I thought of this idea just about a hour ago and I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, Bungie could include Brutes in Matchmaking. Now I know some of you guys will complain and say "its never gonna happen so stfu" well hear me out! Okay, so Brutes would be used in Invasion (just like Elites) but it would be on a map in like New Alexandria where the Brutes were the attackers and the Spartans would have to defend their objectives. The Brutes could also be used in Invasion Slayer and they could be customizable like the Elites. I know there is only like three or four different Brute armour but still. I also had an idea that when a Brute has the Sprint AA, they wouldn't just run, they would do their epic charge like in the campaign. I dont think Bungie would do this but if they did it would be a very unique way to play and I personally think it would be cool to play as a Brute. I mean its Bungie's last Halo game, throw some more surprises in it for us Well that's my idea. Discuss and tell me what you think.
Sorry, but bad idea. Brutes would be too big and slow. Plus, I doubt Bungie would be able to just ADD this, people would need to download some big-ass update, and some people don't have room on their hard drive for that kinda thing. So in the end, some people would have it and others wouldn't, and that would just f*ck up Reach.
I was thinking it could be like a DLC but youre right. It could be like CoD and if you dont have the DLC then it wont show up in MM and you wont play with people who have it.
Thing is, that separates everyone right down a line, and is not good for a gaming community, at least with a map pack, you will still get matched up with people who didnt buy it. Plus if you think about it brutes don't have shields (except chieftans) so killing them with a needler or needle rifle would be simply too easy, and as said earlier they are too big, so basically they would get owned.
I was gonna put that in the original post that they could give the brutes shields and not make them so slow but it would be difficult.
Elites in Campaign are bigger than in Matchmaking. Same can be done for Brutes. And BTW i got 220 GB on my iksbawkz. I think Brute Armors would be: Minor, Captain, Stealth and Chieftain.
That's exactly what i was thinking! The Brutes are slow in Campaign but they dont have to be in Matchmaking.
Plus do you really want to worry about human, elite, AND brute heights when designing maps? I thought not.
They could make the Brutes the same height as the Elites. I think you have something against Brutes Armadillo lol. Edit: @IH8YourGamerTag- Thats what my idea was anyways, to keep them in Invasion and Invasion Slayer, not to put them in normal maps and forge.
What would be the point of adding Brutes anyway? They wouldn't introduce any cool new gameplay, considering they would be just like Elites but slower. IMO adding Brutes would just add some unnecessary and unwanted clutter to the game.
What laggy maps are you talking about because I never lag because of a map, I lag if someone has a bad connection.
It's called Forgeworld. And every Firefight map. And some Invasion maps. Also, the maps that otherwise wouldn't lag would, because of the fact that adding in something that adds no gameplay additions and uselesly clutters up Halo: Reach, a.k.a. Brutes, would cause the game to have to process things it was originaly never meant to. Edit: You do realize how much work would go into Brute models and balancing, right? Do you really think Bungie should waste all that time when it could be spent doing better things. It really just isn't worth it.
I want to play as a grunt it would be so Fing funny. I think the hunters would be the sweetest thing ever. Bungie should just come out with DLC with all the campain chariters like unsc marines and the flood. It would be like a hole nother game.