
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by rbenhase, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. Phoenix117 UK

    Phoenix117 UK Forerunner

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    0 : Halo Reach : File Details this shows a way out of the map when you have a jetpack.

    Aside from that one small thing, this map is really great, deserves to be put into matchmaking imo.
  2. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually my suspicions of an oddball hideyhole were null and void, the ball immediately resets when the carrier tries to get there. My bad yo. you can get there in slayer, but it makes little difference.
  3. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    Last night my friends and I had played on a bunch of maps I downloaded, this was one of them. Oddly, bits and pieces of it remind me of Construct and Epitaph. o_O maybe I'm just crazy. Lol but anyway, I love this map, I especially love the lack of z-fighting. I honestly think this deserves to go into matchmaking, it's a hell of a lot better than those two maps Bungie put up (what were they called? Atom and Cliffhanger?).

    Good job on the map, I lovers it :D
  4. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will take a look at this. Does it affect gameplay? Anyway, thanks for pointing it out. And thanks for the compliment!

    You're not crazy. I had Halo 2's Colossus in mind, but I was reminded/inspired by Construct and Epitaph as well.
  5. lncendios

    lncendios Forerunner

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    Awesome map, the elevator was definately the point of focus, but there were awesome places elsewhere. I had a few situations where people would try to get into the elevator only to be stuck by a nade. Nothings funnier than standing at the top, hearing a boom! and seeing a body fly out. Also the map plays completely differently when AL is changed to Evade.
  6. Screamo Luvr

    Screamo Luvr Forerunner

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    What's the lift made out of? (private message the answer if you can...I might not check back frequently.
  7. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Hey awesome map and I like the open areas and the lines of sight they make great gameplay.

    Also help me out anyone I'm new to forging and I just finished my first map. Click the link read/download and then give me feedback thanks a lot.

    *Link removed due to map advertisement*
    #47 ShKai, Nov 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2010
  8. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    I liked this map, except for the very top. It's really plain up there. I would suggest adding cover, a power weapon, or some other kind of structure up there to jazz it up. That, or just add a softkill so you can't go up there.
  9. Phoenix117 UK

    Phoenix117 UK Forerunner

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    As far as slayer goes it can make it really easy for a team to just go and hide once they have the lead, but it's easily fixed by added a kill boundary below where the rocket is. It'll be easier to see what I mean when you check the vid. And no problem :D
  10. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for offering feedback, but I guess I don't know what you're
    talking about. The top level has both the Rocket Launcher and the
    Sniper Rifle. Are you talking about on top outside of the map? If so,
    there is a soft kill boundary that keeps you from going up there.

    I will PM you, but for everyone else, it's made up of one way shields
    turned so that the blocked side faces up. This works as an elevator,
    even without grav lifts.
  11. needy154

    needy154 Forerunner

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    hmm gotta play to c...add 4 customs play
  12. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    hey dude, i believe it is our sole duty as fellow forgers to download each others maps, play them.....and then say "HAHAHAHAHA, i broke your map!" lol well im not trying to be picky here because i accidentally did this myself. but about the quote i only bring that up b/c it seemed in H3 so many people would comment on maps b/c they broke out of them....good for them right? so i am not trying to be mean, but i thought i should bring this up to you cause its a easy fix!!!

    so its hard to explain...but ill try

    picture one, on the right and left side, outside about the fins....there is the ledge followed by two have a killzone behind the fin, and on the top flat part, but if you walk onto the FIRST window, you are safe in between two zones....

    to go along with the previous statement...once on that window its just a quick drop and a boost to get under the map behind the first kill zone, by the snipernest...easy fix...MAKE SURE to extended the first killzone behind the fin too, b/c you can jetpack around it to make it underneath as well!

    last...if you are out at rock can land on the little tiny ledge made by the glass cover! i did this with an oddball just falling onto it...very tough though, died a few times before i got a hang of this drop. but very easy to do with a jetpack! which then would be useless, but still!

    so like i said found the first one on accident, but then was think why not see where i can get....all these are very simple fixes with adding a few more soft/hard kill zones! other then that the map is very well made. I really enjoy the short jump around lower snipe off the glass said, very useful.

    hoped this helped buddy!

    Edited by merge:

    oh ****. my bad man i just read a few post that point this out...i didnt read all the papges before hand i just searched and posted. so i guess if these problems have already been addressed then no worriers bro!
    #52 schleb, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  13. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    2700+ downloads and 100+ likes... though it's slowed down compared to when it was on Bungie's Most Recommended Maps, Mint has still been a popular download and I thank all of you for that.

    No worries. Your descriptiveness is helpful. By "the short jump around lower snipe off the glass said (I'm assuming you meant sail)" are you talking about the shortcut between bases by jumping on the sail and then jumping to the other side? Because if so, that's awesome. I'm really glad people are picking up on the tiny little things I put into the map to make gameplay more interesting. And while it's a disappointment when people find flaws, it's still nice that people actually take the time to really play the map. Thanks so much.
  14. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I walked around this map awhile, and I must say its my favorite to win the symmetrical section of the Forgetacular. The only minor problems I found were: going up the outside lifts, it says you are leaving that battlefield for a half second. Doesn't really matter, but things like that bother me. And also, if you walk up the glass that has the slanted soft-kill barrier, there are little spaces between every glass cover that you are safe in. Sorry if these minor problems have already been addressed or fixed, I dl'd the day you posted it and was to lazy to read through all the comments on this map. Anyway, amazing map. Hope to see it in matchmaking. -Erupt
  15. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot... I hope Bungie sees it the same way. I was aware of the split second where you see "return to battlefield" after going through the lift, but unfortunately the only way to avoid it would be to remove the soft kill zone that keeps people from walking up the glass. I was not, however, aware of the other issue, so thanks for pointing it out.
  16. Reggie Freakin Wayne

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    Definitely my favorite to win Forgetacular, too. There are other great maps but none seems as well-suited as this one. I would LOVE to play this in Matchmaking, and I think it deserves a feature on FH as well!
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure if these have been seen to since the version I have, but if you're submitting this for forgetacular, or even just because it should be done, I'd make sure they're all taken care of.




    The last one, I am pretty sure you can get down into all that open build below the glass area as well. All horrible no-no's for matchmaking, and just generally irritating. Could also use some more occasional filler weapons. Other than that, good map.
  18. GuardianV3

    GuardianV3 Forerunner
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    Yeah, there are definitely some spots that could use some taking care of.

    My opinion of this map is just wow. It reminds me of Construct, sort of. The aesthetics inside the building are actually quite bland IMO, but that's probably just because I dislike indoor maps. However, the building itself is marvelous. I actually had a VERY similar idea, but never made a map including the building design. The gameplay, most importantly, looks to be very good. If I had friends who still played Reach as often as they do Black Ops, I'd download it, but as it is, I'll just have to wait until I get to play it in matchmaking, haha.
  19. Karl2177

    Karl2177 Ancient
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    The gameplay itself is very good, but the main issue is getting out of the map. I had a 2v2, where I got the first kill and hid where thesilencebroken pointed out. There's multiple rooms under there that provide great covering fire for each other. Also, someone with Sprint can hide on the ledges of the glass wall(so the timer doesn't go down) and sprint across the top, and break a setup at Rockets.
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Played a match of swat with snipers on this map and it was quite fun. I hope this map wins the forgetacular contest as well, but make sure some of the fixes the people suggested above are made for the submitted final version of this map ;)

    Even though the maps Bungie has made have their own, getting out of the map or areas you weren't suppose to get to, problems. It doesn't mean you need to have those problems too and those ledges people can get to really would affect matchmaking play.

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