Docksworks V7.2 Rather than start out with anything pretentious, I'll just set right into the map. This is Dockworks, my second map on Halo: Reach, and the first map I'll have made that's meant to be played for more than just fun. I've been working on Dockworks bit by bit over the past few weeks during the random slots of free time in my busy schedule, and I've gotten it to a point where I feel comfortable giving the preview. Originally, the idea started forming as a fun, small map, ringed by a subway system of sorts, while also featuring water-based combat with the "grid in the water" boat setup. After the Forgetacular contest was announced I began to plan out a more competetive layout, and during contruction, I scrapped the water-based combat and built in a much larger playing area. The map still features a subway system of sorts in the form of two transit lines, but more on that later. Currently, Dockworks is in its first testing stage, where I'll be tweaking spawns and weapon placement. I'm fairly confident in the layout of the map, but any areas that are found to cause lag can and will be revamped to minimize, and hopefully completely end, any framerate lag that may arise during play. With that said, it's time for the pictures and descriptions! General Overview Dockworks is a large, semi-open map composed of five main areas: symmetrical red and blue bases, a central courtyard, an outpost built onto a rocky outcropping in the water, and the transit system that surrounds the map. Dockworks features an interesting combination of long sight-lines as well as closed-in, covered areas, which allows for varied gameplay depending on the player's personal preferences. The map is intended for 4-on-4 gametypes including Slayer and many objectives, and further playtesting will help decide Multi-Team and Big Team Battle gametype compatibility as well. Team Bases View from Red Base View into Blue Base In basic 4v4 gametypes, each team will spawn in a somewhat open space on their side, well out of view of the other team. Each side has easy access to their transit terminals, as well as exits to the main courtyard and an open route to the outpost. Each side also features multiple levels, each offering varying amounts of cover and visibility. From the second level of each side, one can access a series of catwalks that connect the station (in the courtyard), the outpost, and a structure in the base. The platforms where the catwalks meet do not connect to the opposing base's catwalks, and cannot be simply jumped across, but given a running start, the platforms can be crossed. Current Weapon Placement As of right now, the only weapons present in each team's base are as follows: DMR x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Grenades x2 Shotgun x1 (possibly) The Courtyard The central courtyard is essentially made up of two areas--the station and the garden. The station provides two centralized entraces/exits to the back transit line, as well as one end of the double bridges that span the width of the map, which meet up with the ones from each base and the outpost. The garden, on the other hand, offers some cover from either base, and serves as a nice aesthetic piece that helps tie the whole map together. Within the garden will lie the map's only rocket launcher, adding an element of destruction into the calm surroundings. Current Weapon Placement Unless playtesting proves the area too over- or under-used, the weapons in the courtyard will consist of: Rocket Launcher x1 (4 shots, 120 respawn) Frag Grenades x2 The Outpost The outpost serves many purposes in Dockworks, and is one of the more dominant features in terms of gameplay. While neither team will initially spawn in the outpost in a 4v4 gametype, it has numerous points of entry and allows players a sort of home-away-from home, if they manage to secure it. The quickest way to access the outpost is through the front transit line, which runs through the middle of the upper level of the outpost. Also in the upper level are two entrances that connect with the bridges from the bases and the station. The final entrance to the outpost allows access to the lower level--a walkway that connects to the lowest levels of each base leads right into the outpost. While the walkway seems like easy access, it offers no cover from enemy attacks, and as such should be treated as a somewhat risky option. The upper level of the outpost offers a small, closed in arena-type setting, with the open exits to the center of the map and the front transit line, as well as back exits that lead down to the lower level. The lower level, on the other hand, offers less cover from long-range attacks, but features a sniper rifle and good sight-lines into the rest of the map. A good marksman will be able to use the cover provided and the central rock in the middle to their advantage as they provide long-range support for their team. Current Weapon Placement Sniper Rifle x1 (Standard clip, 90-120 respawn) Concussion Rifle x1 (Upper level, possibly) Plasma Grenades x2 The Transit System The transit system in Dockworks provides quick access to all parts of the map, through the use of the front and back transit lines. While offering no weaponry, the two lines offer Mongoose-based transportation and varying amounts of cover to allow players to transverse the map in a minimal amount of time, at the risk of being ambushed farther on down the line. The Terminals As stated before, each team in a standard match spawns near a pair of transit terminals, each housing a Mongoose csporting their team colors. The map's four Mongeese cannot leave the transit lines, but are able to cross from one line to another for continuous travel. The Front Line The front line begins and ends at the first terminal the player enters when walking in from their base. The front line provides the direct access to the outpost as described earlier, butthe route from one base to another is longer than it is on the back line to balance things out. The front line lacks a good deal of cover, trading the ease of reaching the outpost for the security other routes to the area provide. The Back Line The back line begins and ends at the furthest terminal from the bases, and provides a quick ride to the other side of the map. As opposed to the open nature of the front line, the back line offers a great deal of cover across the length of the track. The line forms the back boundary of the map, and the main stretch is entirely enclosed, with the exception of the two exits at the station. There are a few downsides to the quick, covered transit, however. Since the track is almost completely enclosed, setting up ambushes for incoming enemies at the station and the terminals is relatively easy to do. There are also a few physical hinderances as well--while the front line offers a smooth ride along the entire length of the track, the back line features two speed bumps that can send a player's Mongoose rolling if they aren't paying careful attention to their driving. The entire transit system is devoid of weaponry, while the areas surrounding it most certainly are not. Thus, the transit system provides players an interesting risk-reward transport system that emphasizes smart strategies and good control over the vehicle. Play your cards right, and your victory is that much closer; slip up, and you could cost your team the win! ------------------------- And there you have it, folks! I hope to finish testing and tweaking on Dockworks within a week or so, but with my schedule, it might take two before I'm to a point where I feel comfortable releasing it. As always, comments, questions, and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated! ~Proto~
Dear ProtoFury, heres the post on your map you o desperately asked me to write: OMG I LOVE YOUR MAP ITS SO AWSOME one thing i can say is that the mongooses can still get out of the subway system props though
Hahaha thaaaanks, midget lol. Mongeese technically can get out if you sit and work on it, but their utter lack of usefulness in the crowded areas below the map isn't worth the effort to get it out, especially during the middle of a heated battle.
