How to Forge Generator Defense

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Ghost, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. The Ghost

    The Ghost Forerunner

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    On one bored Friday night. I was thinking of how to apply generator defense into one of my Invasion maps. Upon much testing I eventually figured it out. After getting the mechanics to work the best I could I learned it works best with Stockpile, and with this guide I'll show you how.

    The Generator

    1. Spawn a 2x1 Flat. (Optional:Tilt the flat by it's Roll -10 degrees to make the gen. look slightly nicer)

    2. Spawn a Scorpion. Give it a Spawn time of 1 (Incase you blow it up) Turn it upside down and place it squarely on the block like so.

    3. Secure the Scorpion by placing a Cover over it. (CAUTION: If you place the Cover too close to the tank it will explode)

    4. Spawn a Fusion Coil, set it's physics to Fixed, and tilt it. Place it right behind the scorpion. Then give it a spawn time of 1.

    5. Repeat Step 3, twice.

    6. Spawn a Hill Marker. Go into Advanced and set the Label as STP_FLAG. Place it just above the fusion coils.

    7. To keep people from simply shooting the Fusion coils place some thin 1x1 and 1x5 blocks around them. You may also need to put some cover below it to keep people from getting underneath.

    8. Set the Scorpions Spawn time to Never.

    9. (Optional) Repeat Steps 1-8 twice. (Can only have One generator or Three, due to Stockpile Options and limit on Scorpions)

    10. Place another Hill Marker. Set the TEAM to which ever team is attacking and give it the Label STP_GOAL. Then Increase the radius so it expands over all three generators (If you chose one just place it under that one) Make sure that the Hill is not as high as the flag.

    The Gametype

    1. Set SCORE TO WIN to 3.

    2. Under STOCKPILE OPTIONS set Collection time to 15 seconds and Flag Count to 3.

    3. (Optional) If there are no vehicles on the map then go into General Settings>Base Player Traits>Movement. And set Vehicle Use to None. It's not really needed but "just to be sure..."

    The Mechanics
    The Scorpion acts as the Gen.'s health. Since vehicles are the only thing in Forge that can take a reasonable amount of damage. I chose the Scorpion since it can take the most damage out of any vehicle (even power weapons) and still be stable. The fusion coils act as a barrier that keeps the flag from falling into the Goal Zone. When the Scorpion explodes it causes a chain reaction that blows up the fusion coils and allows the flag to drop. The reason the fusion coil has a spawn time of 1 and the Scorpion has a spawn time of never is to keep the enemy team from scoring off the same Gen. more than once. With the scorpion never spawning again the flag becomes unreachable.

    Side Notes
    -Any vehicle can be used.
    -You can modify the Generator's health by increasing/decreasing the Damage Modifier. (Altering Player dealt damage)
    #1 The Ghost, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    You do a decent job of explaining how to set this up, but I'm still wondering how this produces gameplay similar to gen. defense (I'm doing homework so I can't follow the steps and try it myself). If you could explain how your steps work in the long-run, then this tutorial would be even better.

    tl;dr: I know how, now I want to know why.
    #2 Angel of Grief, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  3. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's really smart, FF in matchmaking. I probably would have never thought of that, the aesthetics are pretty nice too. Nice job I'll have to use that. Do you know if it works with any other vehicles?
  4. The Ghost

    The Ghost Forerunner

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    Good point, I'll be sure to edit the steps so they explain the rolls of the objects.

    Any vehicle can be used, however you would probably need to change the layout of it.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I think vehicles have a set amount of health not affected by the damage resistance of players, but players with a damage modifier higher will destroy the vehicle faster. This way you could adjust the generator health by changing damage resistance and modifier in opposite directions.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmmmmmmm, how interesting. Great find, probably never would have thought of that myself. (Due to not even giving it a thought)

