Weapon additions/Changes suggestions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Facts, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Well in Halo: Reach:
  2. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    At least in H3, it was unbalanced in a fair way. Whoever had a better BR won the 1v1. In H:R, whoever gets the first melee/nade wins and there's not a whole lot you can do about it.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Why do you complain about this perfect 'mortar' grenade. Placing a grenade perfectly takes skill. IMO they should allow cooking grenades instead of the set timer after impact, because then those would be more difficult to use, but Bungie has clearly placed emphasis on making everything depend on you, even your death. You almost always have time to run for cover if you play it right, and because of their stupid timer and the flare sticking out of the grenade you always have time to run away. Now everyone complains because if you don't run away from the grenade because the other person did a good job throwing it, you die. Funny how that works, the other person is smart enough to throw a grenade because you are behind cover, and you die.

    Not even close. With all other things being equal, the BR won every time. It would take an extremely smart and skilled player to take down a BR with an AR or anything else for that matter. Now the DMR actually has a downside, despite it still killing faster than the AR even at close range.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Are you kidding? I once came back from down 12 on guardian to win it, in lone wolves, just because i picked up the BR and went on a killing frenzy (literally...). There really is not much fair about a starting weapon that can overturn a game by that huge of a deficit.
  5. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    Wow guys, way to ignore my second sentence...
  6. ChooChoo

    ChooChoo Forerunner

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    Ok, so have you read ANYTHING on Bnet about the new melee system? You cant just run around and mash the button. There's a cooldown system of some sort now, but I'm not going into detail cause I don't remember the fine print. But basically melee is more balanced now.


    What hurts more? A punch or a grenade? A grenade, aka an explosion, thats why they bleed through. And snipers bleed cause its a high-caliber, armor-piercing round.


    I'll admit that they are KIND of overpowered, but nothing to get too worked up about

    The DMR:

    Its the new primary. Get over it. A lot of people hated the BR in Halo 2, but they grew to love it. And its not a 4 shot for the exact purpose to NOT be an advantage unless you know how to use it. You gave the exact reason the DMR is the way it is: "when people spam spam spam and cant hit more than 3 shots, when really it would be their own ignorance to the aim system that was holding them back."

    The Magnum:

    Its a sidearm. Meant as a last resort, not a primary means to get a kill

    The BR:

    They cant just throw the ENTIRE Halo story away. The BR doesn't show up until Halo2, which happened WAY after Reach fell. Also, if the BR was added, it would completely null and void the DMR, so the BR thing is automatically out. If you REALLY want it that bad, there is an easy solution:

    Step 1: Take Halo: Reach out of your Xbox360
    Step 2: Put Halo 3 in your Xbox360
    Step 3: Play Halo 3

    Now you have your BR back
  7. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    With spring+melee you can avoid this easily, as you already have to be pretty close to the person for them to be able to sprint+melee you without you taking their shields down.

    I also realized that the main problem with nades is not really that they're overpowered, but the fact that people will spam them, and when you have just 2 people from another team chucking nades, you can have 4 grenades hitting your position esentiallly all at once. This is not really a game imbalance, just a player's playstyle that gets annoying.

    Perfectly stated, if you all hate Reach so much, then go back to H3, no one is forcing you to play Reach
    #27 FlamingArmadillo, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  8. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    The cool down timer for a melee is around 1 second, not much time to turn the tide of a battle. There's no fine print, you just can't understand Bungie's lingo.


    Your being punched by a spartan, not your brother. The grenade is going up against a shield of energy, not flesh.

    Also, even though your reasoning is sound, balancing the game is much more important. A sniper is a power weapon, of course it will bleed through, but why would a grenade bleed through when you start with two of them? Your reasoning for the melee in comparison to the grenade is sound as well, but even so, the only reason melee is unbalanced is because of people who sprint at you for a double-melee kill, a technique that is cheap, requires no skill, and there is no alternative other than accepting a tie, which could be easily fixed by disabling or lowering melee after deactivating sprint.

    The primary is the assault rifle, not the DMR.
    A player should never be faced with a situation that the player has no possibility of winning. If a player skillfully throws a grenade, the player on the receiving end should be able to equally skillfully dodge the grenade and live.

    I do slightly agree with cooking the grenades, though.

