No Hope Act 2: The Streets

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. HomeTheArmless v2

    Senior Member

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    "Love the look and feel of the map. Good job. But the gameplay worries me. whats to keep the humans from finding some area that easy to camp and just settling in? I have not yet playede the map, so maybe ill see youve adressed this issue."

    I've played this game multiple times, and can honestly say that no one has even considered doing this, much less acting upon that consideration. Maybe it's because I was playing with a good group of people, but I suspect that it has more to do with the limited ammunition supply and the 0% recharge on health. You need to move on to survive, period. That pretty much solves that problem. I still think you shouldn't get points for kills as humans though.
  2. izmatik

    izmatik Forerunner

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    nice map, the video looked really fun

    i know you probably dont have the budget left but you should replace stairs with an "elevator" =)

    YouTube - Forge Elevator base

    lol sry that may be a shameless plug but they would work well for what your tryin to do
    #42 izmatik, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  3. ZeroXFallen

    ZeroXFallen Ancient
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    I like this a lot. Very fun, definitely Left 4 Dead-esque. How exactly did you make the ladder?
  4. This map was amazing! I love to play it with large groups of friends. The fogring on this map looks amazing too, and thanks for creating this amazing map.
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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  6. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Played it with a few friends, and we all absolutely love it. Tense, exciting, and surprisingly fun for both sides.

    Whatever your next map is, it has to be a sequel to this.

    Kudos, man.
  7. Sjirr

    Sjirr Forerunner

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    So, I know that there is an objective that all players are supposed to make it to. However, if one were less concerned with making it to the boat, and more with surviving, one could jump from the top of where the non infected start onto the cliff and from there slide a majority of the way down, providing an excellent hiding spot until the end in which I am sure few people would ever look for. Other than that I have to agree with everyone else and just say this map is ingenious, especially the ladder system. I must go and reverse engineer that ladder.
  8. aydane225

    aydane225 Forerunner

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    so will there be an act 3?
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yes, there will be an Act 3 and 4 in the future.
  10. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    Sweeeet. I look forward to these.
    About Act 2, It is a solid and fun game, one that I have had only got to play limited times with a large group of people, which is where this game truly shines. I love the architecture of the city you created.
  11. barbaricspider

    barbaricspider Forerunner

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    I love everthing about this map, however, I suggest that you use soft kill zones that spawn periodically in the map as to push players through the map, if you want to avoid honor rules. I'm new to forge hub, but I have experimented with maps similar to your design (linear design with a goal at the end), and I have used kill zones that spawn a second or two before the timer in the custom game ends so that if they are not in the goal (in your case the boat), then they die, resulting in no surviving points for them. Of course I realize that if your map is longer and the custom game is set for any time higher than 3 minutes, this cannot be accomplished, but nevertheless. .... obviously this is just a suggestion, and your map is already extremely well made.
  12. The Night creed

    The Night creed Forerunner

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    What do you use for the Ladder?
  13. coyotemoon722

    coyotemoon722 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW. This map is SIIIICK! I love the feel of the tall walls and stark contrast, it definitely gives it a future-street vibe. The video more than sold me, I'm downloading this!
  14. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Ha ha you gave me my own theme music as the Tank in that video.
    Looking forward to act 3.
  15. Kealan 02

    Kealan 02 Ancient
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    I ran into the same problem when I played on it. As long as you can kill the zombies up until the point where the teleporter is blocked, there is no reason to leave the roof. The zombies can't get back up into the building because of the one way tunnel to ground level and the humans can stay on the top floor and shoot the zombies from above, whilst laughing at the players's team mates below getting slaughtered because they were playing the game properly.

    A simple solution would be that instead of the sender in the spawn room getting blocked, the receiver in the vent would be blocked instead and another receiver would spawn on the same channel on the roof for 60 seconds, before that sender was blocked off.

    Or the building could be blown up. just say'n.
  16. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    very nice, should be on mm because it is very good for promoting team play, which is what halo really needs atm
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yeah, I've been meaning to get this teleporter in at some point last week but have been kind of lazy :p

    I promise I'll do it next time I get online.
    What I have done for part 3 was erased off my HD... have to now start from scratch.
  18. EmoTimmi

    EmoTimmi Forerunner

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    I love the Map, and the Act 1: The Sewers too, but on this one, all the humans camp on the roof. =/ Thats no fun for the zombie's, mainly because of the teleporter block. I recommend going to fix that so there cannot be any campers. I was asked to fix that yesterday so i deleted the block. But Overall, the game is insanly fun with alot of people. Good Job. d-(^_^)z
  19. I Killed Kenny

    I Killed Kenny Forerunner

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    Thanks for these maps I just got done with Act II. Finally someone is going outside the box with forgeworld. It seems like every other map is just a floating structure. i just finished playing this with my buddies and it is wicked intense. keep it up for the next one and make it even harder!
  20. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    The Streets


    This is the second part of Rifte Gifle’s linear infection series. The first part (The Sewers) can be found on Halo 3 or Halo Reach and it is highly recommended you check either out.

    As the player begins the journey to the decrepit docks of Act Two in the No Hope infection campaign it becomes quite clear by about the second round that this is no cake walk. In fact, it’s more like walking on hot coal peppered with needles. Yes that’s right, this map is Hard and, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, teamwork is imperative in these kinds of infection maps. You can’t lone wolf it and expect to live because you won’t and even if you are god of headshots and make it pretty far into the map by yourself the tank will most certainly make short work of you. It is pretty much a given fact that if there are no more than three humans left by the time the tank rolls around then they will not survive.

