

    Retroactive V4
    Halo 3 era; Retroactive took a giant leap forward in the maps design. This design added a canal and some really interesting architecture along side of it. I forged this version up within a month of reach coming out. Because of this and the forge community as a whole not knowing about Frame rate drops. I used up 100% of the budget on the worst pieces in the forge pallet. I clearly remember playing a game on that one where it was so lag quit the game because of it. Frustrated I went back and reforged it again.

    Retroactive V5
    Halo Reach era; Retroactive still had its canal in it and it still featured the long open single atrium design. This version was still had problems with framerate drop. Because of this when I asked the Forge Forum community to test and help me find out how to fix it, the surprisingly came running to my aid. These are some of the best guys I know and because of them I know I can't remember everyone's names but three come to mind especially; Fritzster, Solo XIII, and Sethiroth87. Its because of these three guys, Retroactive was saved. I would have given up on the design and quit. So I moved to redesign it one more time in hope that I could finish it finally

    Retroactive V6
    Halo Reach era; Second shot at reforging the Retro canal map and it once again lagged up a storm. Frustrated I almost gave up... but thanks to some kind fellow forgers, again... I went back to the drawing board one last time to get some ideas. Change the layout and make the best map I possibly could.

    Retroactive V7
    Halo Reach Era; had to become more room based. Because of this there where DRASTIC changes to the layout. I was forced to make one of the rooms overlook the bases and close off the entrances. Because of this accident, I unknowingly created something that worked out perfectly. Or at least in theory. Framerate kills maps. Its a huge disappointment when you go through all the trouble of redesigning and reforging to come to testing and find out it dose not work. So the forge forum helped me out once again and got me back to reforging it.

    Retroactive V8
    Halo Reach era; When it came down to it Version 8 is really just a reforged, slimmer version of 7 and its Google sketchup. This is the version that got my map on the radar, if you will. There where still Framerate problems with this map. So I secretly started reforging it for Version nine, in fear that my friends and fellow forgers would be mad that I was remaking the map again. This version was probably my most successful until just recently. This map was voted for Forgehub Favorite by my fellow forgers and it was also Featured at Forgehub on Jan 17, 2011. To my dismay they featured Version 8 the day before I was going to release Version 9. While this map is great, like I stated above it suffered from frame rate problems and was unable to play spit screen. Despite these problems it became a fan favorite and had over 1k downloads to date.

    Retroactive V9
    Halo Reach era; Version 9 is the newest and now one of the ones that was chosen to get into the MLG Playlist. There are several versions of this map flying around the forums. Some of the most notable ones I can think of are Retroactive Pistols by Yoseph for his Unofficial official pistol primary gametype. There was one version also created for the community league that the forgers in the forge forum are trying to set up and my newest test one that removes the ceiling in the middle. Also I am still currently working with KC to help bring everyone the best and most competitive possible gaming experience on Retroactive as possible. This version is the map that I wanted it to be. All the hard work, all the sacrifice I put into this map pays off here. This version is being tested for version 3 of MLG and hopefully will find a place on your hard drive and in you heart.

    Retroactive V10
    -To be filled in at a later date.-

    Out of all this, the point I really want to get across to forgers is<b> NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

    This map has given me more headaches and problems than pretty much anything in my life. But it is because of this map that I choose my carrier in game design, and its because of the success I have had that I urge you, as a forger to take in all the feedback you can get. Even if someone swears up a storm and says they hate your map. Listen, there may be something in there that can help. I had to listen to people complain about my map for 8 versions and over a year of complaints. And even now I still get complaints but push through it and persevere.
    Walk Through:Retroactive Walkthrough | MLG.TV &ndash; Major League Gaming
    MLG TV walkthrough
    Gameplay video: Bomb
    @ Blue your awesome for getting this for me!

    Download Retroactive V10
    Download Retroactive V9
    Download Retroactive FH V9


    I want to thank everyone for being patient for this map and I would also like to thank everyone of you who helped me test and get this map up and running even when I thought I was ready to quit.
    Forgehub Thread...
    Retroactive's Time of Design process:Date Started: March 20th 2010
    Date First released to public: March 24th, 2010
    Current age of Retroactive
    Date Finished: Unknown

    I want to thank everyone for being patient for this map and I would also like to thank everyone of you who helped me test and get this map up and running even when I thought I was ready to quit.
    #1 Col Keller, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
  2. ryan503

    ryan503 Forerunner

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    Hey, first post in a few different ways. Anyways, I've been a longtime lurker on forgehub, and a longtime Halo player, since good ol' CE days. I think your map looks great. It actually convinced me to create an account here, rather than just downloading and not posting feedback. ;)

    Very nice, simple layout from the looks of it, elevation, paths, and what looks to be awesome forging. And it appears to be easy on the eyes. Tired of seeing indoor maps that look all the same. (Seems either they look awesome and have horrible frame rate issues, or they just look horrible.) :)

    I'll post a better review after I check it out.

