Remake No Hope Act 1: The Sewers

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Creator: rifte gifle,
    Recommended players: 10-16

    The Story so Far...
    A new airborne virus has started spreading across the planet. While many people have been killed by the virus, a great chunk have been turned crazy. Not even human anymore. Feasting on the flesh of the living, the few people who have a natural airborne immunity to the virus find themselves completely outnumbered. In the populated city of San Oatlos, a small group of survivors have escaped the infected by venturing to the depths of the sewers. While safe at the moment, they know that staying with limited weapons and no food or water would be a death sentence. One of the survivors claim that there is a military outpost on the other side of the city. Though many of the survivors are doubtful, this might be the only choice and staying to rot in the sewers was not an option. A risky plan but doable in theory? Yes. Actually putting the plan into action? Not so much.

    The Survivors
    Though stronger than the regular infected, it won't take too many hits before you're down. Remember that you don't have a radar and can still be assassinated so stay together, watch your backs and keep health packs handy.

    The Infected
    Regular Infected
    Generally weak alone, it won't take too much to take these ones out. What these guys don't have in strength however they have in stealth and agility. Fast and always aware of your location, when they start charging en masse start praying.

    Mutated by the virus, these things can dish out just as much damage as they can take. Remember to combine fire on this infected or you'll find yourself as one of them pretty quick.

    How many players?
    Although the map is normally set to 4 infected at start, this is meant for a party of 10-16. If your party is not of that size, don't hesitate to lower the number of infected zombies to your preference.

    The goal for this is not to camp and get as many kills as possible. While there is a scoring system, the No Hope campaign is meant to be played as a linear level much like you would see in Left4Dead. The objective for the humans is to get from the begging of the level to the saferoom at the end. The following the guide to get to the end as the humans.
    You will start off in the sewers. Walk out and turn right down the alley heading towards the diner- the first holdout area. You're very limited with weapons so keep sharp and watch out for zombies from above, below and in those little spots you never think to look.

    You've reached the diner. Hold out until 2:00 for the door to open. It'll be easy at first but over time, you'll be finding yourself spraying you rifle for life.

    The door has opened. Enter the diner, pick up whatever you need and get out through the back door fast. Make your way to the office building.

    You've made it to the office building. Climb up the ladder and get inside using the stairs as quick as possible.

    Hold out in the saferoom until 20 seconds remaining. A trip mine will spawn and you must use it to close the safe room door. If you've managed to do this, congratulations. You have finished Act 1.

    Your objective is simple- kill the humans. To aid you is a teleporter system used to getting around the map quickly. As the humans progress through the map, some teleporters will close and new ones will spawn. Ramps will also spawn to aid you in getting to the survivors easily.

    Spawn room initially
    At the end

    Gameplay Video
    YouTube - L4D No Hope Act 1: The Sewers


    • Stay together, there is safety in numbers. Do not go ahead of everyone else and do not linger. Both will only lead to death.
    • Keep your backs against the walls. You can still be assassinated and you don't have radar. Cover each others backs.
    • Combine fire against the tank.
    • Always check corners and watch for the rooftops. Be quick but stay alert.


    • Use the rooftops and objects as cover. Humans do not have radar so go for the assassination.
    • Charge together. This makes it harder for the humans to kill you, charging in alone will lead to nothing.
    • When you get the tank, charge in with other people or use them as distraction. Going in alone will only lead to death from combined fire.

    I hope you guys enjoy this Act 1 remake, I tried to keep it as true to the original while still vastly improving it. If you want to see the original Halo 3 version click here. The warthog was taken out due to confusion and the simple fact that it was too stinkin' hard. The holdout in the Halo 3 version at the end is replaced by a safe room switch. Thanks to everyone who helped test this and give all the suggestions to help improve Act 1: The Sewers. Keep an eye out for Act 3 :)