    The AR easily beats the DMR at close range, with the DMR's slow firing rate.
    #28 Random11714, Oct 31, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2010
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    1. Of course because if you are in armor lock and I time my grenade throws so one will explode when you come out of armor lock, you should definitely have a chance of survival, and if you decided to walk out in the middle of hemmorage when I'm in a tank, you should definitely be able to survive and kill me. That is the MLG mentality that everyone should have an equal chance at everything because the game must be perfectly balanced. Therefore people must be incredibly difficult to kill so you always have a chance to run and hide even if you have no shields. Honestly that is a terrible philosophy that reduces fun in a game.

    2. Bungie does not allow cooking grenades because they think it slows down gameplay, and probably because they don't want people like me airbursting a grenade in your face. Bungie also seems to prefer making the game straight forward; as I said above, everyone is supposed to have an equal chance at everything.

    3. DMR five shot is faster than AR-ing someone to death, and I think faster than an AR-beatdown. The only reason the AR works better is getting five perfect DMR shots at close range is quite difficult.

    About the Magnum being a useless weapon, it beats the AR every time, and often the DMR at close range.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    unbalanced in a fair way!?!? how does that work?

    grenades are fine in IMO. THEY ARE EXPLOSIVES, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO A LOT OF DAMAGE. As it was pointed out, it still takes a lot of skill to throw one correctly, precisely, at someone's feet. I often fail at it, I'll admit. I think the bleed through is appropriate. I'm mixing franchises here, but ever see the Enterprise be near a huge explosion with its shields up? still takes a hell of a lot of damage.

    I believe the magnum and the dmr are also fine the way they are. One is great at close range, one is better at a distance. They have a point somewhere in the middle where they are almost equal (about 30ft apart, lots of DMR vs MAG mutual kills) if wielded with any skill whatsoever.
    If you think the magnum is useless, I'm betting you don't know how/when to use it.
    All these posts and threads about how disappointing reach is, how it should be this way, or that way, are all people stuck in halo 3 gameplay. I know a lot of players that hated the BR with a passion, and LOVE the dmr. I suppose the opposite is true, if you loved the BR you will probably have a bit of trouble adjusting to the DMR. Give it a few months, huh? We all played halo3 for (I'm assuming) a year or two at least, some of you 3 years. You have to reprogram your gut reactions and instincts before you can play with ease.

    I would just like to sign on to forgehub one day without seeing 3 new threads about how much reach sucks, along with the players design of what the game SHOULD be like that will never be a reality. For me, the game lived up to the hype. I have two disappointments, neither of them having to do with gameplay.

    I am more than satisfied

    those two disappointments? no flamethrower for my Alien gametype. no transport hog in forgeworld. MINOR complaints :)
    #30 IH8YourGamerTag, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  11. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    Equal chance:

    Obviously you didn't read and/or get my entire post. "If a player skillfully throws a grenade, the player should be able to equally skillfully dodge the grenade." Obviously, in the situations as you stated, the player is doomed, and because of seeing that, I will take the equally out of my statement. It will require a great deal of stupidity followed by a great deal of skill to get out of the situations you described alive. I'm not saying every player should be able to get out of every situation alive with their current skill. I'm saying they should be able to if they were the best player in the game. Obviously, if you are in a game against yourself, equal skill vs equal skill, the outcome of the game will obviously be either up to luck, or which player starts out with advantages.

    As a reply to your spoiler, I will never "kindly shut the f**k up" if you don't kindly tell me to do so. I'm disappointed that you would go through such lengths to insult somebody. You should receive an infraction, in my opinion. There was no flaw in my reasoning, you just didn't understand it.

    Cooking grenades:

    I can agree with what you said, I'm not exactly sure on my standing about grenade cooking.

    DMR vs AR:

    Obviously that is your standing on the matter, and how you are able to deal with the situation. I haven't been in that sort of situation before, so I won't say anything against it.

    Magnum vs AR vs DMR:

    I didn't express any opinions against or for the magnum, so I'm not sure if that comment is towards my post.
    #31 Random11714, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  12. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Long list incoming.

    I would make grenades only strong enough to take out shields (or kill an unshielded enemy), and remove or reduce the soft falloff.

    I would increase the amount of bloom spread on the DMR and the Needle Rifle due to the fact that you can still spam trigger and win. The only time shooting slower is rewarding is when your enemy is unshielded, or when you're at a long distance while still within red crosshair range.

    At close range, the bloom is not enough to miss the first 4 bodyshots (which is all that matters), and at long range, the one who shoots faster might miss once or twice, but will keep the other player from scoping in. The bloom at the moment is utterly pointless.

