
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by What's A Scope?, Oct 29, 2010.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not My Style

    25 vote(s)
  2. OK

    15 vote(s)
  3. Average

    26 vote(s)
  4. Good

    35 vote(s)
  5. Great

    25 vote(s)
  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Created by rusty eagle

    Recommended Players: 2-10
    Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, Assault, KoTH

    Ideas never die, especially the good ones. Map ideas evolved within minds of forgers far before their full potential could be exhibited. As forge itself evolved, map design as a whole followed suit. The first edition of downloadable content for Halo 3 propelled map creation to the next evolutionary stage. For the first time, the community built full, custom maps. During this era, the construction of a humble map began under a name unbeknown to the majority. Not until forge took the greatest leap, in the time of Halo 3, did the idea excel and gain the recognition it deserved. But perhaps the ever-present, lessened limitations still barred the conception, being this map's predecessor, from living up to the maximum potential. The limits did not waver… until now.

    “Impound” is an adaptation of the now-classic Halo 3 one-versus-one map. The original map became innately famous due the map’s concrete layout and first-class gameplay during Forge Hub’s official Conflict Tournament. As game after game was played by competitors and spectators alike, the tourney map solidified itself among the ranks of the top Halo maps. The Halo: Reach version instantly gained success similarly to its predecessor. However, this one is a whole new beast!

    Rusty Eagle, the praised creator, expounded upon the small-sized style to the general favorite, being classic four-versus-four matches. The legendary forerunner architecture fills the map. The map's appearance is defined by sleek, steel-colored structures which are illuminated by the different piece colors, the translucent glass and the significant vibrancy that's created from the grassy hills and towering trees. In this environment, players find themselves in one of the most intricate and brilliant battlegrounds composed thus far in Halo: Reach.

    The evidence of extreme deliberation and overall knowledge of design appears throughout undeniably. Mr. Eagle certainly knows how to integrate the necessary aspect known commonly as height variation. A diverse setting comes from the multi-leveled establishment. Transitions, ranging from useful ramps to the cool, calm lifts, tie the loose ends and complete the map. Each part is necessary to the whole. However, the whole is worth so, so much more than the sum of its parts. On behalf of the Forge Hub Staff, I am excited to simply to present to you all: Impound.




    Download Impound

    You can view the original map thread by the author here.

    Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.

  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To be honest, I didn't enjoy this map as much in Reach as I did in Halo 3. The transition from asymmetry to symmetry didn't work too well to me.

    It's still a pretty good map, but not amazing.
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    what map was this in halo 3???? i cant figure it out? or i skipped some words :)
  4. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    I agree with AceOfSpades this map was better for me in Halo 3. Its a great map don't get me wrong its just that I had a look around and I still think that this was better in legendary HALO 3 so unfortunately I cant say the greatest for this map. Good job you did do an excellent job on this forge!
    #4 fluffyroks, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  5. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I'm not going to hammer the map for being terrible, because the gameplay was actually pretty solid. I am going to say, though, that maps incorporating Forgeworld's trees are starting to get a little cliche...
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Well, that incredibly positive review by Scope got me very pumped up. I thought one of my favorite Halo 3 maps was going to be back and better than ever. I download the map, get a quick 2v2 going with some semi-pro friends, and...Well, nothing overly interesting happened. After a review like that you'd think the map could cure cancer. Unfortunately, it doesn't live up to it.

    I have nothing against Rusty Eagle. He's a great guy and I have a lot of respect for him , but this just really isn't as good as some of the other maps I've played this week. In all honesty, I'm starting to wonder if Features are being awarded to maps that play without flaw and truly deserve it, or if it's just based on a "Everyone knows your name. Here ya' go" type of system.

    Please, don't flame me for my honest, legitimate opinion.

