team specific soft kill zones

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Berb, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    okay in this one map im editing, one of the teams cannot go outside one of the main areas but the other one can. can i make a soft kill zone that only applies to the first team? if so, how?
  2. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I haven't actually done this myself but I remember Urk posted in The Incompetent Cartographer posts that he used team specific kill zones to keep one team out of another team's spawn area.

    You could use a safe or a kill zone, depending on the shape of your map.

    If this area can be included within the original safe zone then use a kill zone with the team set to the team you don't want to go in to that area.
    If this area goes beyond the maps boundaries then use safe zone set to the team use a safe zone with the team set to the team you do want to go in that area.
  3. Salty Fingaz

    Salty Fingaz Forerunner

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    I tried doing this in my invasion map.... had a large "soft safe zone" surrounding the attackers base...

    I didnt want the DEFENDERS attacking the ATTACKERS so i set it to "red team"

    however, both teams were still allowed there... just like when it was "neutral"

    What gives?

    Does this maybe only work with KILL zones and not SAFE zones???
    #3 Salty Fingaz, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    ...You just said that it didn't work with Kill Zones. So if it doesn't work with Kill Zones, then how can it only work with Kill Zones?
  5. Salty Fingaz

    Salty Fingaz Forerunner

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    Sorry, I meant it didnt work with safe zones. post edited.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Ah, OK. I'm going to have to take back what I said. I remember reading the Incompetent Cartographer and it stuck in my mind that you could set team specific safe/kill zones.
    Turns out I was wrong, he was just emphasizing the point that objects shapes were adjustable.

    Sorry to mislead you like that.
  7. Salty Fingaz

    Salty Fingaz Forerunner

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    cant seem to make them change for different phases of invasion either...

    tried to make them disappear with INV_GATES... no go...

    havent yet tried to make them appear with INV_WEAPON but i doubt it...
  8. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
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    When I attempted this with Kill Zones, I was unsuccessful. Granted, I didn't try extremely hard and ditched the idea in favor of something more playable in general, but I didn't have any puck with it during my go at it.

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