Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details So yeah I posted an early version of this a while ago but I've made some pretty significant changes since then. Exile's a mid-sized map designed for two teams playing slayer, ctf, assault, oddball, or koth. The main areas are red base, blue base, green room (figures to be a big chokepoint, since it's midway between each team's base and houses both sword and rockets), topside (colored purple, highest point of the map), orange (neutral objective spawn), and middle (platform mid map, accessible by man cannon in front of each base). Again there is soft kill barrier around the rocket platform to prevent camping, but I don't see any way someone's up there long enough for it to kill them. This level has a slightly complex teleporter system. There are three senders and three receivers on the map, but just two channels. The first channel has the sender at middle platform, with receivers at bottom red, bottom blue, and rockets. Where you end up is random. On top of the receivers at red and blue are senders (making it look like a single teleporter, will probably be mistaken for a two way), warping you to rockets. Yes, there are two receivers at rockets. Weapons: DMR x5, Needle Rifle x2, Plasma Repeater x2, Shotgun x2, Sniper Rifle x2, Needler x2, Sword x1, Rocket Launcher x1, Focus Rifle x1, Concussion Rifle x1, Fuel Rod Gun x1 So yeah, opinions/suggestions/criticism welcome. bird's eye: red base blue base green room outside
Maybe it's easier for you, but the audience you're trying to appeal to look at your map isn't going to go out of their way to look at it.
It doesn't look too bad. The potential gameplay could be pretty fun. Is this set up for regular sized games to big team games? One thing I would suggest: add more cover, the lines of sight that seem to reach across the entire map could make for some irritating gameplay.
I didn't really design it for big team, but I guess you could pull it off (maybe that's something I'll test for), since there's definitely plenty of power weapons to go around. I only have four initial spawns set up for each team though.