Cawk Blawkin'

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Nov 2, 2010.


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  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Cawk Blawkin'
    Created by CaMOfo

    Recommended Players: 5-16
    Required Gametype: Cawk Blawkin'

    This is the story of an eager, young lad who goes by the name of CaMOfo. He speaks to us about how he first came up with the idea for his hit mini game, Cawk Blawkin'. Without further ado, Mr. CaMOfo:

    It all started one Friday evening on a venture downtown for a solid night of hardcore clubbin'. I was feeling particularly randy this night and figured it was high time I relinquished that fire that was a-burnin. We hitly up this fine little disco downtown; me and my main man Freddy L. Francesco Leroy Barnacle. It took me not a second to spot my target; a fine, curvy mass of cells she was. She had thighs like thirty pound hams and her wattle waved right at me every time she laughed. I knew she was more than enough woman for both Freddy and me. I moved through the crowd; I was ready to get down to business, quick and dirty-like, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a blue flash. It was him; Reggie Willis Kazlauskas. He was a legend, known for his smooth pick-up lines and fresh dance moves. As soon as I heard that dirty dingleberry utter: "Baby, you like them Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that I love so much" I knew I stood no chance.

    With his forklift, he whisked her away to the dance floor and started breaking down to a funky beat. It wasn't thirty seconds 'til she was all over him like she had been with that piece of fried chicken only moments before. I thought it best to cut my losses and move on - I wouldn't be boinkin' that beauty tonight. I quickly eyed up a lesser target: a skinny blonde with some double D's. She said she modeled for Maxim or something. I was working my magic; playing those heart strings and getting inches closer to scoring a grand slam when someone cut in. It was Freddy! My french fry eating Muchaco was blocking me on this tight little diddlebunny. Then Freddy said the words no man on the prowl ever wants to hear:

    "Dude, she has a boyfriend".

    Needless to say I got my patty whacked out back for about half an hour before he decided to give up. It was then I decided to change my game plan. If I wasn't going to score with a bodacious babe, then no other man was...

    Of course, something should have seemed out of place in all of this. It took me a few seconds upon seeing the 2 liter of Mountain Dew, the half eaten pizza and the Xbox controller in my hand to realize that I had fallen asleep while playing Halo: Reach and dreamed the whole thing. I've never even kissed a girl for God's sake! But it did give me this really great idea for a mini game...

    Disclaimer: May or may not have happened on a Friday night. May or may not have been Camofo.



    So there you have it folks. Straight from the mouth of CaMOfo himself. If you didn't happen to catch what the game is all about then let me summarize CaMOfo's epic. Cawk Blawkin' is an infection-based mini game where players move between "cells" trying to avoid an executioner. Each cell is a separate square with two or three paths interconnecting them; creating a maze. The Runners (Survivors) have their jump height restricted so they cannot escape the cells, but have the ability to see ahead and plan their routes. The executioner's goal is to use the Jetpack he is equipped with to reach custom power ups in the center of the map. These power ups allow him to deal damage and effectively kill the survivors.

    In order to catch the survivors, the executioner must rely on the help of fellow zombies, "Cawk Blawkers", who are equipped with Armor Lock. The Blawkers utilize Armor Lock to block the survivors' paths and trap them in cells. As survivors are "cawk blawked" and killed, they become an angry Cawk Blawker themselves until the last survivor is blocked or the round times out.

    Congratulations to CaMOfo for creating one of the most unique and creative things to come out of Forge World yet and for being such a good sport about the write up. This is sure to be a new TGIF favorite.


    You can view the original map thread by the author here.

    Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.

    #1 chrstphrbrnnn, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2010
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Congrats Camo!

    I love you.
  3. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    This so deserved it.
    But now I'll have to nominate something else for FHF :/

    Senior Member

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    Originally I was against this for feature because it didnt have a tree in it. But then other staffers told me to where to stick my trees.. so I caved.

    gud map is gud.
  5. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    yes! this is a well deserved minigame map feature.

    camo, and everybody else who was always there, it was an honor testing this beautiful game with you and turning it into what it is today. I'm glad i got to see it from its earliest stages.

    keep on blawkin' everybody
  6. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    You should have stuck with your gut. Where's the ****ing tree Camo?

  7. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    'Gratz on the feechur, Camo!
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Helped test the old version and it was still a blast to play then. Haven't been fortunate enough to play the new version but I've been told it's even awesomer. And the orange and blue, makes it feel like Tron: Legacy and Daft Punk is doing the soundtrack, so I like that.

    Congrats, Camo.
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I drooled a little bit the first time I saw it. It's genious and puts a great twist on the infection genre and puts a role reversal on the zombies and humans. Instead of the humans sticking together, they need to split off and the zombies work together to make a meal one corpse at a time. Great use of armor abilities in order to get around the lack of alpha zombie traits. It's fun and it's creative and I'm glad I got to showed it to my friends who enjoyed it as much I did. I literally raved about it and it got their attention. Congrats camofo!!!
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Awesome, this deserved it for sure.

    The first unique mini game to come out of forgeworld imo.
    Never stops being fun either, especially with a group of Pro Blawkers.
  11. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    I have no idea what the rules are or how u need to play this could someone explain to to me?
  12. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This was in the first post. You might also try reading the original thread which was linked in the first post.
  13. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Very fun and tense game. Well deserved feature.

    Congratz Cambro.
  14. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    You do realize theirs an invisible tree on this map, right? If there wasn't then we wouldn't have featured it.
  15. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I saw this the day it came out, and it was great! my biggest problem was having to teach everyone how to play this, and less experienced players could never trap anyone.
  16. zakrox

    zakrox Forerunner

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    I KNEW IT!!!! lol thats why lightsout gave in!!! lol i really like this map, tested it with a bunch of people, and we played it for a couple of hours lol very original, congrats
  17. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Explains it.

    This map definitely deserves a feature. Possibly the most fun I've had in Reach Customs.
  18. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I hadn't even heard of this until now, but it looks like a blast! I'm gonna download it (but I'm changing the name to just Blawkin lol). Congrats camofo, well done! It seems very creative and looks like fun for both the humans and zombies. Can't wait to try it out!
  19. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This gametype is really a lot of fun once people understand the rules. It's kind of annoying the first couple times being like "Ok if you don't have a jetpack you have to block doors" *blockers try and punch people with no success for 5 minutes*

    Once people get it it's a real blast though.
  20. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Yeah, I tried this with 4 people, so the gameplay was a little slow, but fun nonetheless. I'm sure that why the player count is 5-16. Anyway, I only had one problem with this and that was that the humans could get into that central one-way shield door area by using evade. On of our humans did that it it kind of ruined it.
    The orange zombie couldn't quite make it in, maybe it was an error on his part, but it was slightly upsetting.
    Either way, it was still pretty fun. Definitely deserving.

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