Contamination: First Blood Part 1: The Subway

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Zow Jr, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Zow Jr

    Map Name:
    Contamination: FIrst Blood Part 1 the subway

    Map Canvas:
    Forge World

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    Contamination: FIrst Blood



    Contamination: First Blood

    There are no points for dying.​

    "Hello, My name is Miguel, and I am one of 6 known survivors in this hellish epidemic. It's been a week now since it happened. After the "Left for Dead" epidemic had supposedly run its course, 15 years later, we found out otherwise. A squirrel, so they report, bit off of a fungus infected with a more advanced virus. He bit a human, he went to the hospital, he bit someone else, you see where I am going with this. But his is different. This infection cuts off the body's nervous system, almost to the point where you barely even need the brain to function. You rely on basic instincts and nerve reactions to survive and hunt. Not needing your brain means headshots are not an option for killing em. Fill em with lead or dismember them limb-from-limb to eliminate them, and that alone. It sucks but that's life. I barely escaped my own public school with a couple of scratches. I had run to a nearby building complex, Called BXR Legal. I met up with 5 other survivors and am their self appointed leader. They say I am very hard headed, but ey, as long as I've got two hands, feet, eyes, and this "hard head" of mine, that's all I need to kick some zombie ass!"

    "Before i give you a rundown of what kind of hell we are really in, let me explain who we are and who we are dealing with."

    "This is us"

    [Duly note that not all of us are shown in this picture]

    We have one goal. To survive. To do that we must make use of what is around us and kill any infected that cross our path. Be careful though, this infection seems to have made them... stronger, to say the absolute least. normally one man with a gun could punch through an entire horde, now that isn't the case. Don't be too much of a hero, stick together, check your corners, and stay alive. Four hits and you are gone.

    -One last note, you will find other weapons, but most are not hidden, but they are not placed right in your path, and they are not all power weapons. This is real life. You aren't going to find military rifles and snipers placed conveniently on a bench for your use.(Well you might but they will have been used, a lot.) Weapons are either found in starting armories or in places you might expect a weapon to be.(For example, in a crashed car, in a Police tower, sometimes on a bench) Good luck.

    "These are the Bastards we have to deal with."

    [heh, from this angle he actually looks kind of friendly]

    "These are our main obstacle to survival, they are faster and stronger than our normal infected from the 'Left for Dead' epidemic, albeit there doesn't seem to be as many of them."

    Normal Zombie: "Yup, just your average zombie. Fast, hungry, headshot proof. Yup, just a normal ass zombie bastard."

    Stalkers: "These guys ability to blend in is only countered by the fact they puke, a lot. These guys are rather annoying from range but less of a nuisance up close. For some reason it jams our radio system, so if we see one, kill it, quickly."

    "And one that deserves special mention,good ol Mr. Handsome,"


    "The Berserker!"

    "This zombie can take way more SHELLS than his other infected brethren. He can pound down a survivor in two hits, rather than four or three. The massive rumbling he makes as he thrashes noisily about is his only giveaway, besides his orangish color. Thankfully, he is only as fast as we are, so if you see one and you are alone, turn your back and RUN!! Once you are with your fellow survivors, feel free to load him with lead, just make sure everyone else does too.

    "Now that you know that, onto how we plan to get out of here."

    "We are Here"

    [Good ol BXR legal. They had some great economic advisors. Too bad they didn't have any apocalypse psychologists.]

    "We have to get off of the roof fast or we will be overwhelmed. There are some weapons here that we brought along with us. We gotta take em and head downstairs, to the attic."


    [Damn ventilation system provides some sneaky ways for infected to get in]

    "We have to continue onward, grabbing any weapons we might find there. Just be sure to thank the previous owner."


    "Once outside there is a door. Since I work with computers I managed to do a manual override on the lock switch, so hopefully it should open when we get down there."
    [Now would be a good time to mention this takes place at sunset]

    "We have to keep working our way through the town to reach the subway system. Once we are there there is a parked subway I have no doubt all of us know how to hot-wire, especially since the control panel is taken by the horde. We need to hold out until it starts up. Then maybe we have a small fraction of safety....for now."

    [the police have been fortifying this since this picture was taken. Wonder what it looks like now?]
    [Unfortunately our cameraman died here. We are still mourning the loss]

    "Crap. I need to give y'all a quick overview of the armory. They are coming.

    Good ol military upgrades a lot.

    MA37 General purpose Battle rifle(MA37GPBR)
    "One of the best horde holding weapons you will find out there. Save it for a horde or other times of peril, cuz this thing SHREDS!"

