
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SDawg72, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Some Quotes From People About This Map:

    Welcome to my third map on Halo Reach, Impulse. I got this idea from one of the maps that Bungie made called 'The Cage'. The reason I got the idea from that map is because I am very interested in maps floating in the air because I think it gives it a more of a momentum feeling knowing your so high up in the air. Thats probably why I liked Sandbox from Halo 3 so much.

    This map is asymmetrical and it has many different paths and obstacles. Since it has no bases, there is no supported gametypes for team games other than Team Slayer. I like to make team based maps but I felt like I wanted to make a large structure up in the sky because I see alot of them around the community and I enjoy them.

    I have had many test runs on this map. I have made sure the initial spawns aren't to close together because with a big party, the action will start pretty much right when you spawn if the spawns are to close and I really don't want that. One thing that a lot of people liked was the man cannons. They also said they liked other stuff but the thing that was an important thing to me was the man cannons because I really like how you fly over the middle of the map while going on them. It really gives you a good feeling getting a 'no scope' while flying 50 feet above the map. XD

    There are a few things I should talk about in the gameplay. Each power weapon is on each side of the map. The sniper, the sword, the shotgun, and the MG Turret. Even though the turret is kind of useless at its perch, you can still rip it off so that you can use it as a LMG like in Call of Duty. I also made it so that one side is higher than the other. This does not affect the gameplay though since there is a teleporter from one side of the map to the other. I also made a lot of cover so just in case you go one on one against a sniper, you get a fair deal.

    I think all the gameplay is pretty balance from the matches I have played. The only thing I noticed is that this map is huge and it may take awhile to find one another if you are playing with a small party. When you have a big party though, this is the kind of map everyone will enjoy because it has just the amount of weapons on the map people will want so they will be satisfied. All the weapons and how many there are are below this along with the gametypes I have set up for this map.

    Weapon Set:
    DMR - 4
    Needle Rifle - 3
    Plasma Rifle - 3
    Plasma Repeater - 1
    Spiker - 2
    Needler - 2
    Concussion Rifle - 1
    Plasma Grenade - 10

    Power Weapons:
    Shotgun - 1
    Sniper - 1
    Energy Sword - 1
    Machine Gun Turret - 1

    Gametypes Set:
    -Team Slayer
    -Safe Havens
    -King of the Hill
    (Remember that these are the only supported gametypes, the only team based gametype is Team Slayer)

    One custom gametype that I thought would be fun to play on this is Team Snipers. The reason I think this gametype would be fun to play is because the map is very large and there are many sniper spots and cover along with the many obstacles and platforms on this map.
    The download link is right here: Team Snipers
    I think this gametype is better with teams because I don't like the feeling of trying to snipe a guy while three other guys already have a scope on you. It just makes things to hectic.



    The Tunnel

    The Bouncy Walkway (Be careful!!!)

    The Lifty Walkway (There is two of these on this map)

    As you see, this is a very large map in the sky. It is very competive in gameplay and I think it is fun to play. In all, I think this is a very cool map I made and from what I heard, it is very successful.
    #1 SDawg72, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  2. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    Wait.. what? That 'lifting' walkway.. how does it work?
    Is it an upside down oneway shield door that holds you up as you move along? If so that is epically cool. If not, I call copyright on that idea, and please do tell me what that lifting walkway is.
  3. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Yes, its a One Way Shield upside down. I just didn't know what to call it.
  4. pitythefool

    pitythefool Forerunner

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    How about you call it a zipline? That would be even more epicly cool.
  5. CaptainSize

    CaptainSize Forerunner

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    This map reminds me of what cage would look like if you grabbed it on the corners and pulled them out lol. From the pictures though it looks like it was just thrown together but ill take ur word for it and give it a try.
  6. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    That is really weird how you thought that because I did try to make a few resemblances from 'The Cage' while making my map. I also just kept thinking of more and more things while making my map. That is how it looks as if it was all thrown around. Not everything was randomly thought of though. At first, the map looked really boring and bland without any bouncy walkways or ziplines. I had to delete half the map like two or three times just to perfect the ascetics and feeling of the map. I get what you mean by a stretched out 'The Cage' though lol
  7. jonesmcmoney

