I was thinking of making an invasion map based on this. I unfortunately have not read the Halo novels so as far as details are concerned all I can get is from the HaloPedian website. Whether or not I end up doing this is based on if I can find someone who can help me with it. I'd like to get more into working with Invasion because I feel like its a gametype with a lot of potential for many different experiences. If anyones interested PM me. After working with Rifte Gifle on his upcoming map Unbroken Sovereignty (If you haven't checked that out yet, you should) I realized how versatile the Invasion gametype was and so I looked into the Halo canon for things similar to this and Operation Torpedo was born. Cookies will be had.
I can't remember exactly if Torpedo was the one where they took out the plasma manufacturing plant outside occupied space or if that was Pegasus Delta. It's a good idea though seeing as how it was a spartan 3 mission.
Pegasi Delta was the name of the moon where Operation Torpedo took place. This is correct. TitanC005 (mostly him) and I made an invasion map around this concept. I still wouldn't mind seeing someone else's take on a map for this awesome battle; so good luck.
I could help you out with it (I've read this section of the book and what not) ONLY if you at least do some of the work on the map If not, I'll still be available to help test whenever.
Oh lol well then do the other operation where the SIII's in the beginning of Ghost of Onyx took out the plasma manufacturing plant.
You're still thinking of the same thing. Operation Torpedo = Mission to take out plasma refinery; Pegasi Delta = Location of Operation Torpedo.
Yes Thanks Haha stupid last two weeks of the quarter kept me busy. Besides you were in charge of Sovereignty from the start, this time it'll be my turn, I'll let you know when I've made a decent amount already. And yes.
Okay then what mission did Bungie make up to explain the SIII's of nobel team they came from operation Torpedo's group and another operation but was like an attack on an asteroid belt or something i'll look it up and post back.