I'm trying to work out how the following video worked. Is this a map design technique, or is it a glitch that expressed itself in a totally awesome way? YouTube - Beware of Falling Forge Objects! Does anyone have an idea how this was achieved?
my only thought is that people did the save glitch with objects on the regular setting. Other than that no idea
I've been forging on Reach since the game dropped. Non-stop. And I'm about to die from lack of sleep.... But I'm new to the online community. What is the "save glitch"?
Someone posted as a comment on the video link on bungie.net: I haven't tried it, and i don't know that it would fall in several pieces if you did that.
I'm pretty sure I've tried that. No dice. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I've done some digging. The map was titled "dream". I'm working off that to locate more info.
None of those objects are movable. Even if set to normal, after a moment of not moving the reference point will set and the objects will no longer be movable. He might have set up the map then gone into forge with a few people to move the objects down with coordinates then ripped the video of bungie.net, edited it (time-lapse), and modded it back into his fileshare. I have seen people manage to upload actual porn to their fileshares (banhammered after a few months), so this shouldn't have been too difficult.
I was thinking, if it was fixed everything would clang into eachother on it's way down and be a big sloppy mess?
From what I read, this can be achieved using a grid. You place everything you want to fall on a grid. Set everything to Fixed. Drop everything a said amount of coordinates (the grid stops it from going). Delete grid. Done.
I wish people would stop saying things like that. OK, you read that, or you heard that and you assumed it must be right because other people are saying they read and/or heard that, too. You do realise we don't need wild speculations like that when we actually have the game and we can go in to Forge and test it out before posting "well, thats what I heard so it must be true, but don't blame me its just what I heard" I tried it. Phased some objects, stuck a grid under them, set the objects to "fixed" and lowered their Z position. They all clunked together as One iiNSANE Kid suggested they would and nothing happened when I removed the grid. I also downloaded the video and watched it over and over again. Its crazy to watch. FYI, there were 8 people in that game. Start the interrogations!
It could be a modded video? I know bungie are against such things, but I can't see any other way? You can't move that many blocks with 8 people.
For the grid, just to add closure to that argument; I did try it. It didn't work (didn't think it would either). As soon as you're finished editing the coordinates and then deselect the object, the coordinates will reset to their current position as soon as the coordinate menu closes. As for the video being modded; I'm skeptical about that. I don't believe that Bungie would have featured the video on the front page had it been done through modding. Right now, my current and most likely incorrect theory is simply immense forge lag.
Well it would be some extreme lag. What i'm puzzled with is why the one block falls slower than the rest?
Heres what I think. They tons of people in the game to lower the objects using grid coordinates. When someone finished lowering their object they would race back to the top to grab a new one and lower it again. Either that or they took multiple clips and edited them into each other.
Just because you don't know how to do it doesn't mean its fake.... I believe its a real, just gotta find the manipulation
Well, people still need to read that when the one and only thing they are spouting as truth has been disproved, they just come back trying to claim that it's still true. Reminds me of some sort of religious debate. =/
My guess is film captured during a host switch. One thing I noticed on one of my maps was that if you're watching the film during black screen, what's actually happening is that the map is being rebuilt for the new host. It's entirely possible that it's the grid method, but given the fact that dropped pieces in fixed physics tend to stay put regardless of if there's something in the way, I'm inclined not to believe it. It's crazy, either way.
Ok, just to clear things up a bit. There is absolutely no grid in this. If you download the video from his fileshare to your xbox and watch it there, you can fly around and check things out. He did have a few other players in the game with him but they were not moving the blocks. It seems like ER1C0 has the right idea here....Magic.