That switch is known as an instance switch in conjunction witha resistance switch. When the player activates the switch, he does so by destroying a grav lift which can't respawn, the other grav lift instantly respawns due to number of gravity lifts which have to be on the map at any given point in time which is one. The gravity lift that spawns cause the crate to resist gravity, hence the resistance part. The crate is a resisting a force applied to it with the aid of the gravity lift. I hope that explains the switch for you. The guide I made simply shows you the basic forms of switches. They can however be mixed and matched as in the case of deterioration. Most maps that utilize switches will have more complex versions of switches than what I described. This was meant to aid those who are newcomers to switchmaking, which seems to be a lot. Anyways go make some switches!
Wow. Mind-blowing how far forge has come to incorporate something this complex... Thank you for making this, Rusty Eagle. Hopefully it will help make many awesome maps.
You're telling me mate. Just wait till my next map comes out. Utilizing switches in many ways on this one map. Most more complex than the ones here.
Whats really mind blowing it that this only touches the surface. There are, and have yet to be, hundreds more switches. Thats why we created to help people like you guys make great switches. Because we believe that together we can make games more player controlled and more fun for everyone.
I've thought about how to work switches similar to the torpedo one, and have used them sometimes. It's a good thing to have a video about it though; switches will probably show up in more of my maps now that I have that guide.
I made a competitive map (in my sig) and it uses a switch to make a door. You messed up, casual games are games that use the honor rule (like cat and mouse) or games that are considered fun, and not tactical (again like cat and mouse).
He found all this stuff down by experimwnting ok- also these are good posts man and I xcan't even translate what this guy above me is saying at all please some one translate for me.
I'm just quoting for reinforcement of this statement and to also point out the need for more grammar/typing education in todays schools.
Yay i'm very smart but, i'm as horable speller- and I ahve all A's the whole year and i'm in a very good scoll.
This is the wrong place to ask for more grammar and typing education. You should bring that complaint up with a school board or something of that sort. This is a forum to discuss switches. The off-topic forums are located at the link below
wow ferretness, that h3artificer site really helped me! it has tons of new switches ive never even seen before! maybe you can send me a friend request and explain them??
I Notice alot of people are complaining about the video that video has a different perspective on what rusty eagle did....enjoy Edit--how come i cant post a new thread in this section?--