    jonesmcmoney Forerunner

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    This looks fun for snipers :p I am the sniping type too, this will last in my maps for a while.
  8. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Yeah, I know it's called a zipline. I just called it a 'Lifty Walkway' so people who don't know what a zipline is can know.
  9. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    the map is extremely open and spaced out
    i dont know if you were trying to do this but it takes a good amount of time to get from a--->b
  10. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This would only look/play remotely like the Cage after it comes out of a black hole spaghettified. I don't know where to start with this. I guess I'll start with the Cage. The Cage is asymmetrical and has several ramps, pathways, and lifts to get from one place to the next. It's flow is great, the weapon placement is okay, and everything is balanced (as balanced as it can be for an asymmetrical map). This maps height variation is stretched out a ton. I can see this one part where two large bridge ramps are used to connect a path. There is no amount of transitions like that on The Cage. there are only slight ramps that lead from one place to another. The largest height variation transition on that map is the gravity lift, yet that is needed to balance the map or else the lower side of the map would be flawed and extremely weak towards the other side of the map. On your map, there is little influence at all. How many contested power weapons do you have on this map? My guess would be one, maybe in the middle area, because every other area is either on one side of the map, or the other. Also, it seems as though the bases have little to no influence on one another. There is no center LoSB like on the Cage, and the bases are too far apart to do anything to one another unless a sniper is involved. That should be a clear sign that your map is too large. Also, for its size, the middle platform is too small. The larger the map is the larger the center area should be. There are too many bridges and narrow paths and almost no flat ground that isn't all narrow and choked up. The middle is the only exception and for this maps size that exception is nearly meaningless.
  11. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback!!
  12. Ganjarelli

    Ganjarelli Forerunner

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    I'm seriously impressed

    Usually I don't like these kinds of floating maps, but the sheer beauty of this map is undeniable. Not sure how it plays but i am DL'ing now to see. Love the bouncy walkway area - great aesthetics!
  13. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Thanks! I hope you like it!
  14. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    "Hey, you posted on my map giving me several reasons why the map is poor. This really made me feel bad about myself because it took awhile to make. I also noticed that all you did was skim the pictures. I hate it when people like you do that because you said, "I bet there is only one power weapon..." and I clearly posted all of the power weapons on the map. If you didn't even download and test it, you clearly have no idea, only thought of how the map is. On this site, it's kind of a rule that people break which makes me mad because they use "constructive criticism" when they don't even download it. To just give me a bit of mercy, you could have said, "I like this" or "I really like what you did here". Just something like that. To me, all you did was think you were superior by putting a bunch of untested writing on my thread. To you, I ignore all you said because I could not fix anything you told me and that some of the stuff you said, I already had an answer for it on the maps post. In all, you are just another troll with nothing better to do than pick on people."

    I'll do a brief rewrite of what I said in my PM back to you:
    -I wasn't trolling for giving constructive criticism.
    -My criticism was constructive AND I Dl'd your map.
    -I did download and walk around in your map, so great job accusing me of not doing that.
    -"I like this" or "I don't like this" isn't constructive criticism. I give constructive criticism because I was under the impression that is what people want to hear after they make a map.
    -I'm truly sorry for hurting your feelings about your map.
  15. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Hey, I never gave you permission to quote what I said. Even though I thank you for keeping this post alive by commenting, you are lying. I said you didn't download the map because you told me that you didn't. The quote from you is right here:

    "If I say I like your map because of this this and this, that also makes me a troll doesn't it? What I'm saying is that if someone posts someone on your thread, and you don't like it, that doesn't mean I'm trolling. You sending a PM to me because of some feedback that I gave you on your map that you didn't like sounds more like trolling than what I did. You also should realize that if the rule that you are talking about was actually enforced and everyone HAD to DL the map and take a walk around in it first, feedback would be extremely hard to come by because most people are too lazy to do that, me included. My video game time is my free time, and I like to spend my free time how I choose. I'll look at your map in more depth this time though. My opinion might change slightly, but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about when it comes to maps.

    you're right, I could have said "this is good" or "this is bad", but to me, that is even worse than submitting negative feedback. It's not constructive criticism, it's spam. Some of it is good, and some of it is bad. "This map sucks" is worse than "this map sucks because..."

    I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and being too harsh, it's something that I occasionally do without noticing when criticizing other people's work."

    My comment was before you even played it! Just letting you know. Thanks for acknowledging that you made me feel bad though. :)

    P.S. Be a little nicer to the newer guys. Even though were the same rank, others who are new to forging need to be complimented on and it will give them the moral to make more maps and get better and better.
    #15 SDawg72, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010

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