I'm sure many of you are running into the same thing I am. I can't get 7 of my friends online at once to produce a 4v4 video of my map entry for the Forgetacular contest. Is anyone up for meeting to help each other out this weekend? I'm on Eastern time, and I'm pretty flexible. Please post gamertags and times available, and we'll see what we can get going. Also be sure to fileshare your maps. =)
I would be very interested in helping out. I have a map that I need tested out and a video for as well. My GT is RudeOnion. I'll be on this weekend, Saturday till about 4, and Sunday also till about 4 (CST). I could be on again both days after 6:30 or so, depending on when work ends
I'd be interested in doing some testing this Sunday probably later in the evening I'll be available. maybe 8 or 9 Eastern
I have a question about this. How important do you think it is to have a video exactly showing what the category asks for? For instance if I submit under 4 vs. 4 team slayer, would a video showing 3 vs. 3 work just as well? Or for CTF, maybe 5 vs. 5 or 6 vs. 6? I've tested the maps I want to submit a few times now, but it's hard to control the group size - we often end up with randomly fluctuating numbers all the time.
I personally think that you would be better off getting the specified number of people in your group. One thing you can do to prevent too many players is to limit the party size through the lobby controls. As for preventing people leaving mid-game, you can gather a group of people that are all trying to get maps tested. If they leave, then their map doesn't get tested; this will provide them with more incentive to stay.
Yeah, you're probably right about that. I'm going to be online some tonight and tomorrow - I'll try to get into another testing session and see if I can run a couple more quick games on these maps before the deadline gets here.