Ok so my teacher showed us this video in class today i thought i would share it with you i will have to warn you there are some disturbing things in this video and no this is not fake its all real *please proceed with caution* http://www.peta.org/feat/ChineseFurFarms/index.asp you will find the video a little bit down the page once again i am going to warn you that this video may be disturbing to some people so proceed at your own risk
omg wow im tellign my mom nd i can never look at fur again omng thats so wrong and cruel and qucik and messed up wtf
I know. I knew it was bad. But they don't even kill them first??? What the hell? how cruel. They just torture them by skinning them. ALIVE. And let them bleed to death.
damn chinese lol they shuld atleast kill them first like fast kill but no those damn chinese take their fur alive..........well that sucks well i cant say im gonna stop buying fur clothes.........the reason y its cause im mexica and i can never aford themlol
*Vomits continuously for a few minutes, gets up, looks at screens and vomits again, then gets back on computer* that is the most ****ed up video I have ever seen. That was horrible. I couldn't even watch it all. I stopped at like, 30 seconds in where he was beating them on the ground. And reading your posts makes me glad i stopped watching. THat is sick, and cruel and they should be sued to hell for that. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if that was my dog or pet or something. The least they could do is kill them fast and painlessly, what is accomplished in torturing them like that? We should start a FH online protest and stop this. If that's possible lol. But seriously... WTF?
then lets go to china and sue lol... or bring them to the US or somewhere else and sue them not only for this but then being illegal immigrants lol
no my god. no. no. no. that's terrible. i'm depressed and on the virge of vomitting right now. I'm punching anybody i see with a fur coat.
i can understand i mean don't these people have any sense to at least kill the animals i mean how cruel is that a slow painful death i mean i would pass out from pain if somebody skinned me alive
this makes me wanna run in with a freakin shotty nd beat them over the heads with it, but not kill them, then skin them alive nd see what happens. They should burn in hell. I tried watching it again nd got to the part where he begins to skin them nd the second i saw the knife hit the animal i had to close the screen. Thts just sick.
*pats strike* incase you hadnt noticed china is a ****ed up country at this point. This is a perfect example of wy not to go to china. We should find a way to skin them alive so that they can undstand how it feels, but not to fast like maybe a body part a day starting with feet and slowly moving to head.
This made me HATE China. They only care about profit, they are blind to see the pain they are truly causing. They don't care about the rest of the world, only their money. Tell me I'm wrong.
it looks like their disgusting ways are making them the worlds next most powerful country. The world is so ****ed up, seriously.