
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by doomstick420, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. doomstick420

    doomstick420 Forerunner

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    Hi everyone!

    Here is the second map I've created on Forge World that I am proud enough of to share. It's called Sanctum.


    This map is designed for 2 team (Red vs Blue) Slayer and CTF gametypes. Though I would be happy to create more gametypes for this map, I really feel that Slayer and CTF are what fit with it the best.


    Considering the size of this map (it's much smaller than Sovereignty, my other submission) it is very vehicle-heavy. Anyone who favors vehicular combat (especially the aerial kind) will enjoy this. Please play with at least a few friends, 1 on 1 can get a little one-sided.


    This map is composed of two multi-level bases that each connect to a central structure in three routes. Aside from that (and the photos), this is a map you will just have to try!


    Thank you everyone! Please let me know your thoughts!

    Here is the download link again, just in case: : Halo Reach : File Details
  2. Jflood

    Jflood Forerunner

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    just by looking here the scorpions are going to rule. They dominate balcons and there is unlike the banshee no way to avoid it quickly. (unless your pro but not a lot of people are) also second have you tested it to see how it plays because i'm not sure the scorpions will work very well with them pretty much not being able to move. but except for that it looks good.
  3. doomstick420

    doomstick420 Forerunner

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    Hey Jflood, thanks for checking the map out.

    I played around with the idea of using Warthogs instead of tanks in the early versions of this map because I was having a hard time keeping the Scorpions in check--so yeah, you're right about them dominating!

    Fortunately, upper section is high enough to provide cover from the lower decks where the Scorpions can drive. The bases are protected on the second level by shield doors and there are a number of anti-tank weapons available (sniper rifles and spartan laser on the top floor, rockets in the middle area).

    I did mention that with two players the map can become one-sided. With only one other player to watch for, it's easy to keep the tank looking in the right direction. However, the limited space available for the Scorpion to run away and the numerous areas where an on-foot player can hide more than make up for it in team matches.

    People run for the tanks early on in each map, but they actually stay empty in the later parts of the game.
  4. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    I actually really like the look of the map. I do love vehicle combat but I think in this case I'd prefer not to have it. Hope you don't mind me downloading the map and removing the vehicles and use it as a Slayer map because as I said this map looks very nice in that regard.
  5. doomstick420

    doomstick420 Forerunner

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    Hey, let me know how that goes Natetendo. In fact, invite me sometime if you're playing your revamped version. I'm sure you'll find other things to do with the extra budget!
  6. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree with this. 2 scorpions on a 4v4 slayer map sounds like serious trouble, especially if the scorpions can shoot each other. It bascally sets it up so that no matter where you are you are getting shot by a vehicle (falcons). This seems like it would lead to people staying in the bases and not going out there. You did a good job on aesthetics though. My only problem with them is that the stunt ramps look really cheesy and out of place.

    By the way, there are enough slots on the vehicles for everyone in a 4v4 game to be in a vehicle.
    #6 TheUnseenForce, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010

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