This map was mostly my Idea and I spent more time on it than proto did. Now that that's out of the way and we have cleared the air I just want to say the evolution from start to finish is amazing. when you first laid out the map I was so-so but now it is great. The small amount of playtesting that has been done shows that it plays well even with 4 players.
This has really come along since I saw it last. Looking forward to playing a game on the final version!
Oh yes, I forgot. Requiem essentially made this map for me. [/blatant lie] But, I must say this--a big thank you goes out to Requiem, Spartan/Angel of Grief, Midget/GameTime, Airforce, and megapwn/nutduster for all of the good constructive criticisms and advice you guys gave throughout the build process. I find forging with a group of skilled individuals not only helps the group out, but allows each individual person to push themselves as well, so it's always a pleasure. Yeah, I was surprised by that myself. 2-on-2, while not the optimal group size, was fun, and even the four-person FFA ended up utilizing many different parts of the map and was a good time. I'm looking forward to larger playtests after I tweak a few things. Thanks man. I'll definitely key you in on the next round of playtesting! ---------------------------------- In other news, a lot of the weapon placement has changed around since the OP, spawns have been placed and work well in the small FFA and team games we've played, and health packs and such have been laid down. Before we playtest more, I'm going to fix up a couple of minor problem areas, and edit the weapons some more. As it stands, the weapons on the map currently are all fine for now, but the map seems a little devoid of good weaponry in a few areas. Planning on adding some more grenades and sticking in a few more weapons in the open areas, as well as getting rid of the canal areas--what seemed at first to be a nice aesthetic feature actually serves as an irritating death trap in-game. Edits will come soon. Also, if you're interested in playtesting this some, let me know! The community is just as much an important part of this effort as anything, and the playtesting will help make play on this map a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
If you guys are up for it, I'd love to do a group playtest of all our current maps this week some time. My map (currently called Estate until I think of a good name) is almost ready to go, looks like yours is, and I'm sure there are others we can run.
Actually, we were trying to get something like that going last night. Unfortunately, it only ended up being 5 or 6 of us for a while, before a few ducked out and the 3 we were counting on didn't show. I'm still needing to tweak spawning and then set up objective gametypes on Dockworks, but then we should be good to go on it. I'll be offline from today until either tomorrow or Thursday (XBL account needs to be renewed), but then I'm gonna be all ready for large group playtesting.
Cool. I'll be on at least a little bit probably every night this week, but mine's not ready to go either (still needs spawns, weapons and gametypes set up) so I'll look for you guys later in the week.
This looks awesome I would love to play this map Add me and I'll help you test it out GT: Red Shirt KRT
you didnt mention my large amount of input that i did thats almost like not paying your water bill for a map surrounded by water
I included you right between Spartan and Airforce, Midget! Geez... The way you guys make it sound, it's as if Requiem came up with the concept, you forged the whole thing, and Spartan sat around while you guys worked, in my place. Which I distinctly remember NOT being the case Anyway, good to have you in on things, Red Shirt! And as far as the map goes, spawns have been tweaked, as well as the weapon placement, and I'm planning on adding in at least CTF, Assault, Headhunter, and KOTH before the next round of playtesting. (I'm planning on adding a lot more, but just those for the next playtests. Also, if I get the time, an Infection gametype would be really fun on this, IMHO.)
I remember this part. =P Anyway, it's been amazing to see what your initial idea became. I remember when all you had was the basis for the transit system with a bunch of tunnel longs floating above it, convincing yourself that you were going to use them. Well, you were wrong! And for good measure too, the current set-up is much better than what would have resulted had you not tweaked your ideas along the way. Like Besieged, this map is forged quite well (but an improvement in flow, I think). Keep up the good work.
I mentioned this in the Estate thread - if you guys want to do a group play test of a few different maps, including of course this one, I'm going to have lots of time tomorrow night and Friday night. Just look for me, I'll be online quite a bit.