...is Cars 2! :~( YouTube - Cars 2 - Logo Reveal This was probably the pixar film that I disliked the most. What does everyone else think?
im looking forward to it. i got to meet some of the animators working on it at my school. i love everything pixar does, and im sure they wont disappoint this time either.
Pixar has never disappointed me ever, but seriously, what is with the mass of sequels the past several years? I mean did ideas for new characters and plot-lines just die or something? Most sequels are god awful (Toy Story 3 being a heavy exception) and you think producers would catch on to that.
I wouldn't mind as much if they hadn't come up with the insane amounts of filler stuff over the past 5 years just to sell toys. I mean, some of what they've come up with is just plain ridiculous, and I wish they could have either been a little more creative or just have let it happen.
Cars was probably my least favorite Pixar movie. It wasn't bad, but I never really cared much about the characters.