    M372 Combat Rifle(M372CR)
    "This would have been so much more useful in the "Left for Dead" epidemic. Its' accuracy surpasses all other weapons but should only be relied on for its damage input. Otherwise, since headshots are not effective anymore, this should only be a pistol substitute or just use it until you can find a better weapon

    Shotgun (yup, just a shotgun)
    "These come in many varieties, whether hunting or military. Good for individual infected, less so against a horde."

    HBSR(Heavy Barrel Sniper Rifle)
    "Despite the new no headshots policy, this serves a great use in that it is a one shot weapon, whether head or not. There is not a lot of ammo though so use it wisely"

    Full auto Nail gun
    "I dunno what the CRAP this is but it's beautiful. Fully automatic and semi high powered makes it a decent Horde weapon."

    MPDS.45(Magnum Personal Defense System .45 caliber)
    "This goes the same as the Combat Rifle, would be more useful if a headshot could kill, but is favored for its high damage output."

    M66 Thumper
    "Ah, the grenade launcher. Useful if you know how to use it. Basically self explanatory except there is a manual det system in which you can set quite a trap for infected. Don't ask me how I know this."

    "There is a rocket launcher that might be somewhere around here and since it is simple to figure out what it is useful for I won't bore you with explanations."

    Infected Weapons
    Disembodied Limb:
    I don't reccomend picking this up because if you try to use it in a horde or against a berserker, things won't be pretty. Use as LAST RESORT ONLY!"

    Blech, a throw up machine. Especially don't pick this up. Not only is it practically useless, it smells bad, and it's just gross."

    *CRASH* *ROOOAR* *gunfire*
    "Crap, they're here. I wish I could say or show more but I need to go, now. TO whomever gets this, pay attention to everything I said. *BANG* Oh Crap! LIGHT EM UP! LIGHT EM-*Transmission cut*
    #1 Zow Jr, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  2. brakessk8

    brakessk8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    IMO the map looks very bland, It looks like lots of areas are missing detail that could make the map look better. W/ that aside It also looks very fun to play on. The most unique thing I think you did for this game is by turning a brute weapon into a human weapon, It's genius. A Rocket launcher doesn't seem necessary though, you have the G-Launcher anyway w/ is 10x better in large groups b/c of faster reload. I also dislike the fact that the Infected have plasma pistols, maybe a boss type zombie could have that but to me it seems like a longer range, shorter game, for the zombies w/ that weapon. Especially since you can super charge it. Overall I think It would be very fun on full lobby's you should Invite me later if you play it!
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I should shouldn't I. You address some very valid points though. I'm going to go with the one I saw first. Blandness. I will admit I had trouble with the OLN on this but I didn't show all of the map. It provides decent cover while keeping it open enough for both sides to have a chance. (You'd be surprised how quickly 4 smart infected can take out 6 humans) Onto detail this is a town, y'know, a small suburban sort of place so admittedly there are things that are left. I focused more on flow than on what you look at. It's a desolate, destroyed town, well... save for the zombies.

    A rocket launcher. Well I will admit it was kind of last minute but it is also almost impossible to find. I hid this weapon to the fullest extent. But I also hid a sniper and an AR too so yeah. Trust me if you find it it gets used up quickly, and if ya don't ya don't.

    Plasma Pistols. Hmmm didn't seem to much of an issue to me. The zombies with the Gallbladders are invis and believe it or not it balances well, seeing as the humans' strength enables them to take 4 sword hits. Say I gave the Camo class the sword, no one would choose the sprint class and humans would die to quickly. SO I gave it the plasma pistol since what normally takes 4 hits on someone with 100% damage resistance now takes around 16 with 1000% damage resistance.
    Berserker class uses a CP so if you find a CP and you are camo class you would either tell someone else to get it or get yourself killed so you can get it with the sword class. Cuz berserker can't use sprint or camo so a berserker with a PP is not as intimidating as a Berserker with a sword so that's fixed. It was balance issues and balance issues alone. This special infected will only be seen in the First Blood series as I have special infected made for other series.
    #3 Zow Jr, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  4. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Forerunner

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    It was pretty fun playing it. There were 2 things that got on annoyed me though.

    1. Zombie damage.
    As you said, it takes four hits (Insert sceptical face here) with the energy sword to kill a healthy human. I think this it needs to be reduced to two hits because it is really is infuriating when you are a zombie to finally get past there camp barrier to find out you need three more hits to kill your target. I also imagine if the hit requirement were reduced that it would force humans to work more cooperatively.

    2. As I mentioned in number 1. People tend to not go along with the linear level and decide to camp on the roof or in the little room you can get into via a hole in the ramp (They also camp by the doors sometimes). Again the hit requirement could fix this. I think people will only obey honour rules in small groups, and if you boot people who aren't in a large game you will end up with eventually end up with a small group again. The only other way that I can think of to prevent camping on the roof is to have a large soft safe zone on the initial human spawns that spans the whole roof. This gives them 10 seconds to gather weapons and charge down the ramp. Try it out. As for other camping spots, I'll leave that up to you.

