I think it would be cool if Bungie cycled forge maps in matchmaking. Have them keep a map on for about a month and switch it with something else, what do you all think?
I swear... people fail at looking for answers before posting. It's right there, clear as day, on the game creator's website. I'm glad they didn't do that in Halo 3. Last thing I'd have wanted was to get stuck in crappy games of Cops and Robbers, Teacher, Fat Kid, or Smear the ***** on Living Dead weekends.
Smear the ***** was fun the first couple of weeks after it came out. It got extremely dull after playing it 100's of times.
I doubt that they'll include gametypes so different as those in matchmaking, basically they'd just do regular games on a lot of forged maps. They'd probably only use the custom gametypes that are modified because of map fit, like no jetpacks, or invasion customized (which they are for the standard invasion maps btw) I would hate to see something as bad as fat kid in matchmaking.