WOOOOOO MY FOOTBALL TEAM IS 10-0!!!! Now we get to play the championships next thursday in TCU's stadium, and since we are top seed I think we get to use TCU's locker room. Sharing a locker room with the number 3 team in the nation, hell yeah.
Either you don't enjoy being called by name or you don't enjoy talking about yourself. Stouf, our team just played South Panola tonight. Got smashed.
We killed our rivals tonight 38-10, and they are somehow the number two in our division, so we are playing them again... And tonight we had as many penalties as the Dallas Cowboys, so next week we should own if we paly well...
You getting mad/annoyed/frustrated just makes me even more happy, and I know I'm doing a good job. Seriously why you get so mad that I don't take the internet seriously like every one else brah? Also, I'm ****ing with you stouf.
Once again, I don't get angry about affairs over the internet, unlike mr. *****-about-sarge-on-halo-to-camofo. I'm playing a videogame whilst doing this, it's not like I'm spending more than a second replying to idiotic banter.
you already understand your humor [or serious (ironic) lack thereof]. That's the first step! YouTube - The Jeffersons Season 1 Opening btw, the how does it work meme is one of the few I actually like.
really looking forward to getting a jerb. seriously I can spend at least $1500 dollars on things I currently want.
"Have you ever had sex with a pharoah? I put the p**** in a sarcophagus, Now she claiming that I bruised her esophagus" ~Kanye