    Apart from this, it has a good story and would otherwise be fun to play. 7.5/10
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ah but to counteractions to this.

    1. The hit count is generally fair. With you being the zombie over 3/4s of the time, you had to have the frustrating realization that humans took 4 hits to die. I however, find this to be quite fair as it forces zombies to communicate and work in groups to kill humans. for example, 3 zombies attack one human in the back while a single zombie distracts other humans. It also forces the humans to cluster up and to not camp because ammo is low and the only ammo is on the path. If I had set it to two hits, a group of humans would be forced to camp to survive for like five minutes, there would be no point to go further. Plus it is balanced for both sides.

    2. There is a simple solution to boot, albeit makes for smaller parties but that is just a lesson to be learned about inevitable honor rules. I tried a kill barrier but with the starting confusion no one would be able to make it out. So if people camp, boot em or play another game until they grow up and decide to follow the rules. Don't get more simple than that.
  6. aydane225

    aydane225 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    10/10 on the story i love as for the map my pics wouldent load and i have not downloaded it yet so im not sure but as from the story i sounds good and i would love to help you make the next one coming :)
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Well I have finished part 2 and am working out some kinks but Part 3 iis still pending so I could maybe use some help with it. It's going to be an airport.
  8. aydane225

    aydane225 Forerunner

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    kool if you need help gamer tag: aydane225 if you need help just call and ill be happy to help you ( if you need help ) im a good forger and you if need to see some of the maps i made to find out if im good ill be happy to show it to you and played the game and its awesome oh and by the way do you make the maps by your self or with friends and can you post the link to the next one plz
    #8 aydane225, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Well usually I'm a solo forger. I only forge with friends for 5 reasons:

    I know em well, and they are good forgers and mature people.

    They are from FH or XF and they have a history of forging.

    They have skills that i do not and that I might need for my map. (for example, xSogx Grim is making an aesthetic piece for my map)

    They asked to help and I let them.
  10. I Killed Kenny

    I Killed Kenny Forerunner

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    My friend just gave this a DL and it is a lot of fun. The only thing I could really say about it is we found the humans are really tough to kill, and when there aren't all four zombies spawning and attacking together it becomes really frustrating. Especially now when *sob* ive lost a lot of friends to CoDBO. That said, I loved the story and the map otherwise played well. If you could make a gametype possibly compatible with smaller numbers (3 zombies) i think this would be a ton of fun.
  11. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I thought about quite possibly nerfing the humans but they were too powerful. Thanks for the concern though, and I am glad you enjoyed the map.
    #11 Zow Jr, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2010
  12. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    very empty map. almost looks unfinished but the gametype and guns seems very solid so dont give up. I have faith
  13. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Wait was this made by looking at the pics or the map? Cuz I have zero budget and I added more stuff in after the pics were put in. This is quite balanced and not as empty as it seems. If I had put in two much cover humans would get raped. Not all zombie maps need tight corridors around every turn, but the map also isn't so empty the zombies seem to have no chance.

    OFFICER NASTY T Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Zow Jr the thing in your spoiler thingamajig...beautiful, also, your map is awesomesauce(btw i am the original creator of that word so ifs other people start saying it you know where it came from:) good work i cant wait to see ur 3rd map.
  15. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    2nd actually. Yeah I am still owkring out tweaks so I will have it done by after christmas or so. I will release new maps along the way, including a remake of my best map in H3 besides mario bros plumb. And it has nothing to do with nintento! Hooray!
  16. Warriorii

    Warriorii Forerunner

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    i think u should add more aestethics to the map but i like how the whole post was in form of a transmission that was cool
  17. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Budget at 0 and I tried to when my budget was higher but it cluttered up the map and it caused massive framerate issues. Plus zombies could ambush too easily.
  18. Wulfslore

    Wulfslore Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I love the map and i love the story line (what you have)
    I write stories actually and i wanted to know if i could use it in a story
    Keep oon going with this
  19. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Now this is just an idea. But in order to ward off all these fellows that claim your map is empty it might be wise to show some new screenshots of the map. That way if anyone who is just scanning and is reading this thread says the same thing you can point your figures at the pictures and say, "HA! LOOK AGAIN!"

    However keep in mind that this is just a suggestion. Personally since it is going to be a few weeks or so before I get a hard drive for my Xbox 360 slim, it might be nice to see the updated map. :D
  20. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Sounds good. I will get to work on it as soon as possible

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