    Edit: Removed something about a mental blowjob.
    #6 Hogframe, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  7. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    I have to agree with the first half of Haris' comment. The review got me super excited to see what was up with the map. I ended up being disappointed. The map is good, certainly better than what I can do at the moment, and it's well forged, but I just don't like it very much. The layout is confusing for me. It's like it's symmetrical, but it's not. It's hard to explain. It also seems like there's just too much geometry. It's supposed to be a 4v4 map, but at any given point I usually can't see more than 30 feet in front of me. However, maybe it's just me. I also noticed a spot of lag when looking towards the middle sometimes.

    Overall, it's very well done, but I don't find it feature worthy. Definitely not worthy of the introduction. But the only thing that would be worthy of that kind of intro would be the second coming of Christ.
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    This is a very good map I must say. I like how you used the coliseum window to make it look like the light is shining through the trees. Very good variations in height. Although this has some laggage, it still deserved a feature as well as a download
    #8 cluckinho, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    According to the replies so far; it seems as if you took a wonderful map you made in Halo 3, and adapted it towards team based Reach gameplay.
    I'm sure this wouldn't even come close to working with anybody else, but you pulled off a feature -- yet again -- and that's why you're awesome, pulling off stuff nobody else can. Of course, you already knew that, you're Rusty Eagle! That's what you do!.

    Tl;Dr version:
    You're awesome, you pulled it off, and I'm glad to see you back in the groove of things.
  10. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    No surprise this was featured. I've seen quite a few great maps lately and this is easily one of them. Although, it's no surprise that the map's so good once you learn that it was made by Rusty.
    Congrats Rusty on the feature. I don't see this map leaving my hard drive anytime soon.
    #10 Chron, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  11. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Welcome to ForgeHub: It's not the map that gets featured, it's the creator. Which evidently, are only the staff. This map was already pretty much featured for Halo 3 seeing as it was a map for the 1 v 1 contest. There should be no reason as to why a "re-imagining" of a map should be "re" featured. This EASILY does not deserve a feature, but like I said before, it doesn't matter whether a map deserves it or not, it just depends on whether you are high up in the hierarchy of ForgeHub or not.
  12. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Good post. But inasmuch as I loathe the feature system on ForgeHub, there really isn't any way around the problem.

    To be fair, it's bound to happen on any website that deals in featuring user created content. On XForgery (where I push pencils), I've noticed certain users coming up in higher frequency than others in our weekly feature process. This could have something to do with the fact that they typically push out a new map every month, or that they are genuinely good forge artists who deserve the feature every time. But that's not on me, that's on everyone who votes, and I highly doubt that everyone who votes in our polls has played every single map that is in our top 5 vote. In the end, I would not be surprised if a significant portion of the votes aren't because they enjoyed the map (or even because they've played on it), but because they know that the person who made the map has gotten a lot of features before, and probably deserves another one now. Any time people are involved in a featuring process, or perhaps any time there is a feature process, people are going to gain momentum and establish themselves as good mapmakers in reputation. Once this reputation is established, it triggers more features, which fuels the fires of their mapmaking popularity. It's cyclical.

    Now I may be wrong about this, but it's my understanding that the feature process here on ForgeHub involves a pool of nominations made by either the community or the staff in an undisclosed location. From that pool, the staff somehow determines which maps are to be featured, and the sequence and frequency in which they are to be featured. Perhaps some clarity on how maps are featured would be in order, but in any case, it seems that the process does rely on human beings, who are prone to succumbing to the halo effect I outlined before. Now I imagine the majority of staff will deny that they chose this map to be featured only because it was the successor to a great map in Halo 3, but to deny that that had any part whatsoever in the decision would be an act of foolishness.

    Did Impound deserve to be featured? I don't know - I've never played it, and probably won't. Is it a good map? Given the fact that it was featured, I can say it's probably okay at the very least (okay enough to convince enough of the right people that it deserved the feature). Was there another map that should have been featured instead? Maybe. It's impossible for anyone to say, because no one has sampled the entire map selection offered on ForgeHub, so no one can really say if another map deserves it more. It's not good to deal in hypothetical situations around something like this, because that only leads to accusations, flame wars, and tension.

