I'm creating a Purist Forgers Clan. We make maps on Halo: Reach that follow these rules: It may NOT be on Forge World. If it's Competetive it may only be Stockpile, Infection, Race, Assault or Invasion. MLG Maps are not allowed. It may not take up the whole budget. Have at least 5 $ left. There may not be more Gadgets then Scenery. Explosives are exceptions. I hope this will raise some good maps. I was inspired by the maps Cityscape and Junkbot.
I'm always intrigued when people choose to do something with one arm tied behind their back. But for me personally, I like not being quite so limited.
1st: making a map on powerhouse doesn't mean that it is easy. 2nd: Limiting yourself is fairly pointless in this case, unless you're trying to prove to the community that maps can be made in areas other than forgeworld. Also, why are you advertising your forge group here? Advertising is against the rules and people generally don't go onto forge websites to look for groups other than the one they've just joined to forge with/for.
Reply to 2nd: Yes i want to prove that. Reply to the third thing you said: I am not advertising. I'm wanting to create a group with members of Forge Hub.
Cause this can easily be done by removing all automatic weapons on a map. Here are some ideas people could work on: Generator Defense- Invasion with 3 Assault phases and every phase 3 Bomb plant places. Powerhouse maybe? **** Zombies- FX Colorblind On. Boardwalk. The famous "camp" base is blocked by destroyable Pallets. EDIT: Credit to some guy who already made it on Forge World.
That's still advertising a different group. Just because most of the people in your group are from ForgeHub doesn't mean it's a different group.