what a foolish mw2 player... anybody who 360 scopes or no scopes when they could pull out their pistol and line up a shot is a terrible strategist, that isnt skill, that is doing really stupid **** and picking out the times the stupid **** works and putting it in a montage. It's like the guy who appears to be a good poker player when he's really just an idiot taking unnecessary risks. now, the one in the video isnt a bad shot, his aim is very on par, im just expressing my hatred for montages that contain stupid decision making. now knife throws of any kind are very strategic imo due to how unexpected and quick they are. Those were cool, i support knife throw montages, but the other half of the montage is facepalm worthy.
By your logic we should all use the ACR. **** that. Also claymores are more strategical than throwing knifes, we should all use them to. Decent montage and it shouldn't be criticized.
i was just messing around some of the time and got lucky i barely tried to 360 who wants to see clips of killing 1 guy with a usp though i understand were your coming from [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks but everything should be criticized
what in my logic states that we should all use the ACR? enlighten me please. [br][/br]Edited by merge: at the same you could do some really cool **** with a usp, like say kill 3 guys in a row with it to clutch a round. y'know? we dont want to see boring clips sure, but do we want to see things that have been done over and over again? not so much.
true but honestly there arent very many times were you can kill over 2 people per clip in ffa unless u r using assault rifle or smg or something so why not make a single kill aa good one now i could see complaining about it more if i was playing a team game but i wasnt and what havent we seen many times b4 in mw2
Cause it's subjectively the easiest way to get kills, and you are acting like getting the most kills is the end-all goal. Playing video games isn't about being a strategist for everyone. For most people it's just to do what they will, whether it be for fun, for the social aspect, or just to achieve some sort of progress in a virtual world. People play how they want to, and you are calling them foolish for it. How ironic.
"there arent very many times where you can kill over 2 people per clip" exactly. thats what makes those moments awesome. there are things we havent seen my friend, that's where creativity comes in. in fact some of the kick ass knife kills in this montage you cooked up here are things i havent seen.
thanks i guess your sorta right about the whole dumbassedness if thats even a word i could of just killed him and ran looking for others which knife was your favorite
was i talking about playing video games? no, im talking about making a video game montage worth watching, which is where you missed the point.
Your point was he was supposed to be a strategist on a montage. Read your first post again, it really sounds like you are angry about peoples playstyle choice outside of montages. I do agree that seeing new things in a montage is nice though. If I missed the point, it was a misunderstanding, sorry.
Before I tell you both to stfu about arguing about MW2 in general outside of the discussion thread (yes Chuck was going to continue) and in some poor guy's montage post that doesn't deserve the negative attention: arguing someone is following a certain line of reasoning ("logic") then using the word "subjectively" to bolster your point is the exact way to flood your sinking ship. Appeals to logic = appeals to objectivity. Simple as. Now, discuss the video directly on its OWN merits or get out. As for my views on the video, I'll get to that tomorrow after I'm done studying for my quiz.