    I always prefer more pictures, and maybe a gameplay video, but, hey, that's your decision. :)

    Anyways, I'll check it out and get back to you on this.
  3. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Hey man, nice map. I would have to say that this is in the top five forged map on Reach to date. I love it! I Remember seeing a preview on this for halo three like back in April. I never knew that you finally built it for halo three, but I am glad that you made it for Reach! Very solid and the video was great. Do you have a non-mlg version of this map though? Because that armor lock in the middle will be useless if someone is playing regular team slayer. Great job, once again and I can't wait to see more from you soon.
  4. lolFrenchToast

    lolFrenchToast Forerunner

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    Sweet Map! =)
    Im downloading this for sure.
  5. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    There are two types of Retroactive. The DL link in the top is the regular. Also in the post i have a MLG official version and I have a Regular version just titled "Retroactive" which the armor lock is replaced with a over shield... There are several different changes between the two, like needlers and jetpacks placed on the map...
    #5 Col Keller, Nov 5, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2010
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Loved loved loved the 3v3 flag game we played on this the other day. Everything ran so smoothly and no point on the map was overly dominant over everywhere else.

    It's always nice to see someone put so much work into something and have it come out as well as this did. Really dude, congratulations on an amazing map.
  7. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Map looks really cool. Gonna dl this now. Let you know how the playback goes. :)
  8. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    Thanks for the feature post. I'm glad you think its good enough to be worthy of being featured. =P IT really helped make my day... and i hope it shows others that my map is well worth the download...
  9. CaptainSize

    CaptainSize Forerunner

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    o_O wow man this map looks good and from the video planned and layed out extremely well. I'm gonna give it a shot.
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks like it was worth the wait. It's amazing the kind of maps that can be made now. The height variations you used on this map are really what caught me, especially where you threw the flag up onto the ledge in the video. Sorry I can't DL, but I'm having internet problems with my xbox. Love the map!
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    The layout on this map is fantastic. Im gonna get some customs on it this weekend for sure. Question, though- Is there a reason why you didn't use the red and blue lights on each side? It helps with orientation as well as atmosphere.
  12. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    looks pretty dang great. great aesthetics, i love the way you used rocks on walls. just a pretty looking map. corridors look nice and open for good firefights, and i like the arena area in the middle. but in the 3rd picture, you should widen that ramp to make it more usable. smaller ramps are obnoxious.
  13. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is an awesome design. My one criticism is that it seems too easy for someone to get rocket and then quickly jump down to get overshield. I'm not sure where a better place for one of those would be that allows equal access to both teams, but I think it can make one person way too powerful. Just something to consider, but great job on this one.

    I also had a question: there are some pics in your video that are not in Retroactive at all (either version), and I was wondering if those were put in by mistake or as a teaser to another map. I'm referring to the pics of the map with the outdoor walkways from 0:37-0:41 of your video. I like what you posted here but I think that map looks even better. Do you have a link to it?
  14. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    First point:
    That usually only happens the first game when the players are unfamiliar with the map... the second and third game the power up/ rockets get dispersed among different players.

    Second point
    That was a older version of Retroactive.... A really old version. Originally it was more of a longest design with a long courtyard instead of a room based map. The reason I have them in the video is to show how my map evolved from Halo 3 to what we have now.

    Red and blue light in this game provide horrible screen lag and i didn't want to take the chance on this map. Especially seing how this is my eighth time reforging it. Also when I did test them I felt that the red was not powerful enough to cover the whole base and it just felt weird. So that is why i used the rocks to make it feel like it was built into the rock, and or a cave.
    #14 Col Keller, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  15. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I was wondering if you had saved and could post that old version too cause it looks really cool. If not, would you mind if I used the concept to build a similar courtyard map? I'll credit you in my post.

    Also, since I'm detracting from this newer version of the map, I'll add another comment about it. In your second to last screenshot, the column that allows you to jump up to the higher level is too narrow/short in my opinion. I'm not a pro jumper or anything but I think it's a little too hard to pull off and slows down gameplay. I'm not suggesting you replace it with a wide and easy ramp, but I do think the map would flow a little better if it weren't so hard to make this jump. Maybe it's just me and my sucky jumping skills.
  16. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    I don't have the file in reach anymore but i can give you the sketchup/ pictures for it...

    As for the jumps... there suppose to be hard. And its rewarding for a player to pull it off in game. Especially since the original design wasn't even suppose to be able to go in those directions....
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You should upload your download link in the main OP. It doesn't directly link me to the map, I had to go fishin' fer it.
  18. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
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    Ok dont take this the wrong way cause its not your fault. The map is forged excellently and well thought out but just running around playing 1v1 with a buddy the frame rate was a much we just quit cause we couldnt stand it. The map is excellently done but the frame rate for gameplay was not good. Its too bad that the game engine has to render everything in front of you even if you cant see it.
    If there was anyway to make the screen lag better this map would be staying on my hard drive
    #18 NANGIE, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  19. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    You didn't install the game to your harddirve i take it?

    @ Draw the line
    Fixed and fixed... updated version, must have forgotten to fix that in the post. =)
    #19 Col Keller, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  20. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    Wait, installing it will decrease frame rate lag?!

    Damn I need a new hard drive with more room on it.

    And playing on split screen will almost always cause frame rate lag on almost all Forge World maps, especially Asylum.

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