Should sandbox and foundry return in Reach, With forge 2.0?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by critter1227, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. critter1227

    critter1227 Forerunner

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    How would you feel if foundry and sandbox returned with forge 2.0, just a different scenario. it was allot harder to forge in halo 3, and if they added more pieces and a bigger budget, it would be great, with phasing and rotation snaps. Don't forget the X,Y,Z snaps. How would you feel?
  2. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Hell no.

    The restricting boundaries of both maps were maddening.
  3. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't want either of those maps to be honest... What I do want is a NEW map with a NEW palette. No more forerunner crap. No more dumpster crap. No more clay blocks!
    And give us some natural blocks! I want trees and hills and bushes and grass and sand and water! And a bigger budget for such items! Rocks are so inadequate.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Yeah, no thanks to that. They were fine in their day but the new forge exceeds their capabilities. (Well, Sandbox wasn't bad, but I got really sick of the textures and of maps built in the main open area that mostly ended up feeling all the same.)

    My main desire for a future forging map for Reach is more flexibility and less frame rate issues. Simplify the pieces somewhat, but give us more pieces, more textures... and please Bungie, if you're up there in heaven, give us some control over landscape, lighting, and maybe even weather. People are spending a lot of time and budget trying to give their maps a distinctive flavor, so it would be great if the map had that built into it. To me the biggest drawback of all three forge maps so far is that once you get used to seeing the new pieces and the few effects, you already know basically what most of the maps made on them will feel like.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    people are asking for WAY too much.

    you really think they're going to update forge with a complete overhaul in order to give people control to manipulate terrain features, lighting effects, and weather effects?!? and im sure you want it to be absolutely perfect right? thats like asking for an entirely new game, be realistic here man.

    never. going. to. happen.

    on topic, i think it would be a funny little bonus to just throw Foundry and Sandbox in there for us, but with forge 2.0's controls instead. sure it wont produce anything that new or revolutionary, but i still think it'd be fun.

    who knows, maybe new discoveries would be made with the glitches 2.0 would cause on the old maps, lol =P
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Yeah, it would be awesome if there was a way to combine Sandbox and Foundry in to one big Forge map, a map which gave us lots of areas to work with and a huge palette of objects....

    ...oh, wait.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Mmm. It's not like I wrote a letter detailing my demands to Bungie, or threw a tantrum and threatened to break my copy of Reach if they don't deliver what I want. This is an open discussion of what we'd like to have, on a forum Bungie probably doesn't even monitor; we can and should ask for the moon, and if we ever get even halfway there, we should probably be delighted. Personally I have been vocal in defending Forgeworld and Forge 2.0 against the people who complain endlessly about everything, but that doesn't mean that I don't wish for more at the same time.

    Why be realistic? It's an unreasonable request. We're not sitting in development meetings at Bungie, we're just saying what we want.

    However, I could very easily imagine a forge map that does limited variations of the things I'm asking for - with the current Reach engine. There's no reason there can't be hill, cliff, and other landscape objects that can be placed just like the large rocks. As long as they aren't super-complex in polygon count or textures, this is quite possible. Imagine a map that is basically flat grassland or snow, and you have hill objects textured to match that you can merge together and into the landscape. Voila, you're controlling the terrain - and that is hardly far-fetched, as long as Bungie doesn't get too ambitious with either the background of the map or the objects. (Of course, given what we are seeing with frame rate issues in Forgeworld, and objects that are probably a bad idea to EVER use in a map, that thought may be unrealistic!)

    Lighting? They already give us FX, and a bunch of them, that approximate what I am talking about. It's just that they are too specific in what they do, and some of them just aren't useful for competitive maps at all. I just want to be able to make things a little (or a lot) darker, or a little (or a lot) lighter, with an effect. Purple filter + whatever else (I have used next gen) isn't bad, but a lot of the other effects like Juicy are so distinctive that one quickly grows bored of them. I'd like to see the existing palette expanded. Just make it more flexible.

    Weather - well that probably is unrealistic I admit. But I would love to see a map where you can spawn an FX sphere that just adds a simple particle effect, like falling snowflakes or drizzling rain. Combined with lighting that could do a lot to make the map feel very different. Again though, Bungie would have to rein in their more baroque tendencies with the map and object design, so that the added effect wouldn't kill frame rate.

