Corsica Station lies on the planet X-9, a planet that contains little oxygen to breathe. The station is only on the deadly planet because the element Zirnoniam-B resides there. The toxic element is very vital to the war effort. Corsica Station is the shipping station where ships come in to transport the element. Passing through the station's shield walls will bring instant death, if you aren't wearing a space suit. Outside of the station where the space crane loads the elment onto the ships. Where the element is housed Their little piece of Earth... If you couldn't tell from the screenshots, it's primarily for slayer. It was made by CAPNxCANT and I, and it should be released soon EDIT: lol spelled 'Station' wrong in title, if a mod could fix this, it would be greatly appreciated
Wow I really like the aesthetics. Any chance you could post an overview of the layout. Also as a minor aesthetic addition, you could replace the death barrier outside with a soft kill zone so that rather than instant death, they have 10 seconds to get back inside. It will also stop any accidental deaths and possibly add to gameplay.
Upside down tin cup + kill ball w/ some glass on top. My bad pyro lol. And overview should be up tomorrow
At least I got the upside-down tin cup right. The outer portion seems rather open (see the picture with the ghost). Perhaps adding a way to protect people on foot from the ghost might add more balance to that area, since right now it seems as if the ghost would be a little overpowered.
Aesthetics are lovely. It's also nice how you incorporate the story of the map through geometry. Something not seen too often, usually the story is just tossed in post forge.
We'll see how it goes in the testing, and if it's a problem, we'll fix it @Crypto, there isn't any barrier outside since Spartans can survive without oxygen
Yay I got to see this map before the preview was shown to the public. ^_^ I'm eager to see this released after Project://Eventide