We have all seen the ever so popular D-day, operation overload, Omaha Beach maps Right? We'll I took my own approach with a very realistic and fun twist to it. Operation OverloadI Bolded what I have on the map In the REAL! D-day they had: American 43,250 Infantry- Varies -two battleships - 1 -three cruisers - 1 -12 destroyers - 0 -105 other ships - 5 German- 7,800 infantry, -Varies 8 artillery bunkers, - 5 - 3 accessible 35 pillboxes, - 1 4 artillery pieces, -0? 6 mortar pits, -1 18 anti-tank guns, - 3 45 rocket launcher sites, - 2 85 machine gun sites, - 4 <a href="http://s803.photobucket.com/albums/yy311/Toontownuniverse/?action=view¤t=reach_8998872_Medium.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy311/Toontownuniverse/reach_8998872_Medium.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> 6 tank turrets - 0 IF YOU DON'T PLAY W/ GAMETYPE IT WONT WORK! With that out of the way it goes: Territory's, Assault, then Core ( CTF ) Here it goes: Spawns: Crashed boat: Storm the beach: Storming: Capturing A: Capturing B: Opened cave: Overview: Bomb Spawn: Phase 2: Again: Up the mountain: Further: Protecting the DOOR: THE DOOR: Overview of P2: Another one: THE DOOR: PLANTING THE DOOR: done w/ the door ok... Phase 3: The bunkers: CTF: Jump down: He's going: Droped: Again: So close: VERY CLOSE: Bunker shots: Please check it out and thanks to all the people that helped me test it out! Also for the heck of it...
I feel like I've seen this exact post before... Oh yeah, that's because I have. Not funny, or constructive at all. If you're going to post something like this, the least you can do is offer some opinions as to why "the political quadrant of the 3rd amendment equals suck". But generally, don't waste your time typing stuff like that out because it's pretty much just spam. Especially if you're going to copy and paste it into multiple topics. As for the map, it looks great. I was actually planning on doing a map like this, lol. I'll give it a download and try it out and let you know what I think. But from what I can see in the pictures, it looks great.
It seems ever since Farcry Predator D-Day has been a very common map idea. So I tried and a lot of people like it, except for EMC Political Government over there...
I'll just stick to reporting your post. Haven't played that, but I do remember there being a map on Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (I believe) like this and it was a blast. Works perfectly for an Invasion gametype.
Guys save it for math club and the debate team will you? I posted a map I want to see comments that could possibly help me in the future not this controversal talk. Just please tell me what you think of the map without going geek squad on me, Please!
I don't know why every one is saying that this map is bad. This is the first D-Day map that i have gone through the entire post. The map looks like it would have fun gameplay, send me a invite if your playing it someday.
It's not that they're saying it's bad, it's just flamers who want to increase there post count. Actually I will probably be hosting it today too so I'll send you an invite if I host it, alright.
Im sorry but I dont think anyone should make a D-Day map...the actual battle was completly one sided and we only won becasue our numbers...the idea of making this map is a bad one becasue there is no possible way to make this map acurate...but when looking at the map I also see little aesthetic value excluding the ships and the objectives seem to be out in the open or there is only one objective to cap which creates bad gameplay...also I dont understand how you figured the last phase could be stealing the core...the placed a flag on the top not found an object and ran like hell...sorry but you shouldnt have made this for this isnt even close to remaking that battle...if anything you should change the capping phases add more cover and objectives...also change it so that the core spawns at the ship and they have to take the core to the top...and add more aesthetics so the map looks more pleasing...
Sorry, this map isn't that good. The only things of note are the ships. It seems the rest is just scattered pieces