
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by sst nyko, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    Altitude (Lockout style)

    [highlight] ALTITUDE v2[/highlight]

    This is my 4v4 version of Altitude. It was originaly a smaller map that I revamped for 4vs4. It's now designed to promote a balanced and fast-paced gameplay. The lines of sight have been tuned to promote crossfire while making sure no positions are overpowered. This multilevel map is symmetrical and easy to naviguate within. This is due to the absence of walls or a roof and strategic color placement around the map.

    See the video for yourself. (Sorry for the low quality, the video lag but the map has zero known framerate issue) : Halo Reach : File Details

    Second overview from blue side
    Left side of red base
    Right side of red base
    Bottom Red
    Overview of the bottom side
    Top mid

    The map support every mlg gametype and also stockpile and headhunter (why not?)
    Weapon Respawn Time (Official mlg time)
    1 Rocket 178s (Top middle) *drop spawn
    2 Sniper 118s *drop spawn
    2 Plasma Pistol 90s
    1 Shotgun 90s
    6 DMR 10s
    2 Needle Rifle 60s
    2 Magnum 60s
    4 Frag Grenade 30s
    4 Plasma Grenade 30s
    2 Health Pack 30s

    *If you wanna run games on it or on your map, just add me up my gt : sst nyko
    #1 sst nyko, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  2. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    very nice looking ill check it out :D
  3. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    Cool! You'll notice that the map has changed now if you download it from my fileshare. With the various comments I've received I spent 4 hours tweaking the bottom middle/ front side ramp. And now bottom middle is more open and the map greatly benefits from that change. So make sure to download it yet again :p

    Edited by merge:

    Cool give me your feedback one day lol
    #3 sst nyko, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  4. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First Impression of the map was over-all good. I didn't find any obvious z-fighting, cracks, or big bumps when running through it. I did notice a few things that you might want to know about.

    -It's standard practice to use a safe zone to designate a rough playable area for your map, the rest of the map instantly becomes a soft or hard kill zone depending on which one you use. Kill zones placed inside safe zones over-ride the safe zone.
    -I'm guessing the multiple rocket launchers are there to add additional ammo to the player picking it up in certain game-types, however once that is used, a new rocket will be able to spawn, resulting in two rockets on the map, even if only one could be picked up initially.
    -The Capture plate for CTF is unnecessary as CTF_FLAG_RETURN acts as both the flag stand and return point.
    -Blue Team's sniper rifle spawns toppled over.
    -The Grav lifts aren't user friendly as they only work when a player is correcting for it. A well placed Grav lift will always work no matter how the user jumps in it or moves once pushed by it.

    That's all I have for now, I wasn't able to playtest it, but if we have a chance next time it'll be an option.
  5. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    Thank you for the feedback!
    The multi rocket launcher aren't there for additional ammo, Otherwise I would only modified the spare clip option. (It's particular to gametypes so it doesnt spawn on oddball and king of the hill) I've been considering removing rockets altogheter, what would you think?
    The capture plate was just for the look, it's set to CTF and not CTF_FLAG_RETURN.
    Do you think it's better not to have it ?
    Also, the gravity lift usually works well unless you jump into it. So I definitively need to find a solution for that. Maybe you have a bright idea that I didn't think about.

    It's close to complete, and with great feedback like yours hopefully every little details will be fixed. Feel free to add me, gt : sst nyko
  6. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    I had a chance to test this map out after I stumbled over it a few days ago and I'm a big fan. There are few symmetrical maps out there especially those that are clean original maps. The map is a bit larger than I thought it was going to be but has good flow none the less. The best feature you've got is the look of the map. It is unique and doesn't contain a large amount of pre-made structures, and the pre-made structures that it does contain are used to good affect. The only thing I found to be a down side if you could call it that is the amount of cover around the map. There's so much I found that I had to be on top of the enemy to finish him off without him running away or ducking around a corner to recharge. Anyway great map and good work making such a large symmetrical map, must have taken years to forge.
  7. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree on the originality of this map, the bases looks phenomenal and very appealing. I also agree on the amount of cover on this map, it almost entirely eliminates precision fighting and promotes more CQB fighting. This under powers the sniper rifles and other precision weapons. You should try to rework some of the structures used as cover to fix this.
  8. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    Yeah, the cover was my biggest concern. I removed the braces on top middle, and will try to make it a bit bigger so it's harder to run to any of the four main structure. What would you suggest guys?
  9. Boomshaft

    Boomshaft Forerunner

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    Honestly you don't have to redesign the whole map because it has a lot of cover, it’s just the nature of the map. Instead of trying to remove cover (though easy deletes such as braces could be removed if you want) but try embracing the map as a fast paced close quarter map. The weapons on the map could be tailored to close combat. By this I don’t mean drop swords and hammers all over the map but add weapons you rarely see in custom maps such as the spiker. Plasma pistol & fist is always a good combo, even the needler would work well as it kills fast and closer range. Just because the gameplay isn’t further glorifying the DMR doesn’t mean that it is bad, it just makes the gameplay on this map unique. If the guy isn't within 25 yards of you it isn’t worth shooting at him. This would make the shotty, sword, or hammer the ‘must-have’ weapons of the level and should be placed in a high-risk areas.
  10. sst nyko

    sst nyko Forerunner

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    Well I have other plans, and already been working hours on making this map bigger and better. So I can't wait to release it, if you would like to have a preview just get me on xboxlive. Gt= sst nyko

    Edited by merge:

    The new version is finaly up! Will update my post soon with a flytrough

    Edited by merge:

    Updated the map and included a video.
    #10 sst nyko, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010

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