it's not normal predators... it's Ninja Predators!!11 yea, so i really enjoyed the predator gametype in H3... so I decided to create a new map in Reach... along with a gametype. Tell me what you think: YouTube - The Making of Ninja Predators also, I'll post it as soon as the Testers Guild gives me some feedback.... EDIT: Pictures below v v
I really like the location. I've been thinking about making a new map somewhere like this. The structures also look pretty well thought out. I'd love to see how it plays.
Thanks. Glad you noticed the location part. I spent around 20 minutes just circling around looking for a new place so I'm glad you noticed Also, I kind of went as I forged. That's not to say I didn't plan, but it means I had a central idea in mind after I built the long "anti-ship" wall (there are 2 pictures in the video). I REALLY hope this map gets tested soon... I've been finished for around 2 weeks now and the tester's guild still hasn't tested it yet :/ Spoiler and i couldn't get 4 of my friends on reach to save my life EDIT: Here are some high-res pics: Overview Side View Middle(-ish) View