Help with Initial Loadout Cameras

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RePLiiiCaTe, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. RePLiiiCaTe

    RePLiiiCaTe Forerunner

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    I would first like to start with this: if there has been another posting that has already answered my question, then I would be happy to delete this thread, keeping the ForgeHub forums clean of spam. I have searched though, and I wasn't able to find anything.

    (I would also like to say that I have been following ForgeHub for about 3 months now, and finally made an account!! So, this is my first thread, please not too much noob hate :)

    Anyways, I would basically love some kind of description of how to use the initial loadout cameras. I placed them on my map, gave them the Slayer label, but they just aren't even used. When the game starts, the cameras shown are from random spawn points that I have across the map.

    Any and all help appreciated, and just let me know if I need more explaining.
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    It looks like a camera for a reason. Point it so it gives a view of wherever you want players to see at the beginning of the game. Generally it's best to place it above and slightly behind the initial spawn with a minimal downward angle so it has an overview of most of the map.
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    If you label it, it will only appear on that gametype. Remove the label and it will appear on every gametype.
  4. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Don't forget to affix a team label, usually you should only need three loadout cameras, A red team, blue team and a neutral camera. (More if it's a multi-team map.) But yeah, don't attach gametype labels unless you want to set up a specific camera for every gametype.
  5. RePLiiiCaTe

    RePLiiiCaTe Forerunner

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    The gametype label thing was just something I tried after it didn't work, but I'll take it off. Thanks.

    Does anyone know what im talking about though when you start up the custom game and it shows views from where I have respawn points placed?
    #5 RePLiiiCaTe, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  6. Sagan

    Sagan Ancient
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    What gametype are you playing in this custom game? If it was FFA, do you have both neutral initial spawns AND a Neutral camera set up? If you are playing teams, do you have initial spawns and cameras set up for the team colour you are using?

    The Camera only shows a view during initial load out (beginning of round or game) a respawn view should come up when respawning for whichever respawn point it drops you on....

    If you are saying you are initially starting the game from a "respawn" point, I would suspect you do not have the "initial spawn" placed that you need and your "respawn point" just happens to be close to one of the "built-in" spawn points in forgeworld.
  7. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    Loadout Camera Tips and Tricks

    Let me start off by explaining how i set up cameras for my maps then ill tell ya a couple tricks to help "test" them out quickly and efficiently.

    - I use generally 3 cameras: 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 neutral. The red and blue I set to "team only" (the team only setting will work for ALL team games... CTF, TS, Multi team, BTB etc etc) and the neutral camera i set to "FFA only" (this setting will apply to pretty much all the other free for all game modes... juggernaut, FFA slayer, oddball, KOTH etc etc)

    -The only other cameras you may want to set up with my technique is the other team colors for multi team games so that really makes it a lot easier in the long run since the initial three cameras pretty much cover everything else.

    -Now when i place my cameras: I fly the camera (while holding it) to about where i want it and then release it and fly right up behind it as close as i can get. By doing this you can essentially see what the camera will see by doing this. Try to get the camera centered on the screen with the small center circle of the cam centered within the outer circular part of the cam. This little trick will save you some time (you dont have to exit forge and keep bouncing back and forth between starting custom games and adjusting the camera)

    -If ya label the loadout cameras the way i just described it makes it a peice of cake. my process usually only has me checking it with custom games twice, once to get the camera just about right then maybe once more to make any minor adjustments.

    If you have any other questions about forge items please dont hesitate to message me directly. I have "almost" <-- and i use the term loosely lol figured out how certain more advanced features of the forge work. (i.e. weak and anti respawn zones, the boundary items, invasion spawns and round to round items etc etc)

    In closing I hope this lengthy explanation wasn't too much for you and I hope it helps... Happy Hunting!

    Edited by merge:

    Let me start off by explaining how i set up cameras for my maps then ill tell ya a couple tricks to help "test" them out quickly and efficiently.

    - I use generally 3 cameras: 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 neutral. The red and blue I set to "team only" (the team only setting will work for ALL team games... CTF, TS, Multi team, BTB etc etc) and the neutral camera i set to "FFA only" (this setting will apply to pretty much all the other free for all game modes... juggernaut, FFA slayer, oddball, KOTH etc etc)

    -The only other cameras you may want to set up with my technique is the other team colors for multi team games so that really makes it a lot easier in the long run since the initial three cameras pretty much cover everything else.

    -Now when i place my cameras: I fly the camera (while holding it) to about where i want it and then release it and fly right up behind it as close as i can get. By doing this you can essentially see what the camera will see by doing this. Try to get the camera centered on the screen with the small center circle of the cam centered within the outer circular part of the cam. This little trick will save you some time (you dont have to exit forge and keep bouncing back and forth between starting custom games and adjusting the camera)

    -If ya label the loadout cameras the way i just described it makes it a peice of cake. my process usually only has me checking it with custom games twice, once to get the camera just about right then maybe once more to make any minor adjustments.

    If you have any other questions about forge items please dont hesitate to message me directly. I have "almost" <-- and i use the term loosely lol figured out how certain more advanced features of the forge work. (i.e. weak and anti respawn zones, the boundary items, invasion spawns and round to round items etc etc)

    In closing I hope this lengthy explanation wasn't too much for you and I hope it helps... Happy Hunting!

    #7 Bobby Kraft, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  8. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    On a map I'm working on, I have one camera each for Red and Blue Teams. When I test it in Infection, however, I rarely ever see their views.

    My completed map, The Factory, however, has several loadout cameras, and to the best of my knowledge, the game never uses the default angles.

    So try just placing a lot more cameras for both sides.
  9. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    David the reason your cameras are not working for infection is because you set the cameras for red and blue teams. Infection makes the teams green (spartans) and purple (covy). I posted a response in this thread that explains an easy way to set the cameras to cover a broad array of gametypes but after reading your post i realized something... you would need to add infection specific green and purple cameras. (since purple and green are used for multi team as well as infection)

    *yep you are indeed correct david, i was correct about setting them to infection specific but it is still red or blue not purple and green*
    #9 Bobby Kraft, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    ...Except that my Initial Loadout Cameras on The Factory do work, and they're all Red and Blue. That, and Infection uses Red and Blue respawn points, so it'd be totally illogical for it to use Green and Purple cameras.
  11. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    Thats how i do it, and was going to suggest this but looks like other people do this as well...get as close as you can so the camera takes up your WHOLE SCREEN!
    #11 schleb, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  12. schlater2369

    schlater2369 Forerunner

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    hey i'm trying to get an initial loadout camera to work for a race map i've tried setting the gametype and making the camera game specific and haven't been able to get it to should the loadout view i want it just stays black screen until the race starts... any suggestions or ideas?

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