    These are the kind of things that make good infection. If the zombies know what they are doing, The Streets becomes perilous very quickly considering that the zombies aren’t necessarily pushovers the humans must dish out a plethora of qualities amongst them to win the match and get to the boat. You must have the knowledge that something must be done in order to survive: It takes a will to survive, pure skill, a sense of teamwork, knowledge of the area, and straight-up luck for the humans to even have a chance to survive. Yes this may sound rather crude but it is the hard and simple truth. If you know how to play the map then you have the time of your life trying to survive on it (for as long as your life lasts at least).

    Long has passed since the days of Manifest (help’s on the Way, Right?) on Halo 3 that introduced this aspect of linear infection that in some senses revolutionized and rejuvenated it in our hearts, and other than sheer size, The Streets doesn’t stray far from this play style of: run to this point, hold out here, run to this point, hold out here, etc. and the best part is, to anyone who appreciates that style of gameplay, it’s still a blast to play today.



    One thing that tends to plague infection is the overwhelming lean towards the humans. This is, sadly, prevalent in even Matchmaking (since when zombies could somersault is beyond me anyway) and becomes very annoying for very many very quickly. Like it or not, players generally don’t spend all of their time as humans and any time the screen that reads, “Braaaiiiiiiiiins…” fades across the screen mumbles and grumbles can be heard. No one wants to be zombie for the simple fact that you are going to die, many times, and often without the satisfaction of ever taking anything with you.

    The No Hope gametype counters this depressed feel of the zombies by making them stronger (but manageable), befriending them with sprint, and the all-too-familiar teleporter quick access system. Using a combination of this new set of traits, zombies can coordinate fruitful attacks that can help add to their numbers and hinder human progress, and even if the peon zombies can’t manage, eventually the tank comes along to even things up for the zombies.

    Strangely, where the balance falls short in this game lies with the humans. For a game of this expanse, three or four hits simply feel like too little to be able to kill. Yes, there is health packs scattered about but even then there are usually only two a set and in a party of ten people that can be rather worthless. The health pack definitely adds to the element of survival and the scarce amount definitely added to the feel of desperation so I wouldn’t say increase the health packs, but perhaps increase human health just a smidge. The biggest downfall to the humans was something that ruined many games of this type back in Halo 3 and that is assassinations. However, in Halo 3, assassinations were hard coded and despite everything could still be performed, but in Reach can be turned off. Rifte opted to keep them in, and that coupled with no radar can make for a sour experience with the humans sometimes considering there is a lot of forward trekking and zombies generally emerge from behind. I’m not sure if this was changed in a later version of the game or was done so manually, but I did play a version where assassinations were turned off and it had an extremely positive result on the pace of gameplay. If it hasn’t been already, I’d recommend changing it. However, where just a couple things fall short a lot of it is more than made up for by a constant inflow of headshot weapons, health packs, and greater human numbers (at least at the beginning).



    In turns of escaping the map The Streets is actually breakable at the very beginning. The whole office building at the beginning can be skipped by jumping down onto an area below the roof then to the ground. Since fall damage is either repressed or gone neither of these semi-high jumps do any damage. I’d recommend fixing that to preserve the integrity of the game.

    Another issue on the roof is the immense amount of camping the humans do. As soon as they figure out they don’t necessarily have to go about into the map and can remain hermit crabs in their little shells they do, and considering that over time the teleporters block off further into the map it becomes increasingly frustrating for the zombies when they have to walk farther and farther to get to the roof again and eventually can’t at all. I’d say delete the block that spawns blocking the teleporters or spawn various kill-zones throughout the map that discriminate against camping. I’m actually not entirely sure if such a thing would work though because kill-zones have weird spawn times and may not exactly do what they are intended to do.

    There are definitely things that should be fixed to preserve the sanctity of this game. Right now honor is the only thing that keeps people playing right, and we all know how everybody is a saint.



    Another impressive aspect of The Streets is the attention to detail and the overall look. The entire map looks exceptional and two of the key pieces including the crashed chopper and the escape boat are entirely believable in the way they were built. The clever use of prefabricated building and other objects were main players in making this map look like a very urban environment ideal for zombie slaying.

    One complaint does fall in the fact that some areas seem dull which isn’t entirely the creator’s fault considering the palette we work with, and some areas just feel empty like when humans first emerge from the office building onto the ground. Other than that the forging is brilliant. There are no eye-sores, no misaligned objects, and not a speck of z-fighting in sight. It is clear that a lot of thought went into designing this map as space and objects were used wisely in an efficient and pleasing manner.

    While there wasn’t anything that could possibly make this unbelievably beautiful there were plenty of good looks and nice touches that gives this department a decent score.



    Sadly, where The Streets must take a turn in this review is here in Originality. As mentioned before, the No Hope campaign resides as a spiritual successor of Manifest. The linear point A to point B style of play is something most players are familiar with and aside from the things that are blatantly different between Halo 3 infection and Halo Reach’s there is truly no enough that sets this apart from Manifest and every other map like it that began exhausting the category.

    Sure the new mechanics in Reach helped in creating new elements that Manifest never could have had like health packs and ladders, but there simply wasn’t enough done to make this chapter stand out ahead gameplay wise and visually besides the name behind it.

    One of the biggest things that helps in the Originality category is the size of this map making Manifest and all others like it pale in comparison.



    I hate to leave on the super negative note in Originality because No Hope Act II: The Streets is a spectacular map that is definitely worth the play. It definitely isn't worth the 7.2/10 it averages out to be so using my majik RH powers I can make that score an 8.2 easily. With that, Go download it now if you haven't.


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