you probably need video driver updates. if you have an ATI/AMD card you can update from steam or from Spoiler Global Provider of Innovative Graphics, Processors and Media Solutions | AMD or if you have an Nvidea card go here: Spoiler Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers
@RST. First where is the .exe located? I know that sounds silly but windows programs are picky sometimes when they have to read information from the net. Two is it getting enough RAM? This is related to RAM however im not sure if this may be the problem something to look into I suppose. Normally when a program doesn't have enough ram or memory the program shuts down itself, or if running to much, or its conflicting with something else.. Another idea would be if your using Windows XP, what service pack are you using? Try these things to look at, maybe they will help >.<.
Minecraft just won't start if there isn't enough ram because when i've tried running a server, it wouldn't open after clicking it even multiple times Then when I'd run minecraft first and try the server, it'd say ' could not reserve enough space for object heap'. I ended up just terminating a bunch of pointless processes from the task manager, and now i do this everytime i start it up to get more speed. everyone should look into doing this
@RST delete system 32 lol. nah you need moar RAM. open up task manager and close stuff that may be taking up a lot of ram and runnign in the background like steam or msn. dont close explorer though. luls
Happy that Notch is now just going to use the old algorithm for spawning monsters. There now isn't a crap load of animal or creepers now. .
This a thousand times yes. I hate going outside, turning to close the door, and hearing a *Ssssss...* sound.
I can finally emerge from my cave of Peacefulness? I walk out of my house.."SSSSS" Boom. Respawn. Walk three steps. "SSSSSS" Boom. Respawn and run away. "SSS" "NO" Change to peaceful. The game is great in peaceful, just not as fun or exciting.
I play on hard so Never changed it to peaceful being imo its the most boring thing to do unless your building I suppose. I just like the danger . So After being in my Mt for a good time I finally went exploring to some near by caves. I went to one that seemed rather large, so I went to that one first. After a few minutes I stumbled upon a large room that seemed to have been craved out perfectly, along with the floor being completely leveled. Creepy I said, but choose this place will be my new home. After a night of going to my Mt base to fetch my stuff and return, I found that the small waterfall that I have runs down even deeper. I took it for a ride rather far done actually, however I didn't notice that at the end it goes into another waterfall down a long dark mineshaft. I begin to explore and explore, and seriously? Coal and Iron look like they grow on trees down here, along with some rooms that have been creeply carved out like the one I made my base in. What I didn't really now either was that I didn't see a monster at all, well I did after 10 minutes of exploring but still. Anyway, plan to keep working on the main room, adding smooth stone to it to make it look nice, along with expanding into the mines below. I need diamond, but mostly I want some lava so I can make some obsidian . Thats it for now, thanks for reading XD.
That is pretty creepy. I bought my friend minecraft and on his first day he found diamond (he hit lava and died but that's beside the point). I found diamond yesterday so here's a tip for finding stuff: If you're deep down and you find water, swim to the source and plug it and then look at where the water was running - that's how I saw a block of diamond and went on to find 3 more blocks.
This being why I adore the level generator. If I get bored of a world I either start a new one or sail out in a boat until I find something awesome.
I've only found diamond by lava so far.. :/ Just today i found some diamond right underneath iron ore.. pretty cool if you ask me. I love peaceful mode... I only use it when I'm deep down in caves... I just can't handle all those creepers Anyways.. my new favorite thing to do is go extremely deep into caves and search for lava and gold and stuff. Much more fun than dieing 2 or 3 times every 100 yards.
I always thought that Diamond was found only near lava. Turns out, it can spawn anywhere. I though this because every time I found Diamond, id get killed very soon by Lava later. It sucked. Until I was venturing out in a boat randomly and walked into a cave. And in this cave, there was iron EVERYWHERE. I mean EVERYWHERE. Whereas in a cave, theres usually stone and coal lining the walls. There was Iron instead of stone. It was awesome. So anyway, when I came to the end of this cave there was a Dungeon. Right beside the Dungeon there was a river running into a cave beside it. I jumped into the river and let it carry me down into another cave. And in that cave was Diamond. And lots of it. It was awesome. And then the lag started...Which im trying to fix nao to no avail.
I just play easy normally but if I've just collected some "rare" stuff and I've got to walk across dangerous path i put on peaceful cause really annoying dieing with hard to find stuff. I wonder if it would be a good idea we made a map we where forced to choose a difficulty for that world so you could have a "hard world". I dunno where you guys mine but my base is IN a hill and i have a huge tunnel(using mine cart tracks for fast access) funny thing is its such a long tunnel mobs can spawn in the tunnel by time i go up to back down again and its where i put my nether portal so whenever i go down there there's mobs guarding the portal But I've had no problems finding any type of block (nm diamond but enough) i dunno if its because I'm mining at the very bottom of the level where the invincible blocks are but could be could try it if you really desperate for somewhere to look.
I had a tiny little cottage for a while, it was overlooking a waterfall. every once in a while Mobs like cows and sheep would spawn in my house. Now I'm building a huge glass tower with ladders to the top, with my mansion overlooking. It's gonna take a while haha.