    I would make it so the concussion rifle doesn't push you with its explosions. If someone is just pounding down on you with it, you can't move AT ALL.

    I would completely remove the bloom from the sniper (it's pointless anyways, and the reticule is annoying).

    I would slightly weaken the AR or increase the bloom spread on it.

    I would make it so there is a cooldown time after armor locking. Locking each grenade or sword lunge is bullshit. Its effect on each game is way too significant, I don't think even that would be enough to make it fair.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and **** the grenade launcher. All it is is a grenade that can be detonated on command. It's ridiculous on Sword Base. "Pro pipe" my ass.
    #32 Chan, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  13. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    Honestly, Chan, you should really clean up your post to be less... how do I put this... don't curse so much?

    Second, I don't really agree with any of your points, but I understand your reasoning, mostly.

    Have you actually tried the grenade launcher yourself? It has earned itself the name "Pro Pipe" because it requires much more skill than a rocket launcher, or a grenade launcher from any other game.

    The bloom on the sniper is not pointless. It is there to increase the skill required to use it, because it is harder to follow the player with your reticule if you are constantly firing at them.

    I agree on your points about the concussion rifle.

    About the DMR, that's why you learn evasive maneuvers.
  14. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Maybe so. It's just particularly bad on Sword Base, due to the design of it.

    It is pointless because it doesn't even make your shots less accurate. Saying that is like saying that is like saying that the screen should go black if you shoot too fast. The HUD should never get in the way.

    So evasive maneuvers will negate trigger spamming? The bloom was added to add another dimension to gameplay, more strategy, but it hardly does that. Instead, what you have is inconsistent gameplay. Sometimes shooting slower is rewarding, and sometimes it is not, when it should be. It's good in theory, but it just doesn't work.
  15. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    You're right. In a normal situation, it won't make your shots less accurate. However, what it does, is it makes you less accurate. No, that is not like the screen going black, that would be unacceptable in a game, and it would disorient you much worse than reticule bloom. Also, HUD is always in your way to some extent. That's why in machinimas they will perform some trick to drop their weapon, or use the blind skull for campaign. However, for some odd reason, the blind skull isn't in Halo: Reach, if I recall correctly.

    Also, I haven't tested it, but I've heard that if you set up a game with sniper primary and bottomless clip, and just sit there firing for a while, as fast as you can, that you can eventually reach the fully bloomed reticule. I'm honestly not so sure about that, though.

    Evasive maneuvers work at longer ranges, mostly. When you say that trigger spamming shouldn't pay off, how far away are the two individuals in question when they are engaged in combat?
    #35 Random11714, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    If I could interject with one general point which has been repeatedly stated already (and rightly so), though apparently ignored even more so by numerous posters in here:

    Canon and logic is all very well, but when it comes to balancing a game, the effect on gameplay is and always will be more important. I for one would rather play a game that is fun because it is balanced than one which plays badly for the sake of 'making sense.'

    So before anyone else responds with arguments about how much damage nades should do based on the logic of them being explosive, or how much a Spartan punching you in the face should hurt (on that note, even if you do accept the premise of logic trumping balance, this is a dude who can flip a Scorpion tank in to the air, logically he should be able to punch through your face and out the back of your head if he wants), take a second to think about this point.

    Thank you for your time.
    #36 Pegasi, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  17. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    i dont really know if this is a change of weapon but more of a placing of weapon...

    i believe they need to MOVE the rockets in pinnacle onto banshee pad...this would give a FAIR start to rush rocks.....instead of one team spawning able to grab BOTH rocks and sniper....where as the other spawn team can ONLY grab snipe....unless the ninja rocks as they come thru tele...
  18. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Shooting slower only pays off when you are in the maximum red reticule range, when you're shooting at someone from far away (who is not shooting back), and on the last shot to kill (the headshot).

    Shooting as fast as you can pays off when you are close enough to walk up and beat-down, and when you are far enough that you must scope in.
  19. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    An AR would usually win that situation anyways, at least, from my experiences.

    If that were a problem that the vast majority of the Halo community saw, then maybe Bungie would change it.

    I'm thinking a way they could fix it would be to, instead of increasing reticule bloom, implement a kick. That way you have a combination of two factors that make aiming harder. However, a lot of players would become very angry if this happened.
    #39 Random11714, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2010
  20. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Maybe, but they haven't fixed Pinnacle yet, so who knows?

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