You have to kill 360 Jackals with a DMR and a magnum. 300 Jackals with shields. And 60 Jackals with a Needle rifle or Focus rifle. The sniper Jackals appear after round 2 and 3 on easy and normal, and heroic and legendary from the beginning. Melee doesn’t do damage, and the Jackals can kill you with 2 bullet’s (1 bullet with a charged Plasma pistol). you have to dodge all their bullets or you’re dead. Loudouts: Settings: Skulls: None Drop ships: Disabled Squad selection order: Ordered Wave limit: One set Time limit: No limit Generators: Disabled Hazards: Disabled Weapon drops: Disabled Ammo crates: Enabled Respawn time: 10 seconds Starting lives: 10 Maximum extra lives: None Friendly fire: Disabled Betrayal booting: Disabled Map: Holdout or Waterfront Players: 1-4
Jackals don´t shoot very much, and it´s easy to avoid their bullets. So i made it harder to win. However the game is still possible. I even got to the end on normal, alone.
Thanks for these firefight gametypes. You know, some people might think "oh I could just set a the firefight settings myself, I don't need this." Well, those people obviously don't know how hard it id to set a damn firefight game. Thanks for the time and effort VMaikel!
You're right, most people are making it to easy, and some people are making it impossible. So you need to think before you make a Firefight game type. And thank you, you're the first person who gives a positive response about Jackalpocalypse.