
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ajpsk8, May 6, 2008.

  1. ajpsk8

    ajpsk8 Ancient
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    by Ajpsk8

    An unfortunate player burns in the furnace

    An overview of the map from the back corner. The Full "Furnace" is not shown.

    Furnace is a large, awesomely interlocked, contained map with one major area of conflict: the hill - wait, doesn't sound very interesting. Did we mention that the hill was a small bridge suspended over a continuous explosion? Sounds a little more complicated. This map was originally a 1v1 map, but then I increased the size and now the game is a much more fast-paced Team or FFA map made mainly for KoTH and the Hammer Hill variant (read down), although all other gametypes are supported. 4-8 players

    Throughout the process of making this map, I kept in mind exactly what bungie does. I added ledges, quick spots and many other useful things, such as the quick spots in the furnace. This makes great fun for Slayer gametypes.

    Since the force of the furnace is too strong, weapons cannot be placed in or around the furnace building, so stock up before trying to turn the battle

    Editor's Note

    I started this map a few months back before I knew interlocking or anything like that. The thing is that certain things had to be added to keep the explosion from escaping that really added to the design. Even before I interlocked the map, I got awesome feedback on how fun and well designed the maps is, especially with the Hammer Hill variant. Of course, then I learned interlocking and came back to totally overhaul this map, and this is the result. Enjoi
    BR: 6
    Assault Rifle: 2
    Needler: 2
    Shotgun: 1
    Sniper: 1

    Power ups & Equipment

    Flare: 1 (Useful)
    Grav Lift: 1
    Regenerator: 1
    Overshields: 1
    Plasma Grenades: 4

    Best Gametypes (Descending)
    NOTE: all gametypes are supported
    - Hammer Hill (download below)
    - Team KoTH (or normal KoTH, but team KoTH is more fun)
    - Assault
    - Vip
    - Slayer
    - Oddball
    - Capture the Flag

    A player on the roof snipes the current king of the hill
    That same shot, showing what could have happened had he moved over a few steps
    A player heads to the roof with the sniper located in the "Observation Room" (Next Pic)
    (NOTE: There are no rockets on the map, this was taken before I made the decision to remove them) Last time I checked, its impossible to shoot a sniper from the inside of these boxes. Sucks this guy didn't figure out needlers could. In case you're wondering, the sniper room is linked to a teleporter behind the "Furnace" building. Heres a forge shot of the teleporter:
    So that teleporter is linked to this small room where the sniper is:
    So that's cool. Lets get back to the game:
    This, eventually leads to this:
    Don't worry, you cant be hurt from outside of the furnace, this guy just got pwned
    A quick view of the overshields in the basement

    Hammer Hill (KoTH Variant)
    Hammer Hill was made for this maps since gravity hammers call for some clumsy mistakes. Here are a few shots from a Hammer Hill game with me and some people on xbox live. (The experience does change on live, as explosions happen slower)
    This guy shot wayyyy out to the wall
    The true meaning of furnace
    Download Hammer Hill (KoTH Variant)

    please rate the file on b.net

    #1 ajpsk8, May 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Im guessing that this is your first map. If so, congratulations on a very successful first map. This looks very interesting. You have taken the time to post a very descriptive thread, with lots of images, and even posted a picture of all the weapon placements, which is great !

    The map itself looks very well forged. You have interlocked where necassary, and clearly taken your time, creating a very nice environment to kill people in. You have made a multi level map, with many alternate routes, which is also great. You have also tried some ideas which havnt been done before, which is very good. I will download and play some games.
    #2 Matty, May 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  3. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Im assuming this is your first post and I must say great job on the map too. I will probably download.
  4. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    doesn't the explosion get laggy?

    otherwise great map
  5. ajpsk8

    ajpsk8 Ancient
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    Sometimes over live it gets glitchy, but you'll still die before you hit the ground (hehe). Otherwise, if you play it local, everything's fine.
  6. halo00178

    halo00178 Ancient
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    this looks great! very nice forging but im not really into koth but anyway id give it a 4.5/5
  7. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    love the concept of the map and its very original. like other people say though wont it get laggy
  8. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    AWESOME!THIS DESERVES FEATURED!i give it a 9 out of 10,only prob would be the lag otherwise awesome map
  9. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    good job! you managed to attract my attention. this looks like a really well made map and your post was much better than other first-timers' posts out there. anyways, il try it out and give my review

    EDIT: umm i downloaded it but noticed i am the only download.. hmmmmm
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Looks very interesting. As someone already said, and from personal experience, lots of explosions and fire and stuff lags down larger parties,but sometimes it isn't so bad.

    I gotta completely overhaul my custom content tonight,so I will be back to download this and check it out. Other than that it looks like good work man.
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    i really like the premise of the map. its pretty unique, and im fond of maps that use boxes in this manner [floors/hills].

  12. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Wow Great Job

    amazing map it looks very cool. You also wrote a great post. I will DL, play and most likely recommend to friends. This Map should defiantly be featured.
  13. ajpsk8

    ajpsk8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone!
    did I mention Furnace makes a great Slayer, Assault and VIP map?

    Over xbox live it does... sometimes (not much, most of the screenshots were taken in a live game), as with all other maps like this, but i guarantee you wont be alive when you hit the bottom. If you play it local, everything's fine.

    @ texturedlemur:
  14. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You will have a very bright future here. It's surprising when a new member actually posts their first map correctly, and take their time on making a good thread. The map looks excellent too; prolike interlocking. I can't wait to see more from you.
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    That is some crazy forgage
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome map and post for your first, very creative.
  17. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    VERY nice map. Great interlocking and perfect for small team conflict. I hope this becomes popular soon.
    H3C x Nevz likes this.
  18. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    I agree 100% with him very well done great job with interlocking and also your different from most new members because they usually make zombies maps ( not saying zombie maps are bad i love them) its just it gets tiring seeing all these zombie maps over and over again... Very well done you have very good petentual ( P.S. Hope i spelled it right--- Petentual.. lol) Good luck on any future maps
  19. ajpsk8

    ajpsk8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Potential, and thanks everyone
  20. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks decent, kind of bumpy in one of the screenshots though, also, the outside part of the map looks kinda open, but otherwise, looks creative

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