No offense Furious but I'm not a fan of this one either, execution is perfect and all, but I just don't like it. Sorry, the rest of your maps(Besides Exacted) I love.
Damn you furious for releasing something like this before me... XD seriously, the project I'm working on currently changes from symmetrical to asymmetrical games... It looks good, though. you got my download.
this map is the best of both worlds I mean you could get a different map while playing slayer and for one flage really great map
This would be a perfect MLG map if the bases werent floating. Maybe an idea for a MLG map could branch of from this map. Anyway its a really great map and the assymetric and symmetric switching idea is cool. 5/5
ok I remeber testing this map it was a blast I loved getting on the chopper and making the ground deadly I actually think some if those pictures were of when we tested I think you added some stuff but I am not to sure I will download and see
I appreciate your honesty. The proximity of the symmetrical bases was something that I struggled with for a while. It took forever for me to start designing the bases after I had made the platform itself because I couldn't think of any cool layouts that would work well. But I am happy with the final result. If you play Multi-Flag, you'd definitely want to change some of the settings, like enabling flag at home to score and changing the flag return time. You reminded me that I forgot to mention that in my post, so I'll go edit that now. But I actually like how you can shoot from one base to the other. When you respawn, you can be helping your teammates almost instantly by lobbing a grenade or two into the enemy base. It makes the games pretty intense. But there are still a couple corners where you can grab a mauler or a brute shot and hide from the sniper. I personally can't wait to play a double team multi-flag here.
What about a Brute Captain? Oh and I was really surprised at how feakin sweet it was when I made the change from symmetric to asymmetric, it was just so cool.
And yet, another truly great map from the gods of forgehub. Simply amazing Furious, Absolutely amazing
Ahh, this map looks refreshing and awesome. I love the changes between asymmetric and symmetric games, even though it may be a little confusing. So far I have no major complaints, besides possibly the back area. The mancannons provide a quick entrance, but I don't see much else. I'll have to get a game on it for further comments.
I wanted to change many of the weapons, but I decided not to for two reasons. First, it would have made it much more confusing for the players. Second, it would have taken up even more from my item limit. And placing starting points, goals, and respawn areas for symmetrical and asymmetrical games was already taking a big chunk. Well then I have a treat for you. I have a special "4Cosmic" version because you're being such a big baby about it, lol. For a limited time only, download Duality 4Cosmic. The worst part about it is that I think I like it better this way. Should I make this the new version or what? What if I leave it up and this one gets more downloads than the original?
testing this was great especially when i almost got a splatter driving a chopper over the mancannons in territories. i never thought about knocking over the dumpsters, but i never really needed to. and did you fix the carbine?
Sorry it's taken me so long to find this thread. I've fired my manservant that normally trolls for me. This looks pretty sweet, Furious. I saw that you guys were testing this and wanted in, but I knew the party was full. Oh well, I'm quite sure I'll be playing it with you soon. I love how the map layout changes from symmetrical to asymmetrical games. I can think of onle one other map that I've seen and played that does that, but not to this level. Expect to be copied once again. Oh, and by the way, that is one sweet PURPLE powerup in Red Base! How the hell did you come across that idea, it's brilliant!!! ;-)
purple, orange and white power ups have been around for a while now, but i guess your manservant didn't tell you that either, lol.
hurray!!! people are finally implementing the asymmetrical/symmetrical option!!! This is like the 3rd map where people used it and used it well, i am really happy to see that...beside the fact of that, this looks really well laid out, keep up the good work dude!
It came to me in a dream. This giant octopus with hands told me. Or maybe it was a squid. I'm not sure. I did give you credit in my blog entry about this map.