just wanted to know if anyone has ran into this in their games... ive noticed a lot lately that when when people are in a heated armor lock battle (lol never thought o would say that) but you know the one where you and the other guy are trying to lock it down and EMP burst to punch each other 2 ft away! but you lock it down an stand up as fast as you can start the process over again....... -so back on topic- ive seen a lot of people after the first punch (or just started but didnt touch the ground with their hand) bust into armor lock...BUT THEY'RE STANDING UP....moving too! if anyone plays doubles then they will know what im talking about in this next part....at the start of arena zealot running towards yellow tube, get your nades around the corner, and deemer (DMR) the **** out of the other team....lock it down....repeat! now the other day the guy ran at us with AL and was shooting us too..."WTF" where my words yelling toward my tv..... question? is this a glitch, like double tapping AL to fast that the game cant keep up. -OR- is this only seen from my screen...and the person who is standing AL's screen looks normal...meaning my host/internet is the problem? sorry i kind of went all over the place with that, but i hope you got the overall idea i was getting at...
i know that you can do it in Forge with a quick little trick. but i wasnt aware of this happening in MM. trust that bungie will address the problem soon.
yea im still not convinced people are doing this on purpose. i think its just something that is happening on accident
I think that they are just tapping it really quick, and moving while they do so it looks like they are in armour lock, just spray them with an AR n youll weaken them, or yknow, SWORD!!!!
****ing lol, but hes got a point. NOT. Remove the AA's that slow down gameplay and its perfect bro. Also, its just lag on your connection, no biggie
ya i agree i love the new slayer pro only types in team dubs! but i still hate that ****ing rocket launcher that bleeds through the walls to kill me! ie reflection shootin snipe side.... : (
id like to bring this topic back up, this is still happening. It is NOT just my connection ive heard multiple people mention this. even if you shoot at the standing AL'er you will not affect their shields. I.E. i blasted a dude on reflection with rocks on the lower donut and it didn't even phase him...he then killed me . However, off topic i got him back when he launched a rocket at me and i locked it up....rocket bounces off me and STRAIGHT INTO HIS FACE. boom-shocka-locka! (<---ya, that just happened) once again has anybody else notice this?!?
I'm 99.99% sure it's lag, maybe not always game altering can't move lag but may just be tiny bit of unnoticeable lag until someone armor locks and looks like there standing. Because other people have had lag? :S I've seen it to a lot in beta and only a few times in actual game and all times where from lag.
1) Those comments were getting a little off topic in terms of the actual thread, and were at least party meant in joking terms I think. 2) For God's sake, why? In terms of competitive gaming, Halo is pretty much universally appreciated as more skilful than CoD. If you enjoy sitting in a corner and almost totally relying on your team setup at the highest level, by all means play MW2, but please don't sully its good name with words like skill.