    Additional Screenshots

    FIN ACT 1
    #1 Rifte, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  2. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I still don't get why you made 2 then 1, but I don't care, cuz this looks amazing. Nope Hope Act 2 was definitely the best Infection map I've played in Reach, and it would be no shocker if this was just as awesome. To tell you the truth, Rifte, I could see Left4Dead: No Hope Campaign becoming the next Asset. (people would have to start making original maps, of course) Keep up the good work bro! DL'd.
    #2 jameslieb1, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  3. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol i remember playing on this map yesterday as part of TGIF. the map truly astounded the party in terms of its sheer size. the one thing in the map that become a problem is the final safe room. 7 people got stuck in that shield door grav lift thing where the box appears. inevitably, the undead horde decided it was a good time to consume our healthy delicious brains...
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Because I never thought of remaking Act 1 until now :p

    Someone had this in their TGIF? What probably happened was host switched and so everything reset meaning the switch screwed up. Otherwise it was either laggy or just an old version of the map.
  5. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks great just like part 1! I just think you should make your own series after these maps.
  6. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You mean Part 2? :p
  7. Once again, I am blown away with your maps! Congrats and thanks for releasing this awesome map. On Topic: This map is Flawless, I ran through the whole map on Forge and I was quite impressed, forging is clean and smooth and the beginning Sewer Part was just plain out cool, nice job.

    - Vincent [iiNFamous452]​
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    loved the Halloween music playing in your youtube video. I feel like all infection games should have that song play, it just feels right. Anyway great map, can't wait to play it.
  9. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Rifte you cease to amaze me I am downloading right now and I am hoping to get some sweet games going well I love it from the video nice work on the safe room Ypur maps continue to amaze me
  10. JustHayden5

    JustHayden5 Forerunner

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    Looks AMAZING!! definatly downloading this!

    anyone wanna have a big game of this? ill be online till 10:30am so message me on xbox GT: JustHayden
  11. i eat clowns

    i eat clowns Forerunner

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    i loved the first one, or second actually and i cant wait to play this one!
    make act 2!!!!!
  12. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I absolutly loved the part 2 and have yet to play this one. however it looked like there was little cover for the infected. also those ladders that you make are amazing and i can never seem to figure out how you did it. If you could, share your secrets with meh as i have many in-progress city maps that could use this. Of course i would give credit to you if anyone askes about them. =)
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is Act 1 :p It is the remake of the Halo 3 version. Act 2: The Streets is the next one in the series.

    It's meant to be open; this ramps the difficulty of the map up as the game progresses. It'll be a bit tricky in the beggining for the zombies but as the game goes on, ramps and powerups will spawn making it easy. That and if there was more cover for the zombies the humans would get slaughtered at the diner every time.
  14. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Nice, remaking a Left 4 Dead custom map. I saw the second one the streets and it was pretty good. If you plan on remaking more L4D customs, I suggest remaking Escape From Toronto and Vienna Calling next. Those two are about as good as No Hope, if not better.
  15. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This isn't a remake of a custom L4D map in the left4dead game, it's a remake of my own original map in Halo 3. The maps in the series are all my own originals.
  16. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    One of the things which will set this map aside from any other L4D infection maps is the safe room. When you first showed me the mechanics behind it, my eyes split sideways alittle.. It is extremely innovative. The overall theme of the map is very urban and the aesthetics are extremely impressive. After playing through this with a larger party, you begin to figure out which walls are safer and where zombies are most likely to ambush the pack. Regardless of that, even if you know the map like the back of your hand, you still need to watch your back and move in a group. Play hero, and your rounds will run out and you will become zombie chow. Very nice job rifte, I won't compare your act I and II, I will just say that both of them are staying on my drive, and I will drop forging just to play on the maps in customs.
  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great maps! Just downloaded this and second act. Can't wait to try them out! Well thought out maps and great details!
  18. jakey babs

    jakey babs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    do yourself and us a favor and dont stop making these. they are simply amazing and I feel like if you tweak the gametype to make it more unique and like left for dead you could start a craze where people try making their own campaigns with you gametype. This is pure potential. As far as this map goes beautifully forged and fun to play what more can you ask for?
  19. UEG Rage

    UEG Rage Forerunner

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    Very nice!
  20. Deathscythe

    Deathscythe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is the most fun i've had with halo reach ever. My only complaint is that the level ends, and that there are only two acts. I'd like to see a lot more because they are so awesome.

    You should finish this campaign then make more campaigns and my only suggestion for those is actually connect them like with the previous ones end. I don't get how in the end of act 1 your in a building then act 2 your on top, just a little detail that would be cool.

    awesome map though please make more

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