    The fact of the matter is that Impound was featured, and that we ought to congratulate rusty eagle on the achievement, maybe give it another download, and move on. And if you have a problem with the feature process on ForgeHub, there's a place to tell them about it.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to my cave called XForgery. We have cake there...
  13. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Forgehub features lots of community maps, heck that's how I got premium. I think the problem is that right now there is an abundance of Reach maps being made, and with Forge 2.0 the quality's improved so immensely that it's become quite hard to differentiate between the good and the bad, what's worthy of a feature and what's not. There's a new standard that's been set by Reach, and a lot of forging sites are still trying to find it. For now what they may be doing is taking the safer route of looking at what well-known Halo 3 forgers have done. That way you know it's going to be a quality map. If there's half as much time and dedication put into the map on Reach as they put into their Halo 3 ones, it's sure to be a winner. So they make sure they keep tabs on what the Halo 3 forgers have been up to, and see what's been getting the best feedback. If they like what they see they then put it up for staff discussion, and if all goes well it ends up on the front page. It's a reasonably fair system, and I'm sure as we all grow more comfortable with Reach, it'll become easier to pick out maps that are truly the best, and you'll see more community features.

    But as for going with work from Halo 3 forgers, it's at least a safe bet, and you'll be sure that you won't see any crap maps featured. And you know, for the amount of time and dedication they [the Halo 3 forgers] put into that game, I'd say they deserve it, if only just temporarily. Reach forgers will have plenty of time to shine, and I have a feeling that time is going to start very soon.

    Now onto Impound. I've played it, and enjoyed the layout and gameplay, but agree with the notion that trees incorporated into maps is fastly becoming over-used. I never played the Halo 3 version so it felt fresh and innovative for me. I would call it a good map, not great, but not bad either. I'm sure that there are other maps that are more deserving of a feature and recognition, but this wasn't a bad choice.
    #13 Mander, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  14. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Why have the last two maps that have been featured include trees and well known members. I can name five maps which look more appealing and look more feature worthy than this map. However, I don't doubt that this map plays well, but from first impressions I don't think I would ever play on it.

    On a side note, have the moderators looked any further than their own friends list and checked out the Reach Content Section? Theres some real diamonds there which are getting buried.
    #14 Spicy Forges, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I can name one map that plays better than five of your good looking maps: Impound

    From he moment rusty showed me Impound for the first time, I knew that it's going to be an awesome map. When posted it in the TG, I couldn't stop playing it, I even forgot to write my feedback. I only downloaded 10 maps so far, Impound is one of them and it is the only one that is sill on my hard drive. Thank you for Impund rusty
  16. Noble Powa

    Noble Powa Forerunner

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    I don't like this map

    ''Not my style''
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Coulda gone without the intro, quite honestly.
  18. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    This map looks great (considering I have not played the Halo 3 one) and I really like the aesthetics you (Eagle) put into it. My only pet peeve is that these walkways above the "courtyards" do not have any supports (I know it really doesnt matter) but I'm sure the gameplay makes up for it. I am noticing a trend here though... why have the Reach featured maps so far all been built around trees and nature? I guess people find it subliminally appealing.
  19. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Jesus, What's a Scope, think you can stop man-crushing on Rusty for just a minute to give a map feature post that's not covered in your drool and subject to your heavy petting?

    Of course it does! EVERY map looks like this! The only other option is to build a map completely out of rocks. (btw, I'm totally gonna give that a shot today in forge. :p )

    Okay, I like the map and everything, but intricate and brilliant? It's symmetrical! And not very complicated of a layout.

    Like I said, I do like the map, but I'm just LOL'ing at this feature post.
  20. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Scope does get really excited at times, guess this map was one of those times :)

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