    I'm sure many maps will employ this, you should make an official gametype, maybe it'll catch on and become the next big thing.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pl0x explain to the stupid one (me) how this works! Its gone over my head. I tried figuring it out but I just cant understand it.
  8. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    After reading his edited-in explanation, this is how I see it. The tank serves as the generator in that that is the target of the attacking team's violence. The fusion coils are there to hold up the stockpile flag. When the tank explodes, it also causes the fusion coils to explode. This will cause the flag that was resting on top of them to fall below into the capture zone, and therefore signifying the elimination of the generator.
  9. The Ghost

    The Ghost Forerunner

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    I plan to make it into a gametype once I finish tinkering with some settings and objects.
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    But wait... If Defense owns the STP_GOALs on the Generators, then... Wouldn't blowing up the Generators give Defense points?
  11. The Ghost

    The Ghost Forerunner

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    ohsh- Yeah it should be set for the Attacking team. Thanks for catching the typo. Fixed the post.
    #11 The Ghost, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    One thing is missing, "Hold X to lock generator" tried to think of a way but gave up but might help you think of a way.

    Things could be useful. Drop Shield (could place it), Movable box that could respawn or use gravlifts somehow in a switch format (custom powerups)
  13. * * * Saved * * *
    Wow, this is really neat, thanks for the steps on how to built a Generator Defense Gametype. You must be some kind of Genius or something, but yeah, I know I'm going to use this idea in one of my Invasion Maps, if they both fit together. Just sucks that I might not play Reach due to Black Ops coming out, but nice idea.
  14. The Ghost

    The Ghost Forerunner

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    I did some testing and found that the best way to recreate the Lock was to have a Drop Shield placed. However, I'm trying to decide on wither to have three for each Gen. or just one to use sparingly.

    I'm having a hard time deciding because of how differently Drop shields work compared to the Lock Generators have. While normally the Drop shield is easily destroyed, with the damage modifier set to fifty, it can take a lot more damage then normal. Normally it pops at one rocket but with the damage modifier it takes four rockets to down it. But I'm pretty sure a four-player team can take it out relatively quickly. Also, the drop shield runs out at half the time the Lock does. (The Lock lasts 30s; DS, 15s)

    I also can't find a way to restrict the drop shields to their certain Gen. so it would be easy for the defending team to use all drop shields for one Gen. But it does make other generators easy targets and I'm working on a way to have a drop shield stop spawning once it's gen. is destroyed.

    I'm leaning more towards having one drop shield, but I'd enjoy to have another person's opinion on it.
  15. Evrito

    Evrito Forerunner

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    i think 1 drop shield would be a great idea, because with 3 it might make it a little unfair for the attackers. Unless the attackers have large amounts of power weapons then 3 would probably be ok.
  16. UNSC Allegiance

    UNSC Allegiance Forerunner

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    This same method could be used in invasion, but replacing the flag with the core. Am I right or did I miss something?
  17. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Could work, but there are two possible flaws:

    • Only one core, only one Generator.
    • I think you have to be holding the core to score. I don't think you get points just for having it land in the drop point; that would make Invasion: Spire a bit... ridiculous.
  18. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the 1st thing that popped into my head was... awesome
    and then it was, how to lock
    me thinks use human barriers placed on normal set above a custom power up
    power time set to 30
    and the barrier time set to 35

    now if all works well
    it should drop the barrier down and reset after 30 secs
    mabey drop down to 15 secs

    im also thinking of another way using fusion coils to keep the barriers up
    and a lower fusion coil (only be able to melee somehow or shoot at certyain position)
    that sets off a chain reaction droping all barriers
    barries and fussions reset after a while

    besides button coil wich takes twice(ish) as long

    all of what i wrote is just some guess work
    but if someone can see my random asortment of words as somthing meaningfull
    you can try it
  19. The Ghost

    The Ghost Forerunner

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    For Invasion it works backwards. You have to replace the hill marker inside the Gen. with either a golf ball or Die. And you have to change it to be INV_Objective. Just have the Core spawn at the attacking team's spawn and just make sure it's not too low or too high.
    I thought of doing something like this when testing to recreate the lock. But I figured it would be wiser using the drop shield since it's much simpler and more effective at protecting the gen.
  20. A1ANDY

    A1ANDY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ahh yes. You have to hold it to capture it. Thanks for putting me straight lol.

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