Something wierd...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by QCairborne, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. QCairborne

    QCairborne Forerunner

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    Hi i was forging and i saw something. I was in forge in the mode invasion and i was putting a rock with inv_weapon. After that, i've save and i quit and go again in forge in the same game but instead of the mode invasion i've been in race. I saw my label of the rock (inv_weapon) stay on the same. I'm meaning i can put this one on another label than usually!... I try it in costum game but didnt work. So i was thinking can we cross label by this mthode from a mode to another one? I tried to with game specific to put too off... doesnt work too. Speculate:) aha
  2. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First, let me get this to a point where I can read it. Then, I'll try to offer advice.

    "Gametype-Specific", if set to True, means that the item will only appear in a specific gametype determined by its label. A KOTH_HILL that is Gametype-Specific, for example, only spawns in King of the Hill and does not appear in other gametypes. You can't hybridize gametypes by mixing labels.

    As for seeing an Invasion label in Race... That's because the item wasn't Gametype-Specific, meaning that it shows up in every gametype. Now, Bungie's not gonna erase all labels for objects when you switch gametypes -- that'd be retarded -- so you end up seeing the "foreign" label when you examine the object while Forging for another gametype.

    Also, spellcheckers are pretty awesome.
    #2 DavidJCobb, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  3. QCairborne

    QCairborne Forerunner

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    than ks to answer me and for your last sentence... i speak french so my english is not pretty good:S (sorry) but thanks!
  4. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I'm happy to help. (I did answer your question, yes?) And sorry about the implied harshness in my post; I didn't know you weren't a native English speaker. ><

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