    I'd also like more flexibility in where you can forge. Right now of the three major maps, a foundry map always feels like foundry; a sandbox map pretty much always felt like sandbox, with a few exceptions. Forgeworld is the most flexible that way but still, most of the pieces are gray and forerunner in design, and so you generally either see enclosed forerunner-style maps or more open maps with trees and grass. (There are a few exceptions of course). How about the next Forgeworld be designed as a series of separate giant rooms, or canyons, that are desert, snow-covered, etc? Right away you double or triple the amount of possible atmospheres that a map can have. Especially if the objects aren't specific to any one of them, or even (here I go asking for the moon again) have alternate textures available.
  8. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Would be nice if like the ability to change the color of some objects, we can change the color of the terrain (snow, grass, desert, etc.).
  9. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I don't care if we get Sandbox and Foundry, all i want in Forge is:

    Differently sized Traxus Containers
    Different sized Blocks
    Drop Pod
    Sign A
    Sign B
    Weapon Holder
    Wire Spool
    Drink Machine
    Target Locator (At least lemme use it as a starting weapon in Firefight!)
    Spike Grenade
    Fire Bomb
    Flamethrower (When possible, make this a non-support weapon so i can make a pyro loadout)
    Brute Shot
    Missile Pod
    Sentinel Beam
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Dude, just because the Beta servers died doesn't mean Bungie died. How else would we have the game?

    I don't want either of those maps because I feel I've seen nearly every layout on both of them.
  11. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    Personally, I don't want to see the return of these two maps (I would rather have Bungie spend their time remaking better H3 maps like Guardian and such). I would much rather just have the objects that we had back in H3 make a return to Forge 2.0.
  12. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    This. I don't know that I'd want a remake of Sandbox or Foundry, because both places had an incredibly limited setting. What Forge World lacks is variety. Obviously they aren't going to change the game engine to incorporate new weapons and vehicles, but creating an array of forge spaces that had different aesthetics, lighting, and times of day would be a vast improvement. The only other thing that I might wish for would be the ability to change the aesthetic appearance of the blocks you're using--say set it between Covenant, Forerunner Metal, Forerunner Stone, UNSC, and Natural. That way we'd actually be able to see some variety in mapmaking aesthetics.
  13. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    Id really like to see all of that stuff but i think that landscaping would be too challenging. Right now what I'm hoping for is a release of "forging map pack" with human, covenant, snowy, desert, and savanna forge maps
  14. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    No. They are to small

    Thats why we have forge world
  15. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    they aren't too small, and i liked the blocks of foundry, now all you see is gray and silver. its so boring. not even if you try to make a covenant or human style map does it ever look like one
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I agree that the Forgeworld look can get dull - but damn, I was sick of Foundry's "brown and tan with dirt on it" look a long time ago too. Frankly I think the lack of diversity in all three of the major forge maps makes them monotonous pretty quickly, especially when you post on a forum like this and look at dozens of maps a day.
  17. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    What? Why take a step back from Forge World? You, sir, make no sense.
  18. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I would like Foundry, yes. Mostly because I liked the way maps on Foundry looked. Nothing was plain, and ever simple structures could look complex and neat. Also the fence boxes
  19. Salty Fingaz

    Salty Fingaz Forerunner

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    Thats a nice list of items right there...

    4 on your list would def. make my list as well

    •Weapon Holder
    •Target Locator (already in the game)
    •Truck (already in the game)

    I also want:
    •the grenade launcher version of the falcon
    •a passenger seat version of the falcon where you use your own gun rather than the falcon gun. not only would this mean we could TONE DOWN the falcon by forcing people to use assault rifles, we can also go all badass and use spartan lasers. aww yea.
    •1/2 and 1/4 size colloseum walls
    •super huge 1-way sheield (and regular sheiueld perhaps)
    •giant rock piece about the size of half a coll. wall, even if its lower detail. maybe a couple of sizes
    •a few themed building block pieces, such as convenant 2x4, human 2x4, covenent flat, etc.... wouldnt have to be the entire set, anything would help.
    •the ability to place some of the non-usable vehicles as scenery... like the pelican/covenant ships
    •an option on any vehicle placed in a forge map that says "invincible: on/off"
    that would be sick, and it would make games like king of the tank better because you could blow up whatever you wanted, but the tank would last...

    also, i want them to release a forge world map that takes place in space. yes, thats right. A big chunk of space. they can use the same one they used for the mission where you fly the sabre. It can have a floor, thats cool, so we dont drop stuff. I will gladly set uo my own kill bounds. They can even use the same exact object set.
    But even being able to just build a space station would be sweet, even if it was just for the scenery.

    Also, let me place 10 lights... please? just render the closest 2 to the camera. I promise I can design my maps in a way that the suspension of disbeleif never comes into question......
  20. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    i would like to make maps in a real map editor on my computer and then upload them to xbox live.

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